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Missing Titanic sub crew believed to be dead, tour company says
  • A shocking development considering they took a submersible with a viewport rated for 1,300 meters to the Titanic which is at 4,000 meters. 🤔

    The critiques from Mr. Lochridge and the experts who signed the 2018 letter to Mr. Rush were focused in part on what they characterized as Mr. Rush’s refusal to have the Titan inspected and certified by one of the leading agencies that do such work.

    Mr. Lochridge reported in court records that he had urged the company to do so, but that he had been told that OceanGate was “unwilling to pay” for such an assessment.

  • The rich pressuring the poor to donate money
  • First, please don't link to Reddit...

    Many Of The Largest Charities In America Are Giant Money Making Scams

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
  • And the underlying problem is capitalism itself. There's nothing wrong with making money. But capitalism is based on the pursuit of infinite growth and profit, which of course is impossible, which means that every capitalist enterprise is doomed to follow the same predicable path of enshittification and eventually collapse.

    Capitalism is a plague on society—a malignant cancer on humanity.

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
  • Facebook is a repository for aging, red-cap-wearing boomers. Meanwhile, Meta is focusing all efforts on Instagram, which becomes shittier by the day as they attempt to transform it into whatever competing service is most successful—currently TikTok.

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
  • Meta is a cesspool. Financial success ≠ good for end users.

  • Reddit Goes Nuclear, Removes Moderators of Subreddits That Continued To Protest
  • Hence why capitalism* sucks.

    *Not to be confused with commerce.

  • Apollo app creator, u/iamthatis redditor, fellow apple fan boy Christian Selig has released text of all communication he has had with Steve, insert[everything is fine.gif], Huffman CEO and f-u/spez of
  • I don't think it's appropriate to refer to Selig as a "fan boy". I assume this wasn't intended in a derogatory way, but that's how that term is typically perceived.