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Ebby Ebby
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Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative)
  • It's changing settings to only allow one way sync and disable deletion. The sync folder basically becomes an automatic archive destination.

    They are soooo close to having this cool tool, but many feature requests have been shot down because it's not a true sync. I get it, but it sucks too.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Radicalization (or radicalisation) is the process by which an individual or a group comes to adopt increasingly radical views in opposition to a political, social, or religious status quo.

    So the "all police are lying murderers until they convince me they're not, but I won't let that happen" crowd sort of fit. Then there are the wannabees that try to fit in and fan the flames.

    For all you know, we are both AI bots out to steer the course of dialogue and incite our respective groups.

    Spooky fingers oooOOOOooooo

    If there is anything to take away, talking to all of you in this thread now, is that I love debates and discord among strangers and while we don't see eye to eye, I'd have a beer with you folks and at the end of the day, wish you all well.

    Let's keep the emotions in check.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Yeah, woops, something got pooched. I replied to a comment in my messages and it wound up here.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Honestly, the downvotes don't bother me as much as the gossip and unchecked hysteria in some Lemmy communities. This is a controversial topic and this is a discussion.

    But some take differing viewpoints as a personal attack and double down.

    I have my own biases, I recognize that, but I try to stick with facts like I have in this thread. But I've been on both sides of a police-focused argument before and also massively attacked for assuming police were out to get a company. I backed it up with facts too but that issue was hard to defend.

    I may not agree with people here, and you may not agree with me, but votes don't make you right. You're free to present evidence the police in this article acted outside their authority anytime; all I hear are soapbox radicals with an axe to grind.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • That's why toys have red tips. If there is no red tip, as in a replica, it looks and assumed to be real.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • According to the article there were 2 youths.

    There is another side.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Unarmed?

    Literally armed with a pellet gun. It's in the title!

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • WOW do you like your own narrative.

    That's not an admission to lying whatsoever.

    That is literally what it says it is: that the video circulating online does not portray the entire incident.

    Any armchair editor knows how to add start/stop points to a clip. It could be to emphasize a point, exclude content, or simply meet time constraints.

    People these days... so easily radicalized. Take a breather and wait for more info.

  • Suggestions for file sync / android backup / sharing software (nextcloud alternative)
  • I use syncthing for backups including some phone files, but I'm not sure this would be good.

    Syncthing devs clearly don't want this app used as a sync-and-archive tool so all phones would have all copies and any phone can permanently delete any file. I wouldn't trust that.

    (Yes, there is a roundabout way, I do it too, but it is prone to errors and sync issues)

    I second immich and backup. immich can archive as you want, and Syncthing can make backups of files.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • I haven't heard a statement from the other side of the story, but it seems you have. So please, inform us all. Otherwise, your speculation based in distrust and hate is moot.

    We only have one source of facts at the moment, with a promise for a more detailed followup so, yeah, it carries weight.

    I don't know why a 13yo would do such a thing, or why they even had a replica gun. I'm not them. I feel sorry for them, but according to the facts I know right now, it was a bad choice. I am especially interested if the red tip were removed designating a toy. As the article references a replica, not a toy, I wonder if that had some influence in the outcome.

    I am fully prepared to change my view if new evidence persuades me.

  • Police in New York shoot and kill 13-year-old holding a pellet gun, authorities say
  • Outcome is unfortunate but pointing a gun, replica or not, at an officer has always been a very bad idea. Nothing is different now vs 30 years ago.

    Do we as a society really need reminding don't point weapons at police? Don't do it folks.

  • I got an old Cisco AP and I looked inside!
  • Sweet! My first computer was a 333mhz PowerPC Mac! Still have that behemoth. Man, I learned video editing and 3d modelind on that thing and totally changed my career path.

    Now 25 years later it's decendant (roughly?) is a SoC running a wireless hub!

  • You can fit two cars there
  • Yeah, depth of field is all over the map. It doesn't make sense. Text in focus behind the truck, but not the SUV, even though it's further away.

    My vote is a composite. Several images merged together.

    EDIT: oh yeah. Tree is a seam. Bush behind the truck bed is 2 colors and focuses. And the trucks back bumper... bad masking.

    Tilt shift generally makes things look miniature like a model.

  • How to make an EV tire that won’t pollute the environment
  • Price is definitely important, but so is traction. If stopping distance increases because eco materials grip less, that would be a concern.

    My criteria are performance results, wear rating, and price.

  • Electricians of fediverse, should I have my selfhosting box grounded?
  • Can confirm. Neighbors house had an attic fire with knob & tube wiring.

    ... Just like the stuff still in my place today. Eek! Landlord won't upgrade unless there is a problem. In my house, the breakers are all 20amp and that's a lot to run on, best guess, 70 year old wires.

    Oh, and do not assume anything is wired as expected. Test after. I've found a couple plugs "upgraded" to 3-prong by jumping the load and ground together. That made for a fun firework show when my metal fan touched something metal. Even the landlord was impressed by that stupidity.

    A cheaper solution is to take a copper wire and connect the ground screw of the socket to a water pipe. It does the job and is better than nothing.

  • [article] How traffic noise hurts children's brains | BBC News
  • Preschool was on a hill next to a cemetery. (Really creepy now that I think about it) Elementary was next to orchards, middle school by a post office and community center, high school had more traffic nearby but still never a distraction.

    I don't live there anymore, more big city vibes, but it's all background sound.

    Of sounds that stand out right now, we have airplanes and sirens as the distractions. Car noise is insignificant.

  • [article] How traffic noise hurts children's brains | BBC News
  • Swing and a miss. No biggie.

    Grew up off the beaten path with redwoods and a creek in the backyard.

  • [article] How traffic noise hurts children's brains | BBC News
  • As a seasoned sound engineer, yes.

    But the scale is logarithmic so take "half of Barcelona's population is exposed to noise levels of 65db", subtract 3.5 from the chart above, and you get...

    A conversation.

    I did take precautions when I worked with a rock band monitoring the house. 25k watts can make a lot of sound pressure and 3db, along with exposure limits, were very important to keep an eye on.

  • [article] How traffic noise hurts children's brains | BBC News
  • Ahhh man, you guys are going to make me take a few hours to shred this article. Alrighty. cracks knuckles

    This article uses 3 definitions of noise:

    • Noise: general background sound measured in db. not necessarily bad.
    • Noise pollution: Defined as unwanted (in this case all background noise) or disturbing sounds
    • Noise fluctuations: Sudden sounds tied to distracted behavior. This is the big important one and least talked about.

    [formatting bug fix]

    First of all, the link to "hurt children's brains" as mentioned in the title is hyperbole; they are talking about distraction in the majority of the article. Yes, noise distracting. How much noise?

    The World Health Organization recommends noise levels do not exceed 35 decibels in classrooms.

    record scratch


    Yeah, so basically everything. A distinguished fart for example.

    Noise-induced hearing loss occurs after prolonged exposure to high levels of noise, exceeding 85 decibels.

    The exposure time for hearing loss at 85db is 8 hours. That is a lot of continuous noise. I don't record 85db INSIDE my old rickety car, let alone a classroom in residential zone 200' away.

    I think there is a dangerous disconnect between what this article calls cognitive harm and distraction. They are not interchangeable. It would make sense distracted children score lower on tests than non-distracted peers, but I wouldn't call that harm. As someone with ADD, I take great offense in likening the two. In fact, if this article were rewritten as "traffic noise distraction for students" it would be MUCH more believable.

    children between 5-11 years of age are especially vulnerable to noise if they have lower selective attention – meaning, the ability to maintain focus and block out unwanted distraction.

    I was diagnosed when I kept looking at a air vent every time the building's heater fan kicked in. Traffic was never a problem. Why? Because traffic sound becomes white noise. White noise actually helped me and many in my position focus. What did stand out were what the article calls "sudden fluctuations"

    The researchers found that sudden fluctuations of noise [...] were more likely to distract children, and cause them to miss important information, even at a lower than average noise level.

    Congrats! You discovered ADD!

    This article is filled with so many qualifiers "may", "could", "suggests", "potentially" to vaguely link real science to assumptions. They want a connection that doesn't exist; these words obfuscate libel. Ignore anything with any of these for it's junk.

    the Transit Authority installed rubber pads on the tracks to reduce noise, and the Board of Education equipped classrooms with sound-absorbing materials to create a better learning environment.

    Sounds like these worked. The sound absorbing is probably a great way to go. Double pane windows help a ton too. Try noise canceling headphones as well!

    noise exposure has also been associated with a greater diabetes risk

    I actually found this sort of interesting and would like to know more about it, particularly a % increase, but it was paywalled. It could be minuscule for all I know.

    The creation of the San Antoni superblock has lowered average daytime noise levels by 3.5 decibels

    See decibel graphic above. Commence slow clap and thumbs up on their cough significance.

  • 1971 Toyota Celica

    So we're posting Celicas now?

    This is a project car I've been working on off and on for a while. Yup, there is still much to do (mostly cosmetic) but it drove for the first time since I totally rebuilt the engine...

    ... until the heater core hose burst and sprayed my leg with hot antifreeze.

    It's been a really fun project and hitting this milestone feels great!
