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Eccitaze Eccitaze
Posts 4
Comments 327
  • The grilled cheese burrito just isn't the same!

  • "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • And run red lights, and drive recklessly and...,

  • When ChatGPT summarises, it actually does nothing of the kind
  • People always assume that generative AI (and technology in general) will continue improving at the same pace it always has been. They always assume that there are no limits in the number of parameters, that there's always more useful data to train it on, and that things like physical limits in electricity infrastructure, compute resources, etc., don't exist. In five years generative AI will have roughly the same capability it has today, barring massive breakthroughs that result in a wholesale pivot away from LLMs. (More likely, in five years it'll be regarded similarly to cryptocurrency is today, because once the hype dies down and the VC money runs out the AI companies will have to jack prices to a level where it's economically unviable to use in most commercial environments.)

  • "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • Yup, and also how to orient yourself and the direction you were going by the progression of the address numbers--for example, if you were on Sunset Blvd SE, you knew address numbers increased as you drove south and east.

  • "30 minutes or it's free" back then was wild
  • Yup, I delivered pizza for the Hut around the same time. Big ol' map of the area divided into sectors, each order listed which sector the address was in. I'd write directions on the back of the order slip, and go off into the night with nothing but a flashlight. First day I got a lecture by the manager on how to navigate by address and tell which side of the street a house was on, I learned more about navigating that day than in the entire rest of my life.

    Sometimes I miss those days and wish I could be 19 and driving my tiny Honda Civic through the highlands again, listening to video game songs downloaded from OCRemix on my little MP3 player plugged into the car audio with a tape adapter.

  • Kamala Harris Launches Presidential Bid: ‘My Intention Is to Earn and Win This Nomination’
  • I'm personally a little nervous about Harris--I remember the 2020 primary where her only notable accomplishments were accusing Biden of being racist over opposition to federal busing policies, and then flaming out shortly after and shuttering her campaign two months before the first caucus and polling single digits in California. Admittedly, she doesn't have the same headwinds now that she had in 2020--she doesn't have to differentiate herself from over a dozen other candidates and she won't struggle to raise money--but she also made some unforced errors (e.g. coming out for total elimination of private insurance before revealing a plan that included private plans, or admitting her own policy on busing was essentially identical to Biden's).

    Hopefully, she'll run a much tighter campaign now since she'll inherit Biden's staff and can focus solely on attacking Trump, but I do have some concerns.

  • I become a career bureaucrat.
  • Black hat hacker, I break into people's servers and fuck up their shit

  • Users of Vim and similars, what exactly makes it useful compared to other text editors? How much time do you suppose you save when working with it?
  • And here I am proud that I can open a file, save it, make edits, jump to the beginning/end, and quit it. 😅

  • In Major Order, Appeals Court Blocks Student Loan Forgiveness And Lower Payments For 8 Million Borrowers
  • Or they think that the people above their station deserve those benefits--they genuinely think and support the rich getting richer is a good thing, regardless of whether they'll see any benefit themselves. It's the mirror image of the progressive mindset of voting to raise their own taxes to help the needy.

  • If you could design your own body and hit a button and have it immediately implemented, would you keep your natural self or would you make changes?
  • Well, aside from the obvious "make myself my fursona" bit...

    I'd get rid of my ADHD, or at the very least get rid of its interaction with food and exercise. It's been such a burden, to the point where it's singlehandedly prevented me from taking up new hobbies (because I know I won't stick to them and can't afford to waste the money), kept me from focusing on new certs (because I suck at self-directed study), and it's the single biggest reason why I'm overweight. I fucking hate it. ADHD superpowers, my ass. This is a fucking debilitating disease, and even with medicine it still sucks.

  • Jack Black axes tour over bandmate's Trump comment
  • Ah, so you're a literal 90s-era troll.

  • A TL;DR of the Goldman-Sachs AI Criticism
  • Yeah, that seems to be the end goal, but Goldman Sachs themselves tried using AI for a task and found it cost six times as much as paying a human.

    That cost isn't going down--by any measure, AI is just getting more expensive as our only strategy for improving it seems to be "throw more compute, data, and electricity at the problem." Even new AI chips are promising increased performance but with more power draw, and everybody developing AI models seem to be taking the stance of just maximizing performance and damn everything else. So even if AI somehow delivers on its promises and replaces every white collar job, it's not going to save any actual money for corporations.

    Granted, companies may be willing to eat that cost at least temporarily in order to suppress labor costs (read: pay us less), but it's not a long term solution

  • Will Deadpool & Wolverine save the Marvel Studios slump? Disney boss Bob Iger says it'll be the biggest MCU movie "in a long time"
  • Yeah, I won't deny the quality has gone down, too. Marvel's biggest mistake was thinking they could keep the gravy train rolling past endgame. They SHOULD have let it rest and given the creatives some time to cook and plan a new arc, but instead they pushed forward before they were ready and are paying dearly for it.

    It's the same damn mistake they made with the star wars sequel trilogy--if they had sat on it for a year or two, hashed out a coherent overarching plot, and let it cook, we would've gotten something better than "Somehow, Palpatine returned." Hell, if they needed something immediately, they could have brought in Timothy Zahn to adapt the Thrawn books. Instead they went off half-cocked and gave us a barely-coherent retread of the original trilogy.

  • Will Deadpool & Wolverine save the Marvel Studios slump? Disney boss Bob Iger says it'll be the biggest MCU movie "in a long time"
  • Nah, there's definitely an element of fatigue. I used to watch superhero movies pretty religiously, even renting movies I missed before watching the new avengers flick. I even went to see Infinity War day one, and it was such a shock that I remember sitting in the car in silence on the way home (though I did cue up Snow in Summer from the NieR soundtrack... IYKYK). After Endgame, though... It was like a switch flipped. I had just watched this big, amazing payoff film that celebrated nearly a decade of cinema, had highs and lows, I watched actors and characters I had followed for years giving their goodbyes... It was a big, emotional moment, and the feeling I had afterwards was like the end of Thanksgiving dinner where you've finished your slice of pie and are enjoying the warm and fuzzy feelings. In other words, I was full.

    So when Marvel kept producing more movies at the same pace as before, it was like the end of Thanksgiving dinner, except now the host is starting to bring out another pie and putting a slice in front of me, and now I'm side-eyeing it and trying to find a polite excuse to say no and go the fuck home.

  • Organize, Vote, Resist
  • Deliberate ignorance, accelerationist "if we let the fascists win it'll totally result in a communist revolution, trust me bro, you definitely won't be one of the thousands whose bones are used for the foundation" idiocy, or actual fascists trying to depress left turnout. Take your pick.

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • They're making the (correct) observation that the two things you call out as things people want to "just enjoy" are also filled to the brim with political messaging. You just don't see it as "political" because you either explicitly, consciously agree with the political messages being conveyed, or because you're blind to them (either because of an implicit, unconscious agreement with the messaging, or because your environment has normalized the message to the point that you don't realize it's political to begin with).

    In other words, you say it's a complaint about "leftist messaging being shoved into nonpolitical things," but in reality it's not really being shoved in your face any more than any other type of political messaging, you're just seeing messaging you either haven't normalized yet or disagree with, both of which make it stand out more in your brain (either due to the novelty effect, or the backfire effect, respectively).

  • mod accountability rule [action taken]
  • Holy fuck, I have never seen two people with a more dire need to touch grass in my life. Seriously, log the fuck off of Lemmy, sit in a quiet, dark room, and ponder where your life went so drastically wrong that you're going to accuse someone of being a pedophile over some baby pictures... All because they called you a name during a disagreement.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • Yeah, there are so many moments I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and yell at various people while shaking their shoulders.

    For the love of God, Barack, don't make fun of Trump at the White House correspondent's dinner, he'll run for president to dismantle all you've built up in revenge and HE WILL WIN.

    Please, Ruth, I beg you to step down now while there's still an opportunity for you to be replaced with another liberal justice. If you don't, your legacy will be undone I'm under four years and it will herald the end of American democracy.

    Please, Barack, don't let them steal a supreme court seat like this, you have to force the issue while there's still time or else you will watch the heritage foundation gloat about the second American revolution against the left while a corrupt court anoints the president as above the law of the land.

    For the love of God, Biden, please run in 2016, I know you're still grieving over the death of your son, but if you don't you'll be grieving over the death of your entire country.

    For the love of God, Hillary, please step aside and let Sanders be the candidate, I know you agreed with Obama that he would give you SoS in return for you running after him but the Republican propaganda machine has made you toxic.

    Barack, you can't sweep this Russian interference under the rug, it's too important to ignore, please!

    I beg you, Hillary, don't ignore the rust belt, your numbers are weaker than they should be there and they are too important to lose, the literal future of democracy is at stake.

    For fuck's sake, Comey, don't reopen this stupid email investigation two weeks before the election, we both know there's nothing on that fucking laptop. You need to shut down the trumpy faction before they leak its existence because they are trying to interfere with the election, and if Trump wins he will reward you with a pink slip while gleefully dragging the country to a dictatorship.

    This timeline could've been so easily avoided, if only one variable out of dozens was different. But here we are, with me wondering where I can even flee to in order to escape the coming dictatorship.

  • Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016?
  • The hush money payments were before the election so they were still felonies. It's possible Trump wouldn't have bothered hiding them like he did if he lost, but in any case there wouldn't have been the appetite to prosecute him.

    As for the coup, he absolutely would have tried it, definitely through filing lawsuits, and probably up to the same fake electors scheme and the riot, but it's debatable how far he would've gotten. Definitely not as far as he did in reality, though.

  • nihilsm rule


    Connect stops loading additional comments in posts with very large numbers of comments / loads empty comment threads

    This is a fairly persistent issue that appears to be exclusive to Connect, and extremely annoying.

    Any time a post accumulates very large numbers of comments (say, 300 or more), Connect will eventually just... stop loading additional comments. At first, scrolling down will load a few more top-level comments, but eventually it'll just give up and act like there's no more comments to load, even though there Connect has loaded less than 50 comments out of a 1,000+ comment megathread. Worse yet, if a user direct links to a comment on one of those megathreads, Connect will load a completely empty comment thread. This issue doesn't occur on Voyager or Jerboa, nor on the web UI.


    Trying to leave without following the rule


    Bug report: Messages removed by moderators are still visible in Connect

    I won't link specific posts for obvious reasons, but there were multiple posts here that were removed by community moderators but were still visible in the Connect app:

    Needless to say, getting blasted with a bunch of rhetoric vile enough to warrant moderation is not the way I wanted to start my day.
