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Fauxaly Alytastic
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Comments 16
From Big Macs to Baftas: the incredible story behind the hit video game Vampire Survivors
  • Vampire survivors is ridiculously fun for how simple it is.

  • Texans Die from Heat Exhaustion After Governor Bans Mandatory Water Breaks
  • Thanks for doing the heavy lifting so I didn't have to read it.

  • beans all the way down
  • That one rotated can is killing me D:

  • Welcome RIF users
  • It's pretty fun here!

  • Welcome RIF users
  • I am using liftoff. I like the look and feel a lot. I used Jerboa at first but have switched to Liftoff.

  • Jerboa currently unusable for other people?
  • Just installed liftoff to try it out and unfortunately have to say that I like the layout even BETTER than Jerboa!

    I feel a weird sense of loyalty to Jerboa because it was my first app for Lemmy but I might actually like Liftoff better.

    Thanks for the suggestion!

  • It's sad to see nothing is made in Australia anymore, like this new TV I just bought, it says "built in Antenna"
  • .... Facepalm.

    I read this to my 12 yr old son and he said, "I think that's in Australia". Lol!

  • Why lemmy instead kbin?
  • Personally I heard about Lemmy before kbin so that's why for me.

  • What do you think of the trend of Mocktail bars?
  • I think there is demand for places for people to get together and have fun together that isn't a place where you have to deal with drunk people (normally). Right now that's pretty much movie theaters, bowling places, skating rinks, etc.. but not that many great places to really gather and hang out free of alcohol. Maybe this bridges that need for a socializing place without feeling the need to have to drink alcohol? Idk.

  • Anthony Bourdain once said "There's a guy in my head, and all he wants to do is lay in bed all day long, smoke pot, and watch old movies and cartoons.
  • I don't really avoid him. I use him as motivation to get through the harder parts of life like working and chores.

    If I do xyz that I don't want to do, I can give in to 'that guy' for a bit. Seems to work for me but it's a struggle to keep going every day so I'm always trying to find ways to motivate myself to keep moving forward. I really love pot and being lazy so using that as incentive to do things I don't really enjoy as much has worked wonders to make life less miserable.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • It seems very daunting to start using Lemmy at first. Took me a bit of reading to understand how to use it so I can see it being off-putting to others. I was determined to get away from Reddit so I put the effort in to understand how to use it.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • I was intimidated by Lemmy at first. It felt hard to understand and not easy to use. I stuck with it and kept trying to figure out how to use it and after about 15 to 30 minutes I felt pretty confident and am now happily using Jerboa and understand what instances are etc.

    It does seem complicated at first and daunting but hey.

  • Redditors, how do you like Lemmy?
  • I like it a lot. Left Reddit on Sunday, tried Tildes, then found Lemmy and have been here since.

    Also using Jerboa. I like it well enough. It feels a bit like Reddit but also reminds me of being on the Internet back in the late 90s - not sure why it gives me that feeling though. Maybe because it's new to me and not the most streamlined, and it's still growing.

    Anyway it's great here! Enjoying interacting and watching things grow.

  • Goodbye Reddit
  • Never thought I'd leave Reddit but I did. Yay us lol