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Am I the only one watching the Olympics opening ceremonies? Because WTF am I watching?
  • It's France. If it weren't some weird avant-garde art statement, people would probably be disappointed.

  • Be still my beating tastebuds
  • Seems more like sociopathic guac.

  • Outdated
  • Sorry. Didn't mean to get anyone's hope up, but I actually got rid of it a couple decades ago. There really didn't seem to be much reason to keep it at that point. Good luck. I hope you manage to find one.

  • What Are Some TV Shows Based On Popular Movies You Didn't Know Existed?
  • National Lampoon Animal House. It was called Delta House, but had some of the same characters and actors from the movie. I was so upset when it got cancelled that teen me even wrote a letter of complaint to the network.

  • Outdated
  • I need to contact Sourhwest and see if they want to upgrade to my old Commodore 128 that I've got around here somewhere.

  • British cuisine is like...
  • When I was a kid, buttered plain white bread was great, but as an adult, not so great anymore.

  • It doesn’t matter, VOTE
  • To run for President, yes. Bur, there are plenty of other offices they could run for at the local and state levels.

  • Gray Hair Cost Her Her Job! - Wyeth's Sage & Sulphur - 1930s.
  • I'm sure the rotten egg smell from the sulfur can be easily disguised with Wyeth's pig bladder and cream Scent Coverer, also at your local druggist.

  • Classic
  • For enough latinum, you could probably rent Quark by the minute.

  • Classic
  • Quark has holosuites for rent by the hour.

  • The longer you look, the worse it gets
  • Or he's wearing one REALLY crusty pair of underwear.

  • Trump Amplifies Calls to Jail Top Elected Officials, Invokes Military Tribunals
  • You may want to check up on the news from New Zealand, things are getting rough there too.

  • Please vote
  • No, he hasn't. He's always been slower and more measured in what he says because he used to be a stutterer, so he comes across less strong in his speech, but it's his actions that matter much more.

  • Please vote
  • I think it's more insane to say that Biden doesn't have a chance against Trump when he's already beaten Trump once, which is why he's President Biden.

  • Misplaced Faith in Racist Ignorance
  • So, basically the Republican party.

  • One thing the fandoms can agree on.

    To help contribute, here's the only meme I've ever done, which I did in response to news that Abrams was working on a new ST movie. And after seeing how well the franchise is going with SNW and LD, I feel it's even more appropriate.


    Does anyone else think that RTD is bringing back Donna to headline a new Torchwood?

    We all know that RTD considers Torchwood as his special property, and that he can't hire Barrowman again, since Barrowman's on the BBC "Do Not Hire" list, so it would make sense to bring The Doctor Donna in to be their alien expert. I mean obviously they'll come up with some reason why her being with the Doctor doesn't make her brain fry, so there's no reason to not bring her into Torchwood.

    It may not even be Catherine Tate, as part of keeping her brain from becoming scrambled may involve making her regenerate, so it could be an all new face, and actress, for Donna on Torchwood.

    What do you all think?


    Any news from Pinball Expo?

    I couldn't attend this year, so what's the news from the expo? New Pin manufacturers? New Tables?


    I'm sure you're all wonderful people, but how can I play the game without encountering anyone else?

    The game is supposed to be an ominous and foreboding ARPG, and instead I run across BgButzzzz6nine, or I start moving towards some creatures on the other side of my screen, and before I've taken two steps some Necromancer and undead horde come buzzsawing through the area like a scythe, and I have to try and find someplace where I can actually kill things. The isolated feel was a key point of the game, and added to the ambiance and feel of the game. Now, I can't go 2 minutes without getting that immersion ruined by some random intrusion by another player. Is there some way to not be surrounded by other people while playing the game?
