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GramrgednAngel Grammargeddon Angel

Karen S. Conlin, Owner of Grammargeddon LLC Editing Services. Based in Illinois (Winnebago land). Professional opinionated old bat. Serving indie authors of SFF, weird fic, histfic, and horror (other genres considered!).

Professionally irreverent and irreverently professional

Details available at

Occasional MS reviewer for University of Chicago Press

Nominally Mahayana ☸️ Buddhist

profile pic: a white woman with short silver hair, wearing glasses

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Well, no . . . the terrain isn't slow moving. It's terrain. It exists without moving except via tectonics or rock slides or what have you.

It's not the terrain, but rather the progress through it that's slow moving. (This is the kind of thing I'll come back to later. No need to leave myself a note; it's clearly problematic.)
