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Flying_Lynx Flying_Lynx
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Comments 6
X Is Reportedly Selling Inactive Usernames For $50,000
  • Hmm. Interestingly enough, it's about the same price as an inactive Cybertruck.

  • Microsoft wants to move Windows fully to the cloud
  • I know I'm one of the few, but what I like about a PC is the Computing part, but also the Personal part. I can use this apparatus to automate some calculations in my own free time and display it however I want. Sure things can be outsourced. Sure I can use a cloud computer. But that's no fun for me.

    I had notebooks where I turned off WiFi and all its services, I had a desktop PC where the network card fried. Those were the most stable and fastest Windows installations I ever had. Running for years on end without ever needing a reboot.

    Windows Terminal-mode, it sure may have its place. But not for me.

  • Is America Already in a Civil War?
  • Because the US presidential election is a winner-takes-all decision. A third party is mathematically useless. And to become a "winner" the other has to be displayed as "loser". Division is build-in. I'd suggest you transform into a parliamentarian/multi-party democracy. This basically means a president as a head of state with only ceremonial value and no executive power.

  • Twitter is refusing to pay its Google Cloud bills, Platformer reports
  • Oh dear. Birdy going up in smoke. Nothing of (recent) value...

  • Lauren Boebert says the Pentagon sees her as a "security threat"
  • Playing pretense again with a shape.

  • How Could A.I. Destroy Humanity?
  • It only takes a vague input of a problem, and too much trust in the AI to maximize the goal and minimize the error. Issues start when the solutions [suggestive chatgpt, battle strategies, load balancing systems, administrative criteria] are followed blindly so that unintended consequences can flourish afterwards.

    Although transparency also may create some doubt in political decision-making it's necessary for checks & balances and even accountability if things go too far. When this drops, accountability drops.

    When AI gets globally controlled by one, or maybe two large monolithic shareholder companies who decides what gets filtered, what data gets used, what is right and wrong then thus is simply too much power in the wrong hands. You get a corporatocracy dystopia on a global scale.