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Gott Gott
Posts 3
Comments 10
Dual channel FW3A: 2x 519a, 1x UV, and RGB aux
  • Where did you get the reflector for the uv and what size is it. I'm looking for some for some mods.

  • Question about Olight specs
  • Ya, it's just based on time. If the battery is low enough it will throttle from that sooner. I'm pretty sure switching back to high mode resets the timer until temperature or battery voltage starts contributing to throttling. I could be wrong on that, I don't use my olights super often.

  • Question about Olight specs
  • It abruptly steps down. It is solely dependent on the timing also, so it will always step down exactly the same.

  • Here's a picture of my Subaru.
  • Thanks. I have a lot of fun with it.

  • It is a gift
  • Where can I get this?

  • Spider average
  • If I did the math right a single dude would have to eat a little under 165 million spiders a day to up the world wide average to 8 per year.

  • What is a good general purpose laptop on the market right now?
  • I was going to say this. I don't really need a new laptop but might get one when they release their gaming laptop and give my current one to my brother or something.

  • Metal Gott

    Dethklok's new song

    New Dethklok song. There's also a release date for the album and movie, August 22, 2023. There's a link in the video description for pre-ordering the album too.

    2022 Frontier at Redcone Pass
  • That looks like an awesome trail.

  • Offroad Gott

    Finally an Off-Road community.

    I misjudged how deep the rut was and ended up stuck between the banks. It drove out okay but I totally thought it was going over while I was doing it. The rear right tire dropped down like 6 more inches and the front left lifted off the ground about a foot to foot and a half from this point. Also found out the seat belts lock when you're tilted this much so I couldn't put it back on when I got back in.


    Here's a picture of my Subaru.

    Trying to be more active here than on reddit. It's not the prettiest but it's fun. This is the day I got it.

    Welcome to /c/offroad
  • What are the restrictions on picture file size and resolution? I found this community and was trying to post a picture of my 4Runner but it won't upload. Or if you have a suggestion for a platform to upload the pictures to to link here. Thanks for making and modding the community.