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FarceMultiplier Farce Multiplier

Game book author, secret poet, 30+ years in IT, optimist, atheist-humanist, ally, running low on spoons

Posts 1
Comments 14
Premier Smith says Alberta preparing Sovereignty Act motion over federal emissions plans
  • @Cobrachickenwing Alberta already has market-driven pricing, resulting in large manufacturers shutting down operations when the electricity costs outweigh potential profits from the manufactured goods. AB's management here costs jobs.

  • Legal cannabis labels inflate THC potency contained in products, executives say
  • @TemporaryBoyfriend I would recommend buying some edibles, so they are all starting at a measured and mellow dose. Throwing them right into smoking flower would be an awful idea, so I'm glad that isn't on your path. Cookies and brownies still risk having wildly different dosages though, so probably not the best idea.

  • Building more isn't enough to lower home prices
  • @Dearche Please read what I said closer. "a focus on growth of smaller cities into larger ones" - we've concentrated and are having the greatest housing crisis in Vancouver, Toronto, etc. There is room to grow and it's totally reasonable to do so in places like Kamloops, Grande Prairie, etc. (my experience being western Canada).

    Larger centers DO need to grow upwards. Those are permitting issues primarily, and I agree that needs to be fixed, also as stated.

  • Building more isn't enough to lower home prices
  • @SamuelRJankis @Dearche I do agree that building our way out of this is not really feasible. What we need is a combination of building, permit reform, increased wages, immigration management, and a focus on growth of smaller cities into larger ones. Take some of the focus off Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, etc. They shouldn't matter as much as they do.

  • Far-Right Activists are Planning an Anti-Sex-Ed Convoy Targeting Alberta Teachers’ Association Building
  • @wedleeneeber I think you just really need to understand what GMO is and isn't. Based on what you posted, you don't have this knowledge.

  • ( ( - There's a Mr. Dressup Prime Documentary, released Oct 10th!

    @canada\_lQ - There's a Mr. Dressup Prime Documentary, released Oct 10th!

    Far-Right Activists are Planning an Anti-Sex-Ed Convoy Targeting Alberta Teachers’ Association Building
  • @wedleeneeber @grte lol, get stuffed.

    Also, GMO foods have nothing to do with the onset of puberty. That's not how any of this works.

  • Does COVID-19 spread in a hospital mean there's an outbreak? Not anymore, says B.C. health ministry
  • @yeather Probably the people who are suffering from these and the people who care about them.

    Perhaps you are a sociopath, or perhaps you just like to troll forums, but just try and open yourself to other people's situations.

  • Does COVID-19 spread in a hospital mean there's an outbreak? Not anymore, says B.C. health ministry
  • @yeather @girlfreddy People are still dying from it, and unvaccinated people at higher rates.

  • Canada needs a digital infrastructure that isn't beholden to private interests
  • @BCsven With their online integration, I couldn't even request the help online because our address was unknown. When I called in (a big chore to do) and explained, the person I talked to used the same system and was unable to dispatch anyone either.

  • China claims ownership of the Taiwan Strait. Canada just sailed a warship through it
  • @1bluepixel @Jaytreeman provoking? They are waters that China has no business in. China is the one who is escalating the situation.

  • Canada needs a digital infrastructure that isn't beholden to private interests
  • @walrusintraining @grte I completely agree. In my previous home in the BC interior, Google Maps was completely wrong. It meant that services like Telus that depend on Google Maps couldn't find us, so they wouldn't send crews to solve connectivity issues.