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EponymousBosh EponymousBosh

I am 30 or 40 years old and I do not need this.

Posts 4
Comments 46
GrapheneOS users, do you use google camera or secure camera.
  • I use Libre Camera. It's OK. I suspect Google Camera is better but I don't feel good about installing it.

  • What mobile OS do you use?
  • Also GrapheneOS on a Pixel 6a. I know it's ironic but Graphene has worked really well for me.

  • People around the world, do you drink tap water without boiling?
  • In the US, the only time you'd have to boil water before drinking in most places is if there's something wrong with the water system and they put out a "boil water" advisory, and that's pretty rare. It's definitely not something you have to on a daily basis. Some people will use water filters but it's not usually a necessity.

  • Not a happy review from Distrowatch...
  • It seems like Distrowatch runs into install problems way more often than normal, to the point that I wonder if there's something wrong on their end.

  • If Spez joined Lemmy what would you do?
  • I'd get everyone to join me in Lemmy's very first "Kung Pow Penis." I know that's a Tumblr thing but I think it has potential over here.

  • SearXNG, the meta search engine.
  • I just started using it recently. It's pretty good. I like that it doesn't try to sell me a bunch of shit.

  • PeerTube Android Client?
  • NewPipe has options for PeerTube, though I haven't used them myself so I can't say how good they are

  • Gun focused games
  • Custom content. The Sims modding scene is wild.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Cordyceps outbreak

  • Why does my cat keep sticking her feet in the toilet?

    Basically what it says in the title. I have two cats, both female, one is 16 and one is about to turn 13. The younger of the two keeps showing up with wet paws, and has always been weirdly fascinated by the toilet. We've caught her in it a few times recently.

    She seems to be sitting with her back legs on the seat so she can stick her front feet into the bowl. I don't think she's playing with the water; she's never really done that, and doesn't like water much in general. The only thing I can think is that maybe she's washing her paws in it? She's a longhair cat and has some floof between her toe beans, so maybe it's easier cleaning them that way?

    We don't use any harsh chemicals to clean the toilet so I doubt she's in any real danger there, before anyone asks. She's not really hurting anything by doing this, but a) it's weird; b) it's unpleasant to have a cat climbing on you with wet paws; and c) she's a dumbass and I worry she's gonna fall in.

    Has anyone ever have a cat, or any other pet, do this? Any way to stop it, or do I just need to accept that my cat thinks the toilet is a foot bath?

    tell me a story
  • Today I was out riding my ebike and I saw a couple walking their dogs. One of the dogs was a Golden Retriever, trotting along next to them. The other was a Pomeranian, who was being carried like a baby by one of its people.

  • What's the weirdest food you've eaten?
  • Funnily enough, I made a watermelon-mint-feta salad last week. My wife and I tried one at a cookout last summer and we both loved it, I only just now got around to trying my hand at making one. It's pretty hard to mess up :P

    The weirdest thing I've ever eaten? Probably chicken hearts and livers baked in an oven at the supermarket deli where I was working at the time. My very sweet Chinese coworker was so excited to find them at our store. I guess she had a hard time finding them in the US. She was so happy, I didn't have the heart to turn it down. It was OK. Tasted like dark meat chicken with a slightly weird texture. I wouldn't go out of my way to eat it again, but it wasn't gross.

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • You can filter by subreddit in Power Suite Delete, so if your tech answers are in specific subs, you can leave those alone and delete everything else

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 2
  • Just deleted my Reddit account.

  • I drew this skinless Spongebob a couple years ago (Photoshop)
  • On the one hand, this is extremely well-done. On the other hand, the vertebrate anatomy on a sponge is gonna make Stephen Hillenburg roll over in his grave.

  • Netflix sees jump in subs as it begins to curb password sharing in US, says report
  • Yeah, someone on Tumblr has pointed out that the data does not actually support the headline here. The spike actually started just before the crackdown and immediately dropped.

  • Guess we will need to stay away from Edge
  • Was "staying away from Edge" not already standard?

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Week 1
  • Bold of you to assume they had a keikaku to begin with

  • Shitty Ask Lemmy EponymousBosh

    Why do cats act so weird after they poop?

    One of mine lunges out of the litterbox and runs around the apartment yowling immediately after she takes a dump. The fuck is up with that?


    What's your favorite word that you've learned on Duolingo so far?

    Mine is "bewölkt," which means "cloudy" in German. It's just a lot of fun to say!
