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Trump Set to Install Anti-Union Attack Dog as Director of Key Labor Office 5 0
So many union votes went to this man.
I hope the thought of having stopped a qualified woman of color keeps these union members warm when they lose working wages.
In a leaked recording, State Senator Elena Parent (D-42) said she’d vote for Republican transgender healthcare bans because trans rights are too “unpopular." 4 0
Goodness, I hope my basic human rights don't become too unpopular.
The Trump administration has no plan for Gaza other than supporting Israel’s perpetual war 1 1
I thought Trump announced a plan of genocide to allow for his fantasy of bearded belly-dancers per the video he posted.
Everyone knows that limiting meat is good for the environment. But how often do we talk about selection within plant based diets, like the problematic issue with almonds 4 0
Yes, chocolate and coffee are more carbon intensive than poultry. That said, meats still make up 56% of GHG in the diet including plant agriculture feedstock and are outsized contributors to heart disease.
As a result, I would start there and optimize for plants later.
what's the easiest way to see if I can afford to move out? 1 0
- Track what you eat over a week.
- Go pretend grocery shopping for those items and add up the costs.
- If you want to save money, learn to cook and buy staples (rice, pasta, pinto beans) in bulk. Just ensure you have insect-proof containers for them.