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FarraigePlaisteach FarraigePlaisteach
Posts 31
Comments 386
Why don't people here love SimpleXChat more?
  • already do this. Maybe that’s the answer?

  • Telephone Line by Electric Light Orchestra
  • Hanging on the telephone - Blondie

  • Why don't people here love SimpleXChat more?
  • I wonder what that looks like fleshed out a little, though. Is that a mandatory or voluntary payment? And by paying for what they use is that per message or per month like a subscription?

  • Why don't people here love SimpleXChat more?
  • But do we trust entities that depend on our governments for funding? It could be argued that they’re fundamentally compromised.

  • OpenAI and Google reportedly used transcriptions of YouTube videos to train their AI models
  • If they’re scraping the web, and they’re generating AI content on the web, how do they avoiding training their AI on it’s own nonsense somewhere?

  • Why don't people here love SimpleXChat more?
  • Upvoted bc VC eventually means enshittifiication. But with xz getting back-doored recently, what is the middle ground that keeps these things sustainable financially and operationally?

  • What is the practical difference between the main instances of kbin and mbin, from a users perspective?
  • The world appear in the aggregator but when I searched specifically for one in particular, I wasn’t found. Just now it works so I don’t know what changed. Thanks for pointing that out, I wouldn’t have tried again.

  • What is the practical difference between the main instances of kbin and mbin, from a users perspective?

    When spam started to become overwhelming here I signed up to the largest mbin instance, On one hand it runs well and isn't overrun with spam posts. On the other, it's missing some communities that are active on

    It also doesn't have a meta or askmbin type of community, like kbin does.

    Are there any other differences I should consider before deciding which of the two to drop?

    Edit: I also got a server error when I posted this and thought my post had been lost. Phew! This doesn't happen on

    Will it be possible at some point to have private magazines?
  • For those with the skills, yes. But it would be good to facilitate less technical people to use the platform too.

  • /kbin meta FarraigePlaisteach

    Will it be possible at some point to have private magazines?

    Just wondering if local communities could use kbin that way.

    Ireland / Éire FarraigePlaisteach

    McDonald calls for general election after Varadkar's shock resignation as Taoiseach

    “After seven years in office, I am no longer the best person for that job,” Leo Varadkar said today.

    Ernest needs to quickly delegate or this instance will quickly die
  • The problem is that we can’t leave. We’ve requested for our accounts to be deleted a long time ago. It’s not our fault that we’re still waiting.

  • EXIT 0.1.0: Export subscriptions across kbin/mbin instances
  • The export process says it has copied subscriptions to the clipboard, but when I paste I just get the code I had pasted in to the browser console. I'm using Safari on macOS.

    It's not a big deal. I don't mind starting from scratch.

  • Federation Delays
  • I’ve been waiting for my account deletion request to be accepted for a while now. Maybe a few weeks.

    I like Kbin in theory, but the spam is too distracting for me. I’m not in a position to volunteer either.

  • [SOLVED] Ethernet gives me faster transfers than WiFi, but Airdrop doesn't work with WiFi disabled. Is the best of both worlds possible?

    Not much to add to this question. I connect to the router with a LAN cable but need WiFi turned on so that Airdrop also works. Is it possible to have the system make the LAN connection default / priority in this case?

    Mushroom misstep [help]
  • Thank you :)

  • Mushroom misstep [help]

    I had some mushrooms that happen to have been rinsed underwater. I didn’t want to cook with them today and I heard that it’s not good to store them once wet.

    So I put them in the air fryer to dry them before storage. This caused them to release their fluid and now they are wetter than ever.

    Can anyone advise on how I can store these safely for another two days?

    Can registrations on be disabled to stop spammers
  • I spend more time blocking spammers than anything else. I’m sure it will improve once this issue gets more attention, but for now I think I’ll take a break from this site.

  • Which is better for the environment, TV stations or streaming platforms?
  • I’m not knowledgeable either but that all makes sense.

  • Which is better for the environment, TV stations or streaming platforms?

    I’m just thinking if the energy use that data centres and streaming platforms require, and the climate crisis. Would one be significantly better than the other in terms of energy use?

    Is it redundant to open a window when we have an air-to-air heat exchange system?
  • The system is filtered, so the air feels lovely to breathe. There’s car traffic nearby so I imagine it’s better air quality via the system.

    But at times it feels like there’s not enough of it, so opening the window in my room for an hour helps that.

    The fans are running at 50% as recommended by the installer. The house usually has no more than one person during the day, so that seems logical. But I wonder now if it would be worth turning them up to 75% instead of opening the windows.

  • Home Improvement FarraigePlaisteach

    Is it redundant to open a window when we have an air-to-air heat exchange system?

    I've moved into a place with one of these systems and it seems to have a lot of benefits. But I prefer to open a window every day and get fresh air in. Doesn't that cancel out the advantages of the heat exchange system?

    Piracy FarraigePlaisteach

    [SOLVED] qbittorrent headless - is it possible to enable search plugins?

    I used to use qbittorrent because it had so many search plugins. Now I want something I ran run on a headless server. I've found qbittorrent-nox, but I don't see anything about plugins in the documentation.

    Has anyone used it, or can recommend something else that has search sources already configured?,-systemd-service-set-up,-Ubuntu-15.04-or-newer)


    Panning with only a few instruments?

    I’m struggling to pan the chorus of my song. It only has drums, bass, one slightly distorted guitar and a lead vocal.

    The drums have a nice default panning spread from L-R in the DAW I’m using (Logic). But the convention I’m reading online recommends putting bass and vocal in the centre.

    My question is, what do I do with the guitar, which is just playing a power chord at the beginning of each bar.

    I like songs that fill the stereo spectrum but due to the composition, this one seems narrow by comparison.

    I’ve read about stereo expanders but I’m not sure when to sure them. I was also thinking that I could somehow split the guitar into two tracks by frequency and pan those differently. Not sure how to go about that yet and then not sure if I would need to do the same for vocals in that case.

    Any suggestions on how to make the mix a bit more exciting without changing the composition ?

    Ubuntu FarraigePlaisteach

    Ode to Simple Scan

    Simple Scan, how I love you so I’ve tried the others, and it’s a big fat “NO!” Your elegant use of PDF Unlike that hot mess over on MacOS Separate PNGs, what do I do with those?? On Ubuntu I’d have been done ages ago . And on Windows, please, don’t even begin 100 updates before I can even log in The login screen should be the start of the journey On Windows, it groans into view on a gurney . But the scans fly by, one, two and three Combined PDF - pure simplicity! Before I was anxious, I have hundreds of pages Thinking the job was going to take ages But I play some music, I tidy my room I can't believe - I’m over halfway through! . I click on “About”, see who the devs are Mr. Ancell and co., you are each of you stars

    (originally by tenleftfingers on Reddit)

    /kbin meta FarraigePlaisteach

    Can't upload images on Firefox or Safari

    When I'm on Firefox, I can attach an image to a "Photo" post, but the upload button doesn't do anything. On Safari, I can't even attach the image in the first place.

    How is everyone else getting around this (or is it a universal problem)?

    Selfhosting FarraigePlaisteach

    I have RAID, but what happens when it "breaks" and how do I fix it?

    I have a QNAP NAS which uses RAID 5 across 3 HDDs. There are lots of good videos online for setting up RAID (even DIY solutions using linux), but how do I know when there's a problem and what's the typical way to maintain it?

    I'm guessing that these systems log an indication somewhere that a disk is about to fail, and when I see that log entry I should power down the system and replace the disk with one of the exact same size. Is that right?

    Edit: I have found a good overview here:

    In essence, he's saying:

    1. Enable a recycle bin feature so that accidentally deleted files can be recovered.
    2. If the device itself (not the disks) fails, one option is to replace the device and insert the disks in the same order as before. But there's a chance that the disks were corrupted by the failing device, in which case the next point is what you need.
    3. EXT4 is a common filesystem format with QNAP and specialised recovery software can help you recover information from the disks. He demonstrates Hetman RAID recovery. You will need to connect all disks simultaneously though, so if you don't have enough ports for this you'll need to get an adaptor of some kind.
    4. If just a single disk has failed, then in theory you should just be able to replace it, but there can be complications, which he discusses at 6:37 in the video (the video is just 7:51 duration).
    5. RAID is not a backup. Please backup your data too.

    Where can I enter my daily/weekly food consumption and get information on what nutrition I am deficient in?

    Everything seems to have an RDA associated with it (Recommended Daily Allowance), so I imagine that something like this exists. I'm not interested in weight gain/loss though, purely nutrition. I'm a light eater and I'm sure I could do with supplements or dietary modification.

    Selfhosting FarraigePlaisteach

    Difficulties hosting more than one service

    I'm considering getting back to self-hosting again, but I remember a problem I never quite figured out.

    My first services were a gemini server and lighttpd server and these were easy to set up, very satisfying and continue to work well for years. I also have FreshRSS and Calibre-web running well here.

    But as I try to add more, sometimes instructions would include apache settings that clashed with the apache settings for something else. The instructions assume I don't already have apache installed and can just apply any settings I want.

    Another issue, the new service might take over the domain, becoming the default service for the domain. I'm assuming that this is a port issue but I don't know.

    Then there were docker containers. Some used docker compose while some did not.

    One that I just couldn't get working was Nextcloud, which I wanted to host surveys from. They won't answer my support questions on their community hub unless I set up SSL though (which I don't plan on doing).

    Does anyone have general advice on these issues? If it's just part of the difficulty of self-hosting, then maybe it's not for me. Too much time and energy was getting spent on it.



    Musicians of Kbin: if I want to play a melody in the key of A flat, what other keys are compatible when choosing a whistle that isn’t tunable?

    I’m used to be able to just buy a tin whistle in D and that’s compatible with what all the schools teach kids, but I’ve spent ages searching for a solution to this one and I still don’t know what I need exactly.

    The song / melody are in Ab.

    /kbin meta FarraigePlaisteach

    Is it possible to collapse comments under Kbin posts? I can’t seem to do it, at least on mobile.

    I’m sure I’ve seen comments indicating that people can do this.

    Gaming FarraigePlaisteach

    These are my favourite browser based games. What are yours?

    I’ve been playing the wipeOut rewrite in my browser.

    I also found browser-playable arcade games like Daytona USA on this website.

    No registration is required and I’m amazed at how accessible and well-performing these are. Can anyone recommend others?

    Gaming FarraigePlaisteach

    First / Third Person without the Shooting/Combat?

    I’m a non-gamer looking for recommendations please. I saw the Quake II refresh and it makes me want to explore/roam some 3D environments again. But I’m really not into the intensity of any of the shooting games.

    Tomb Raider was fun but I found combat hard to control. Half-Life had great environments but too much shooting for me. Portal was great fun but I eventually found it repetitive. Beyond a Steel Sky is one of my favorites although the pace of exploration is a bit slower than others.

    I’m tempted to give a game like Myst a try but the puzzles sound a bit too involved for me. Basically something without much stress or excessive friction against exploration of the environment. Thanks
