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HerrVorragend HerrVorragend
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Comments 276
  • Arms of Arnold Schwarzenegger and Carl Weathers

  • Putin warns South Korea: Sending killer weapons to Ukraine would be a ‘big mistake’
  • South Korea will now only send weapons that maim and terrify.

  • 1990 - 2005 Gaming Build
  • Oh the memories...

    LucasArts Adventures

    US Navy Fighters



    Need For Speed 1 & 2

  • Wer hat was gewählt?
  • Wellenreiten am Württembergstrand > Ostdeutschland

  • Sergio Perez extends contract with Oracle Red Bull Racing for 2 years
  • And the crowd goes mild...

    Someone, anyone, else would have maybe shaken things up a bit.

  • Neues Wochenendticket?
  • 10 Euro Wochenendticket, wann?

  • Why are German young people so easily seduced by AfD's ideas?
  • Now you are just misinterpreting my points and starting to sound silly.

    Refugees and migrants are two different groups. Migrants are long term residents. Refugees are not.

    The fact that it is common does not mean it is a good practice.

    IF there was decent AI translation, the whole issue would not be existant, would it?

    I am quite happy to be able to discuss with you in a foreign language, without the help of AI. It means I am independent, which is a kind of freedom that, to me, belongs to feeling human.

  • Why are German young people so easily seduced by AfD's ideas?
  • Whilst I agree with some of your points, the notion that Europe "may be bad at migration" and being "shit" to others whilst protecting their culture comes of as uninformed at best and holier than thou preachy at worst.

    No one is under the illusion that a migrant has to speak perfectly. But they should be competent enough to function in order to integrate into the society.

    I have plenty of experience in my social circle where this is not the case. Those people rely on friends and family when it comes to simple tasks such as doctor appointments.

  • Why are German young people so easily seduced by AfD's ideas?
  • Concerning the language issue, it does not matter that a language is "globally niche".

    If people want to migrate to a specific country long term, the spoken language has to be learned to become a member of society and prevent the forming of parallel societies.

  • TNG as NuTrek
  • This reads like a horrible idea. The new series is doomed to fail!

  • Kündigung nach Hitlergruß auf Sylt
  • Klingt intolerant

  • Kündigung nach Hitlergruß auf Sylt
  • Hmmm... jetzt tausch das Wort "Nazi" mal beliebig gegen "Kommunist" oder "Christ" aus, und schau wie gefährlich, totalitär und hirnverbrannt Deine Forderungen sind.

    Diese Personen gehören bestraft, aber solche extremen Maßnahmen gehören nicht in eine moderne freiheitliche Demokratie.

  • Ric Flair wooo-ing in a blind granny's face, while out for pizza.
  • The Nature Boy wearing two watches, because he can!

  • Verkehrswende in Städten: Die Poller-Politik
  • Das mit dem Lärm kann ich schon verstehen.

    Autolärm kann man ausblenden. Laute Gespräche und schreiende Kinder eher nicht.

  • Kritik an propalästinensischen Protesten an deutschen Hochschulen
  • Den Aussagen der ganzen Politiker im Bericht nach zu urteilen, ist eine differenzierte Sicht auf den Konflikt scheinbar nicht möglich.

    Wirklich schade.

  • Eurovision expresses disappointment over performer wearing pro-Palestinian symbol
  • Only because those 90% are not allowed to compete /s

    For real though, a similar worldwide system would be interesting to watch, I am sure.

  • What foods and drinks would you buy more often if money was not an issue?
  • Expensive liquor. Gin, Whiskey, Rum. I would try all the premium stuff.

    Also, high quality organic meat only.