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What Manifest V3 means for Brave Shields and the use of extensions in the Brave browser
  • Saying that I dont trust a homophobe is not “sharing my political opinions”

    That's true.

    However, you did not just say that. You mentioned how he supports some homophobic politics (ie. regulation against gay marriage), which you (and I'm sure a lot of people, me included) disagree with. That's politics.

    You also shared your opinion about why you think privacy is important for our society. That's also politics.

    I'm not saying that what you said is wrong... I'm saying that what you said is political. Sharing political opinions is ok. It's not like talking about politics is somehow a bad thing. At least not in this context. A lot of what surrounds the choice of a web browser like this is political.

  • Worst is UTC vs GMT
  • You still call the period before when the sun is directly overhead “morning” and the period after “afternoon” and similarly with “evening”, “night”, “dawn”, “noon”, “midnight” etc.

    Note that the Sun position is not consistent throught the year and varies widely based on your latitude.

    In Iceland (and also Alaska) you can have the Sun for a full 24 hours in the sky (they call it "midnight sun") during Summer solstice (with extremelly short nights the whole summer) and the opposite happens in Winter, with long periods of night time.

    I think it still makes the most sense to decide that the days of the week (“Monday”, “Tuesday”, etc) last from whatever time “midnight” is locally to the following midnight, again probably rounding to the nearest whole hour.

    Just the days of the week? you mean that 2024-06-30 23:59 and 2024-07-01 00:01 can both be the same weekday and at the same time be different days? Would the definition of "day" be different based on whether you are talking about "day of the week" vs "universal day"?

  • What is your favourite shell to use
  • Bash. By default it might seem less featureful than zsh.. but bash is a lot more powerful and extensible than some give it credit for. It might be more complex to set it up the way you like it, but once you do it, that configuration can be ported over wherever bash exists (ie. almost everywhere).

  • Let’s make games open source, so future generations can enjoy them
  • I have purchased every single open source game that I've seen listed on steam as paid. Examples:

    For more FOSS games on steam, there's a decent list collected on this curator (also pointing which ones are only partially open):

  • Internet Archive is in danger
  • In that counter argument they are essentially admitting that 99% of their content was distributed without the copyright holder's consent.

    In the CDL lawsuit, they have admitted that of the millions of books we have digitized, they themselves have only made about 33,000 available to libraries; only about 1% of what we have done, and only under restrictive and expensive license agreements. This is, they claim, the essence of their copyright rights: the ability to restrict access to information as they see fit, to further their theoretical economic interests, without regard to libraries traditional functions and the greater public good.

    Was it fair use in the past to redistribute reprints/format-conversions of works without the copyright holders consent?

    I agree that copyright law sucks.. but that's why it needs to change so it actually serves "the greater public good". The judiciary system is not the right place to advocate for that (they don't make the law, just interpret it), so I don't really think there's much hope in them winning this. Sadly.

  • The exchange.
  • The thing is that we do have "Morning!", "Hello", "Hey", "Yo!", "Hi!".. and many other greetings that are not in the form of a question that actually leaves it open for the other person to respond with honesty and that is often also used as a conversation starter. If you really aren't open to a conversation, use one of the shorter friendly greetings.

    If I say "how's it going?" and they answer with something I don't have time to hear... at most I would excuse myself and politelly say that I don't have too much time to talk.. but complaining about the other person actually answering truthfully makes no sense.

    Of course it's just a comic, but still.. I don't think the one answering is in the wrong here.

  • Open Source Infrastructure must be a publicly funded service. -
  • "you want a government backdoor on GPL licensed code? publish the backdoor for everyone to use, see and exploit/check for themselves. And/or watch as people simply take a version of the software built from a more reputable source without that backdoor instead. Thanks for the money!"

    "you want to force all foss projects existing in the global internet across countries to get paid by you or close? enjoy your logistic nightmare as you pay to be made fun of by all other countries while I fork projects with one click"

  • I did not know the origin of the quote
  • If they really think there's no reason to hide anything, why are they prosecuting Snowden for exposing something that was hidden?

    Before having surveillance on people, they should have it on themselves.

    Imagine how many corruption cases could have been prevented if the government was publicly monitored, with live streams from all offices, like a "big brother" show set up in the white house with live recordings of all calls and communications, so the voters can judge by themselves and monitor if the person they employed as the servant for the country is doing its job.

  • Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series
  • The thing is that being "willfully ignorant" has served them well, so it makes it the smart move when the goal is "line go up".

    Give me money and call me stupid, why would I care what a few "smart" people think when millions of "stupid" people give me all I want?

  • Larian Studios Is Officially Done With The Baldur’s Gate Series
  • I think it's more that executives think the average consumer is stupid and cares too much about IP branding. And I feel they are not completelly wrong. Though I think the OGL fiasco showed the D&D fanbase might be smarter than that ...hopefully.

  • F-Droid 1.19.0 with Auto Updates now marked as "suggested"
  • On Android 12 or later, apps will be autoupdated after the first install or first update, no root, no unlocking, no PrivExt needed. Older apps that can’t be updated will feature a banner explaining why.

    Most old versions of the apps are not build to support that, and you'll have to manually update each of those apps at least once (after they have been built with support for it). When checking most apps at the moment a banner appears showing how the app does not support automatic updates (yet?)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This.

    I don't understand the appeal of microblogging. The content is generally very low quality, the signal-to-noise ratio is horrible... I'm not interested in the shower thoughts of any particular individual ...or in marketing stunts.

    The only individuals I'm interested on are my family & friends, and even for them I'd rather use a more private platform.

    And when I want to read a public post I'd rather it's well thought and ideally not restricted by micro-limitations. Even better if it's curated by a public voting process among a community of people with my same interests, or some other process that makes it so I don't have to waste my time going through tons of content I'm not remotelly interested on.

  • YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users
  • It can be formatted "nicely" with no issue. But that doesn't necessarily make it easy to understand.

    What that person posted was in a function named smb() that only gets called by rmb() under certain conditions, and rmb() gets called by AdB() under other conditions after being called from eeB() used in BaP().... it's a long list of hard to read minified functions and variables in a mess of chained calls, declared in an order that doesn't necessarily match up with what you'd expect would be the flow.

    In the same file you can also easily find references to the user agent being read at multiple points, sometimes storing it in variables with equally esoteric short names that might sneak past the reader if they aren't pedantic enough.

    Like, for example, there's this function:

    function vc() {
        var a = za.navigator;
        return a && (a = a.userAgent) ? a : ""

    Searching for vc() gives you 56 instances in that file, often compared to some strings to check what browser the user is using. And that's just one of the methods where the userAgent is obtained, there's also a yc=Yba?Yba.userAgentData||null:null; later on too... and several direct uses of both userAgent and userAgentData.

    And I'm not saying that the particular instance that was pointed out was the cause of the problem.. it's entirely possible that the issue is somewhere else... but my point is that you cannot point to a snippet of "nicely formated" messed up transpiler output without really understanding fully when does it get called and expect to draw accurate conclusions from it.

  • YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users
  • It doesn't really matter whether it was "targeted" at Firefox specifically or not, what matters is whether the website has logic that discriminates against Firefox users. Those are 2 different things. "End" vs "means".

    I wouldn't be surprised if the logic was written by some AI, without specifically targeting any browser, and from the training data the AI concluded that there's a high enough chance of adblocking to deserve handicapping the UX when the browser happens to be Firefox's. Given that all it's doing is slowing the website down (instead of straight out blocking them) it might be that this is just a lower level of protection they added for cases where there's some indicators even if there's not a 100% confidence an adblock is used.

  • YouTube Says New 5-Second Video Load Delay Is Supposed to Punish Ad Blockers, Not Firefox Users
  • That's out of context. That snippet of code existing is not sufficient to understand when does that part of the code gets actually executed, right?

    For all we know, that might have been taken from a piece of logic like this that adds the delay only for specific cases:

    if ( complex_obfuscated_logic_to_discriminate_users ) {
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 5E3);
    } else {

    It's possible that complex_obfuscated_logic_to_discriminate_users has some logic that changes based on user agent.

    And I expect it's likely more complex than just one if-else. I haven't had the time to check it myself, but there's probably a mess of extremely hard to read obfuscated code as result of some compilation steps purposefully designed to make it very hard to properly understand when are some paths actually being executed, as a way to make tampering more difficult.

  • Why Bluesky over sth like Activitypub?
  • I expect it would be technically possible to have lemmy-like or peertube-like services built on top of the AT protocol Bluesky uses, like with ActivityPub. And I expect if/when that happens the communication across services would probably work too.

    In fact, accounts being "portable" in the AT protocol can potentially make the integration more seamless across different services, not only might the posts be seen from different services, but you might be able to directly access those different services with the same account. Imagine if you could login in lemmy with a mastodon account or vice-versa.

    Bluesky is just one of the possible services. But as long as the invites are private and you can't host your own instance, I wouldn't even consider it an alternative. I think it's a bit early to judge, both its positives and its negatives.

  • Do you think banning end-to-end encryption is plausible? Think again.
  • Wouldn't it be easier and more direct to simply impose a tax to those external big tech services?

    I don't understand why using protection against "bad actors" as an excuse is necessary at all if getting money from big tech were the ultimate goal. A lot of people within the EU would happily support such a tax targeting big US companies, it's the privacy problems what we are pushing against, not the fees. So I'd expect a more direct and honest fee for external companies making business within the EU would be easier to pass if that were what they actually wanted, wouldn't it?

  • TTS voices that sound nice?
  • espeak default voice backend is synthesized without using actually real voice samples. So it doesn't require downloading a huge package for each language, which is convenient in some cases, but the outcome is extremely robotic.

    You can use MBROLA as backend for espeak so that it uses some voice samples and the result should be less jarring (it'd still be easy to tell it's not natural voice, but at least you'd be able to understand it better). There's a tutorial on this here:

    Or you can try piper ( it's one of the most natural-sounding TTS (here are some samples).

  • Why does this community, which is privacy oriented, use Discord rather than Matrix?
  • I don't think EVERYONE needs to understand / know about it. I mean, I remember when I was young most people had no idea how to use the internet (hell, they didn't even know how to program a VHS), yet I was perfectly happy using that technology.

    I only need a specific set of people and specific communities to be there for it to be worth it. Like I said: I no longer use reddit, even though the fediverse has only a small fraction of the content existing in reddit... I would have expected people in the fediverse would be more receptive to unpopular but technologically/ethically superior alternatives.

  • The Lazy GM's Resource Document was released under CC-BY The Lazy GM's Resource Document

    Lazy GM guidelines and resources for 5th edition compatible and other fantasy tabletop roleplaying games.

    It compiles materials from multiple books by Michael E. Shea: the Lazy Dungeon Master, the Lazy GM's Workbook and the Lazy GM Companion.
