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r/serbia brainrot
  • I mean, I don't know what it's like there normally, but, to be completely fair, they got a full bag of dicks in the comments for this one.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Underground or not, there is activity around a facility, if it's in use. Targeting everything USSR ever built in Ukraine might actually leave Russia with no missiles, not in ukronazis' wet dreams.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • And hypersonic missiles from ballistas, yes sir.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • You sure are experts...

  • How do we feel about Assad?
  • It doesn’t matter.

    Weeell, it wouldn't if shit like chemical attacks pinned on him weren't fabricated by the West. I sure shit ain't about to absolve them alphabet agencies of that.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • They finally managed to put "Russia is technologically in the middle ages" and "Ukraine needs help" into one article. I never doubted you, postmodernist brainworms.

    If it's some Soviet underground facility, yeah, no shit there are maps in Moscow, but if it was still in use, ebil Russkies found out by casting satellite and drone magic.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I also love that someone totally will believe that fucking Bloomberg has access to secret information about military spending in Russia. Yeah, ok, bro.

  • Do you ever feel guilty about enjoying liberal media?
  • Nice. Didn't know about that. Are we sure he meant it in a based way?

    The whole "that's something vaguely Asian and tOtAlItArIaN" thing with the Tau was always a part of that for me though. I mean, China and DPRK've been the main commie boogeymen since USSR collapsed. That's probably why the meme sprung up to begin with.

  • Do you ever feel guilty about enjoying liberal media?
  • 40k actually got pretty funny to me, as GW are trying to portray Tau as communist, when the closest to communism by a country mile as they're described are...Craftworld Eldar=) Automated production, near total social mobility, meritocracy, war only waged by necessity... Still dicks to the others, of course, couldn't have it any other way in 40k.

    I mostly dropped it because GW aren't even trying to keep the lore consistent. Shitty philosophical and political ideas in fiction just help me separate it from reality.

    When content is both uninteresting and pushing some cringe, that's...yeah, that just amplifies the cringe damage.

  • Do you agree with Adam Curtis?
  • My two cents are that as someone from the imperialist core he probably just sees people who aren't willing to deal with all that around him, because they don't have a reason to. A big problem with revolutions there is that most of production is happening outside of those countries, where labor is a lot cheaper. As a result, most work in the service sector and shit, which is where people are very replaceable, so strikes are just monetary suicide, and those who work in domestic industry don't have it bad enough to contemplate revolution.

    That's kinda why we need national liberation in places where most of production and mining are. Especially mining these days, because China accounts for a shitload of production and we can only hope CPC doesn't stray from the path.

  • Why won't they send in more NATO countries, after these months, to help Ukraine regain land from Russia?
  • Well, alright, that's a few city blocks, but not even a fourth of the whole district)

  • Why won't they send in more NATO countries, after these months, to help Ukraine regain land from Russia?
  • Thank you.

    It’s also month from parliamentary elections, the most important ones in Poland.

    Oh, nice. Now I know when to keep my ear to the news from Poland.

  • Ukraine will sue Poland, Hungary and Slovakia over agricultural bans
  • Allies, btw. Totally rooting for Ukraine's survival.

  • Why won't they send in more NATO countries, after these months, to help Ukraine regain land from Russia?
  • No Western power in modern times has put its troops inside the borders of a sovereign nation without being invited either by the nation itself or on behalf of an international coalition cooperating for what they believe to be the common good.

    USA. Syria. Literally still happening. Your statement is still technically correct, if you're willing to go mask off. Feel free.

    So we’re going with the approach of arming & training Ukraine’s military to hold the Russians to a standstill and maybe even push them back even though they are heavily outnumbered.

    I'm not sure why you need "even though" there. Yes, Russian forces in country 404 are heavily outnumbered.

  • Why won't they send in more NATO countries, after these months, to help Ukraine regain land from Russia?
  • Plus, thankfully, no other neighbour has been stupid enough to think it could defeat Russia in a conventional war on its own turf.

    Speaking of. Comrade @[email protected], what's the state of war propaganda like in your neck of the woods? I heard of the army size increase and some things that smell of preparation for annexing western Ukraine, but not much else.

  • Why won't they send in more NATO countries, after these months, to help Ukraine regain land from Russia?
  • but why not the Baltics and Poland

    Poland and who?) Balticshits combined have armed forces that number in around the population of my city block. Probably even if you add the laughable stationed NATO contingent.

    That aside, military victory isn't the point. That's why they're using a sacrificial pawn. Also, not even cartoon villains in Pentagon want to check if Putin will push the button.