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Franz Franz

Ungehemmte Freude, offene Kommunikation, respektvoller Umgang. Das Hirn fickt besser als die Hose. Deine Lust ist meine Lust. Spielkamerad.

Session 05923e556cce1684b3cd13cb680a2491068c2097c13bf855f4e49cebba71053256

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Comments 3
What is your most erogenous zone, other than your penis or vagina?
  • @Keepthoseeyeslockedonmine

    The spot on the neck below the ears.

    The little depression at the end of the spine - at the beginning of the crack in the butt.

    The brain.


  • Name something irrational that can instantly make you desire someone (i.e. not generic looks, personality or obviously sexual features)...
  • @Keepthoseeyeslockedonmine

    Women with ponytails or other braids.

    Women who leave out jewelry and perfume (because they know I like that).


  • Fans of sexual humiliation, what's your favourite, in fantasy or reality?
  • @Keepthoseeyeslockedonmine @asklemmynsfw

    To put the woman as sub on display. In reality, because you can adapt this to the respective situation and increase it.