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Sony backs down regarding Helldivers PSN account linking on PC
  • Yeah also at one point they claimed this was the plan from day one, but if that was the case why would it have been for sale in countries with no PSN support.

  • Keep Oracle from deleteing free tier account/vps?
  • I've had mine since Nov 2020, no issues with deletion. I think the trick is to have a CC on file or be charged at least one. I know I generated a few storage charges, ended up paying less than $2 but I think that has classified me as a 'paying customer'. However I would recommend always being prepared for eventual deletion. Make backups, record your process for setting things up so you can switch to a different provider should the worst happen.

  • Fable Is Still A Masterpiece
  • The whole Fable series is loaded with great ideas paired with "this could have been better" execution. I love them dearly but I always feel they're missing just that little bit more.

  • Always Free Oracle Instances
  • I've had mine since 2020, never had an issue. I think it maybe only happens if it's suuuper idle. I run a minecraft server, multiple foundry servers and now lemmy on it.

  • Switching from DnD 5e to Pf2e Ressources

    Let's you create a campaign and have all the player character sheets in one place. I've never used it on mobile so I can't comment on how mobile friendly it is.

  • Caddy > Traefik > NPM
  • Honestly if I had everything in docker I'd use traefic, but I found it horrifically complex to do simple things as soon as you need to branch off of your docker host. I've just started using Caddy and it is so user friendly I can't even believe it.

  • Reddit sub to lemmy migration?
  • seems a better choice. The instance is getting pretty overloaded and is only likely to get worse on Monday.