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Franfran2424 Franfran2424
Posts 31
Comments 45
Okay, so how does making a website work?
  • except javascript stuff.

  • Open genocide denial in YouTube comments
  • Youtube is a cesspool, and people who can spend big parts of their time there are indeed young people mostly.

    I spend like 3-5h a week on it, mostly on historical videos.

  • Why the Soviets rarely discussed the Holocaust
  • Thats actually wrong. 6 million jews died.

    At least 26 million soviet people died, between soldiers and civilians (including some jews). If all jews were soviet (they werent), it would be 20 millon soviets to 6 million jews.

    The genocide attempt on the soviet people remains largely forgotten. 26 million died of 196M, and 14M were in the armed forces by the end of the war. 13% died, 7% was ready to fight. Everyone who lived through WW2 has more than one family member or family friend who died or served.

  • Why the Soviets rarely discussed the Holocaust
  • To be clear, the first people killed in extermination camps were socialists. Not jews. The first to be prosecuted were socialists, not jews.

    The west decided to focus on jewish people due to the degree of extermination achieved by nazis, and because they hated socialism and didnt want them to be seen as victims, but as evil.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • "I know the time of US dominance have reduced leftist movements to obscurity and resulted in the worst liberalization and monopolisation, but we must keep doing thingss that keep the US in power and screwing us"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They havent TAKEN audits since decades.

    They NEVER PASSED their audits

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • exo-skeleton, my autocorrect changed my word

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • Call it by its name. They are salty.

    The ocean flavor can be achieved with dry algae put on water.

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • neither have exo-skeleton, and dolphins are mammals, they give birth to already formed animals insted of laying eggs.

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • sardines dont have exoskeleton. they have scales as their skin, and a verterbral column we call spine.

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • Some people dry them and grind them into powder. Quite tasty actually.

  • Scrimps?🍤
  • I do.

  • [old] Why my Twitter logo look like this?
  • for real. bird was fine.

  • Ukraine rejects ancient german tanks due to them breaking down.
  • Not like Brazil will need much more than Leo 1 for their neighbours.

    Venezuela? Naval+air war and maybe infantry warfare on the rainforest? Not tanks, that is for sure. Also, fighting for jungla.

  • Why my Twitter logo look like this?

    Capitalist press moment
  • 1st one was from the era when USA was hiding tiananmen protests under the rug in the hope china would become liberal.

  • 5,000 presumed dead due to flooding in Libya | Peoples Dispatch
  • What happens when you destroy the country and start a civil war, so they cant prevent damage or limit it.

    Also, no money for them, more billion to ukraine

  • Look at this dope ass metro station
  • ugliest moscow station be like:

  • 'The PPSH-41, German Ubermenschen Reducer'
  • Papashas are literally the icon of drum magazines.

  • rule


    Who represents islam? Maybe the Communist Party. - Technically a MemriTV meme but whatever, cope.


    Need memes and serious articles on how imitating China or going socialist is the best way to eliminate poverty worldwide, for a serious presentation on Sustainable Development Goals

    Got a week, give me your best memes, I can probably find proper argumentation for the serious part on my own.

    If you have any socialist template for a presentation, do share too.


    Today, Russian Foreign Ministry says "Russia will never forget Odessa events of 9 years ago, will punish those responsible" and expressed its indignation at the lack of any probe into the incident. Russia 'will never forget' Odessa events of 9 years ago, will punish those responsible

    The ministry expressed its indignation at the lack of any probe into the incident

    Russia 'will never forget' Odessa events of 9 years ago, will punish those responsible

    MFW its workers day, bakery is closed, and I need to go walk for bread a long while.

    Assad taking a walk to the market.


    Eagle of Saladdin reincarnated - Crow removing the Zionist flag goes viral

    cross-posted from:

    > Isn'treali journalist commented on a video that has gone viral recently of a crow removing the Zionist flag by saying that "G-d is undoubtedly hinting something to us, just not sure exactly what."


    Sunak: Back Brexit deal or face united Ireland


    2023_03_26, Map by Suriyakmaps: Artemovsk North, Wagner advances over cement factory and near Omega mini-hotel

    The battle of omega mini-hotel begins


    Bakhmut Piraña


    Krasna Gora taken by pro-DPR forces.

    Source - suriyakmaps


    Syrian rebels when deciding how to pick their simple name for their group and for their solid alliances, pictured


    Who must go - Jacinda Ardern


    Iraqi baathist vs syrian baathist


    USA mad at socialists with nukes


    USA relation with "dictatorships"


    Battle of Severodonetsk - ukrainian nonsense claims?

    12.5k enemies fighting according to ukraine, 31k enemies killed/injured according to ukraine. I swear, they cant stop making numbers up.


    Who must go? Bolsonaro - elections edition


    Who must go? Al-BagDaddy edition


    Ranking politicians by greatness
