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Halogen2744 Halogen2744
Posts 2
Comments 4
From the CEO of Mastodon: What to know about Threads
  • 100%. The open and public nature of the fediverse is something everyone should be considering every single time they post on a federated platform. I don't want to federate with meta because ew , but it would be absurd to think that a public platform like this isn't gonna get scraped to hell anyways.

  • Haven't touched reddit since July 1st
  • True enough. I'm just a young lad who grew up in the age of social media centralization, so this is my first real platform migration.

  • Haven't touched reddit since July 1st
  • It hurts to lose everything we had, but leaving is the only way to have better platforms in the future.

  • We're halfway through the year. How many books have you read so far and are you on track for your goal? Favorite books so far? Least favorite?
  • I've not read nearly as many books as I would've liked so far this year (four total, five if you count the graphic novel Maus). I just finished Cloud Atlas by David Michell (highly, highly recommended) and now it's on to Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace. I read a bit of Atlas Shrugged out of curiosity as well and that book squarely holds down this year's 'least favorite' position for the moment. It's clear that I'm not the demographic that Ayn Rand is writing for. I don't have any releases I'm particularly looking forward to, but I'll be shamelessly stealing everyone else's ideas from this thread.

  • 196 Halogen2744

    Consequences of the industrial rulevolution

    196 Halogen2744

    Generate content rule
