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Hextubewontallowme GulbuddinHekmatyar

Wanna know my ideology? / s

Anyways, I'm Gulbuddin Hekmatyar, the warlord of Afghanistan y'all love to hate

Posts 8
Comments 87
"CNN, Hey I fixed your headline for you"
  • This is like the size of one Chapter One of Vol. 1, Das Kapital... it still kicks ass and gets to the point on wages!

    tl;dr on main point: Chapter 2

    Chapter 2 talks mainly on this issue... Marx replies that when wages increase, at worst, prices in mostly non-essential sectors may increase, but prices for necessities like groceries stay, because as much as the capitalists in that sector may want to raise prices, there's a lot more new money to be used and spent on necessities, by the wage laborers

    Thus, the non-essential sectors won't gain that much profit and inevitably would have to level out with the capitalist's prices of necessities in that sector to a more reasonable price...

  • I'm confused... why do even Democrats seem conflicted on Kamala Harris as a replacement of Joe Biden?
  • Wait, so Dems seem to have like a majority support of her, that's news to me?

  • I'm confused... why do even Democrats seem conflicted on Kamala Harris as a replacement of Joe Biden?

    As far as I can tell, different faces, but same old, same old... I mean, literally anyone is better than Biden at the job, considering age...

    What do dems worry about her?

    Why is HD or 3D so impressive on a flat screen, but we walk around in real life with the highest definition possible and the most realistic 3D and it's completely mundane?
  • Well, if ye think about it from a perspective of recording things

    Most of our ancestors may have been able to look at things as it is, according to their eyes, but they've never seen it recorded in photos and videos, let alone in color or good quality, until these relatively recent centuries that we now live in...

    It gives a new perspective to the world around us, beyond our eyes, and is probably the closest we'd ever get from literally looking at someone else's point of view...

  • oneteen onety one
  • 1000 + 100 + 10 + 1

  • Does one have to be an iconoclast or revolutionary these days to be validly left? I consider myself to be left of center, and very much in favor of progressive policies.
  • Ye think slavery, worker rights, and decolonization was done merely by protests and by the mere will of liberalism?

  • Does one have to be an iconoclast or revolutionary these days to be validly left? I consider myself to be left of center, and very much in favor of progressive policies.
  • What a revolutionary progressive means to me

    I mean, to me, the most important of being revolutionary progressive are 3 tenets

    1. Anti-reaction/cultural progressivism (LGBTQ+ rights, affirmative action)

    2. Anti-neoliberalism (opposition to unequal exchange, privatization plans, etc) / scientific socialism (building a better society from the basis of previous economic systems, and transform it into something that not only benefits the proletariat but ends the root of it all; capitalism)

    3. Anti-imperialism/ mainly anti-western hegemony, in this context, but ye could oppose Russia and China from more ultra-left point...

    That being said, on force, yeah, it's probably necessary, especially for revolution, but let me be clear...

    Random terrorism/adventurism is not good...

    However, at least, if the right starts to assault PUBLICLY, now is time to probably arm your community and yourself up, just in case

    That is probably a time where ye need to organize your self-defense and not get purged a l'Indonesie (unless you're into losing)

    For now, ye could do mutual aid and political party organizing; anything that doesn't require violence is also as good, if not more productive, to your progressive aims...

    Or ye could just hide it out and avoid getting stepped on by others, whichever case ye want, tovarshi...

    Edit: welp, heh, well, since you found yourself as liberal, I think this is redundant... good luck, tovarshi....

  • Is cake a sort of bread?
  • Cake was bread historically

    I think all other dough-based dishes derive from bread really, since I believe it's the most basis dough recipe ye can make...

    Nowadays, my definition of modern cake = bread + defined-sweetness + fluffiness and softness

    My proof that cake was bread; look at pound cake, one of modern cake's forerunners, and tell me no one thought and baked it, thinking "how about bread, but more deluxe?"

  • Question: should we freeze speech or free speech?

    Apology for the last memes

    I apologize for the "We're all MAGA {when we condemn the attempt on Trump}" meme.... it wasn't even a meme, just headline of some conservative rag called "The Spectator"

    But don't say it out loud
  • I'd say I have no mixed feelings...

  • Today we're all MAGA on this day, when we condemn the attempt on Trump
  • Gladly I will, I should delete this post...

  • Today we're all MAGA on this day, when we condemn the attempt on Trump
  • No. We may all be Americans, but MAGA is an alt-right hateful term, and I will never align myself with that.

    We can align as Americans and condemn violence, but that means condemning all violence.

    / seriously Well, have ye heard of the term "chickens coming home to roost"? I think that's what Trump had coming for him, I guess...

  • What comes to mind if someone uses the term "deeply unserious"?


    Why is there no global language that at least nearly half the world speaks (3.5 billion, I'm talkin', including non-native speakers)

    Is the Tower of Babel still affecting us or something?


    We have 8 billion people, yet the best we could muster for the most total speakers of a language is under 2 billion, including non-natives...

    > 1. English (1,452 million speakers) > First language: 372.9 million > Total speakers: 1.4+ billion > According to Ethnologue, English is the most-spoken language in the world including native and non-native speakers.,English%20(1%2C452%20million%20speakers)&text=According%20to%20Ethnologue%2C%20English%20is,native%20and%20non%2Dnative%20speakers.


    Speaking of euphemisms, do you guys know of any common dysphemisms?

    Here's an example from me

    If you want to de-normalize a nation's state/government, call them


    a regime ___

    Other examples include: hospital --> loony bin

    Edit: the more I think about it, the more I realize dysphemism are insults?


    Why do people say "Catholics and Christians" in (USA) when Catholics are also Christians, as if they refer to it as a different religion.

    Is this some sort of remnant of evangelical puritan protestant ideology?

    I don't understaun this.

    If you ask me, it'd make as much sense as Orthodox and Christians.... or Shia and Muslim...

    I know not all Christians are Catholics but for feck's sake...

    They're all Christians to me....


    It's a U.S thing but this is the sort of things I hear...

    > I am a Catholic. Why should I consider becoming a Christian?

    I now know more distinctions (apparently Catholicism requires duty and salvation is process, unlike Protestantism?) but I still think they're of a similar branch (Christianity) so I just wonder the social factor


    Does anyone else get inbox fright?

    If stage fright is the fear that one has, when performing

    Then inbox fright is the fear/dread I have, when it comes to getting replies or reactions, after I post...

    Especially if its related to political content

    You never know if you're going to pulled into a struggle session over something and sent nasty messages, overall


    Thoughts on movie recap channels?

