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Haggunenons Haggunenons

Whereas most races are content to evolve slowly and carefully over thousands of generations, discarding a prehensile toe here, nervously hazarding another nostril there, the Haggunenons would have done for Charles Darwin what a squadron of Arcturan Stunt Apples would have done for Sir Isaac Newton.

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Scientists uncover auditory “sixth sense” in geckos

0 Sound provides new information about the secret lives of sperm whales • MBARI

MBARI’s acoustic technology has revealed that sperm whales are more common offshore of California than previously believed, and has provided new evidence for seasonal migrations in this top predator of the deep sea.

Sound provides new information about the secret lives of sperm whales • MBARI
0 Tiny fish found to have sophisticated self-awareness only ever seen in some humans

Tiny fish found to ‘check its body size in the mirror before getting into fights’

Tiny fish found to have sophisticated self-awareness only ever seen in some humans
0 Treehoppers secretly communicate by making plants vibrate

Treehoppers communicate using plant vibrations. Cocroft’s research reveals their fascinating communication and ecological role.

Treehoppers secretly communicate by making plants vibrate
Bioacoustics Resources
  • Thank you! I really appreciate that!

  • Yes, dogs understand words from soundboard buttons, study finds

    0 Israeli researchers discover that marmosets use vocal tags to identify themselves

    Israeli researchers discover that marmosets use vocal tags to identify themselves

    Israeli researchers discover that marmosets use vocal tags to identify themselves
    0 AI Transforms Environmental Monitoring And Animal Communication

    AI isn't just reshaping our digital world; it's also playing increasingly bold roles inside the ecosystems of our planet. Through innovations like acoustic monitoring,…

    AI Transforms Environmental Monitoring And Animal Communication
    0 Exploring the impact of wind turbines on wildlife: risks and solutions for sustainable energy - The National

    In recent years, various discussions have emerged about the potential effects of wind turbines on wildlife. As we strive to find sustainable energy sources,

    Exploring the impact of wind turbines on wildlife: risks and solutions for sustainable energy - The National
    Kids and Animal Side Kicks
  • How have you done this? These are great!

  • Crackles, clicks and pops – now we can monitor the ‘heartbeat’ of soil

    By listening to the “heartbeat” or soundscape of soil, we can learn more about its condition. Think of poor soil as a lifeless party. Healthy soil is where you’ll find the good vibes and chatter.

    Crackles, clicks and pops – now we can monitor the ‘heartbeat’ of soil
    0 Book review – Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication

    Why Animals Talk is a highly stimulating and thought-provoking exercise in trying to understand animals on their terms and decentering the human experience.

    Book review – Why Animals Talk: The New Science of Animal Communication
    0 Animals Can Work Together, and Here Are a Few Notable Examples

    What animal cooperation can teach us about our similarities and differences as species.

    Animals Can Work Together, and Here Are a Few Notable Examples
    0 Effects of a veterinary functional music-based enrichment program on the psychophysiological responses of farm pigs | Scientific Reports

    Intensification of swine production can predispose pigs to chronic stress, with adverse effects on the neuroendocrine and immune systems that can lead to health problems, poor welfare, and reduced production performance. Consequently, there is an interest in developing tools to prevent or eliminate ...

    2 Surprising Mimics in the Animal Kingdom

    Some amazing animals have astonished scientists by mimicking human speech—animals you would not typically suspect.

    Surprising Mimics in the Animal Kingdom
    0 Remarkable study reveals if we will be able to talk to aliens if we met them

    People are anticipating extrateresstrial life and have no idea how communication would unfold but recent studies have intriguing opinions

    Remarkable study reveals if we will be able to talk to aliens if we met them
    End of an era: Nova Launcher's parent company lays off practically everyone
  • I loved Nova, but a couple of years ago, I found AIO, and it just blew nova out of the water for me. I look around to see if anything better comes along, but so far, I've not seen anything that gets close to AIO for me. It is so customizable, everything on one vertical scrollable screen, email, notifications, calendar, apps, weather. I absolutely love it!

  • How do dolphins, whales and other cetaceans communicate with each other?

    THE cetaceans (placental aquatic mammals that include whales, dolphins, killer whales, porpoises, narwhals and belugas) represent a large group of marine mammals, whose in-depth study has allowed us to understand more about intraspecific communication methods, ways and strategies of action and relat...

    How do dolphins, whales and other cetaceans communicate with each other?
    0 Meet Apollo: the record-breaking TikTok parrot with the intelligence of a human toddler

    TikTok star Apollo the talking parrot smashes record for most objects identified in three minutes. Find him in Guinness World Records 2025.

    Meet Apollo: the record-breaking TikTok parrot with the intelligence of a human toddler
    2 "Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough" Documentary on Netflix: Unveiling the Symphony of Animal Communication

    "Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough" is a documentary miniseries directed by Bridget Appleby, Gemma Brandt, and Rebecca Hart. It is hosted by David

    "Secret World of Sound with David Attenborough" Documentary on Netflix: Unveiling the Symphony of Animal Communication
    0 Why Wild Animals Talk and What They're Saying to One Another

    In his new book, Arik Kershenbaum discusses communication and sociality, including the majestic howls of wolves, chatter of parrots, melodic clicks of dolphins, and grunts of chimpanzees.

    Why Wild Animals Talk and What They're Saying to One Another
    0 AI decodes Sperm whales’ complex ‘phonetic alphabet’

    Researchers discovered previously unknown structures in sperm whale communication similar to human language by analyzing whale sound recordings with Artificial Intelligence (AI).  The researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Cetacean Translation Initiative (CETI) repo...

    AI decodes Sperm whales’ complex ‘phonetic alphabet’
    Interspecies Communication: Talking to Your Dog Will Soon Be a Possibility
  • I think most people would be really surprised by what has already been uncovered. For example, prairie dogs have had their communication decoded to the point where we can identify adjectives, nouns, and verbs. We can tell if a prairie dog is seeing a person in a red shirt or a person in a white shirt.

  • Interspecies linguistics
  • For anyone interested, we have a community about this! [email protected]

  • Scientists figure out the elephant word for "let's go"
  • That's interesting, I was always taught that the hearing range of humans was 20hz-20kHz. Is it more of a body vibration or actually hearing at 10hz?

  • Scientists figure out the elephant word for "let's go"
  • I don't think an audio file would do much good unless you are an elephant or a similarly sized(with. Few exceptions) animal. It's infrasonic, so the only way to hear it would be to shift it up to our hearing range which would be a different sound. Elephants do make sounds we can hear, of course, but a lot of their communication is super long distance, which is really only realisticly doable with extremely low sounds.

  • Chimps take turns while chatting, just like humans
  • My understanding is that 14% of the time that a chimp made a gesture to another chimp, there was a gesture used as a response. The result of this would be that there are not many long conversations happening with gestures, but like the paper said, they did see one that went on for 7 rounds.

    Many animals do use call and response in communication, but long back and forth conversations are quite rare. Whales of some species have especially long back and forth communications. Sometimes, even for over an hour at a time, they will float near the surface and go back and forth, making sounds to each other. There was even a study earlier this year where humans had a 10+ minute back and forth with a humpback whale named "Twain". The conversation was essentially both sides going back and forth, claiming to be Twain.

    Sperm whales also have long, distinct back and forth conversations. They have even been found to have certain types of calls that, when made by the dominant individual, indicate that the conversation is coming to an end. They have not decoded the meanings of their calls yet, but they have very complex structures that resemble human language in many ways. They have small units that are location/tribe dependent(think accents) that are combined into larger units that follow fairly predictable rules.

  • The Code
  • I've not tried much, but it has worked for me from a normal Gmail address.

  • How Your Brain Knows if a Sound Is Music or Speech
  • Maybe you would enjoy this radiolab podcast if you haven't heard it before.

    We'll kick off the chase with Diana Deutsch, a professor specializing in the psychology of music, who could extract song out even the most monotonous of drones. (Think Ben Stein in Ferris Bueller. Bueller ... Bueller ...)

    For those of us who have trouble staying in tune when we sing, Deutsch has some exciting news—the problem might not be your ears, but your language. She tells us about tone languages such as Mandarin and Vietnamese which rely on pitch to convey the meaning of a word. Turns out, speakers of tone languages are exponentially more inclined to have absolute—aka 'perfect'—pitch. And, nope, English isn't one of them.

  • Bunny the 'talking' dog's owner says the skepticism from the scientific community hurts the most
  • If it requires a combination of an especially clever dog and a human that is willing to give an especially large amount of attention, then it may be tough to get enough controlled and studied instances of it happening in order for it to meet rigorous scientific standards. If this is the case, then I wonder if some sort of a setup that involves a private AI dog tutor that can give endless attention and is able to expertly watch and read the animal would be able to eventually help the dog make significant progress with a large enoughbl number of dogs to really have evidence one way or the other.

  • $10m prize launched for team that can truly talk to the animals
  • This looks neat! I don't remember it at all, Thanks!

  • $10m prize launched for team that can truly talk to the animals
  • Oh yeah! These things are great. We've had a few posts in here about them. I know some people debate whether or not the dogs really understand what they are doing. Sometimes people will say that they are just filming so much and sharing the most impressive videos. I don't know though, there are certainly some really convincing ones.

    I wonder if anyone is working on any sort of AI tutor for dogs with this idea.