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EatALime EatALime

I knit and crochet. I've dabbled in making little personal websites off and on through the years and I'm looking to get into web development now. I haven't done open source work yet, but I'd like to give it a try!

Ich möchte Deutsch lernen, deshalb lauere ich manchmal im Deutschen Zeitschriften/Gemeinschaften.

Here's where I got my lime avatar image.

Posts 0
Comments 31
How to see posts from another Mastodon instance in a smooth way in one's own instance?
  • I haven't had this problem. Are people pasting links to someone else's post into their post or is this from boosts? Is it quotes? I don't think Mastodon has quote posts, but Firefish and potentially other Misskey variants do. Do you have an example? I primarily use Firefish instead of Mastodon so I am admittedly not the most experienced Mastodon user, but even when I scroll through my Mastodon account, posts and boosts open in my own server when I click them and I can star or bookmark or boost them myself from that page.

    I am curious about what's happening exactly so I can understand it better, I hope my questions don't come off as hostile.

  • This is an insult to the cow that died for this to exist....
  • Sweet and savory clash horribly. I will never understand why anybody wants to put syrup in or on their meat. Syrup is great on pancakes, but leave it off the bacon, sausage, and now apparently burgers.

  • I just wanted to leave this here
  • The copyright on that page is 2021, did they keep working on that after all the criticism from the NFT avatars?

    I looked it up and this wait list came out in December 2021 it seems:

  • What's the benefit of using Kbin over Lemmy?
  • Kbin does a better job of putting new posts in front of you even before you have subscribed to anything, so I think it is easier to find interesting things to read. Kbin is newer than Lemmy, so Lemmy had the advantage in familiarity for people. More people had heard of it when Reddit's API drama blew up and that gave Lemmy a distinct advantage when people picked a new platform. Kbin also has some annoyances like not being able to collapse comments and vote buttons being at the top instead of the bottom of posts and comments. If someone has written a lengthy comment, I want to read through the whole thing before I decide how to vote and I don't want to scroll back up to get to a vote button. To reply to a post you also have to scroll through the comment section. In some cases it's good to see if someone else has already said what you are going to say, but in other cases if someone is looking for personal stories, you don't necessarily need to read everyone else's story before submitting your own.

    Personally I have this kbin account and a lemmy account as well. My Lemmy server seems to go down more often and the default sort always shows the same days old pinned posts from my server admin that I can't seem to hide after reading. On Reddit, I didn't have to switch sort to see newer stuff so Lemmy comes across as pretty stale sometimes even though there is a fair amount of posting going on.

  • crossing flood river on bike wcgw
  • There is a great Practical Engineering video that explains this risk for anyone who is curious.

    Crossing that dam was definitely a bad move.

  • Never forget the greatest moment in r/Drama's history, when the mods banned all of r/Teenagers and turned out they were creepy middle aged "hebephiles."
  • Just because it's legal doesn't mean it's ethical. Lots of reprehensible things have been legal at different times including the present.

  • Reddit's crappy app has code for a "get money for your karma" program
  • They already did NFT avatars, but they came out after the big backlash against NFTs so they called them by another name and left the NFT part out of the description.

  • None of you will convince me that this wasn't foreshadowing
  • It was really disappointing and cringy. I thought the show came out after the Thailand cave incident where he said people who were helping rescue trapped children were only in the country because they were pedophiles, but I just looked up the dates and the first season of Discovery came out a year before that incident. I waited a while to get Paramount+ because I didn't want yet another streaming service on top of Netflix and Hulu.

    The Musk references aged very quickly. It's not great to name off living people as future historic figures when they are still alive and able to wreck their legacies.

  • Gizmodo’s staff isn’t happy about G/O Media’s AI-generated content
  • I think you are underestimating the amount of people out there who literally just want a list of the ten best of anything with minimal explanation.

    I've got a family member who loves reading off dumb lists every day without paying any attention to who is writing the list or why. Some of the people on the internet are elderly people who are trying to stay in the loop but also have eroded critical thinking capabilities and they will probably gobble AI articles up.

  • How do I block entire servers?
  • I've been wondering how to do this! I appreciate the tip.

  • Inside Reddit's path to an IPO, where employees see 'thrash' from constant pivots and say more managers may leave amid a flattening
  • If Reddit leadership was oblivious, their heads were under a rock. Various GPT iterations have been training on different subreddits and posting to places like r/SubredditSimulator for years and have even been reported on in the media well before ChatGPT came out. Here is one report on it from 4 years ago:

    According to the article, r/SubredditSimulator is 7 years old. The cat is way out of the bag here.

  • Is there a major difference between Lemmy and Beehaw (or other federated instances)?
  • Lemmy is the software a lot of the Reddit style fediverse websites run on. Many of them include Lemmy in the name such as and, but others don't include Lemmy in the name. is another website that runs the Lemmy software, it just didn't put Lemmy in its name. Beehaw does have an uncommon configuration since the down vote ability is disabled there, but it still is Lemmy at its core. Beehaw did defederate from some of the other big Lemmy servers because they were overwhelmed with trying to moderate that much content and those servers reportedly had open sign ups which led to a big influx of spammy bots, so and are invisible to each other right now, but the admins of Beehaw have expressed a desire for more granular moderation tools in order not to have to defederate from such large servers as a whole in the future.

    Kbin is a different software altogether so the kbin servers such as and have a different layout, terminology, and some different features than the Lemmy based servers, but Lemmy and Kbin both use the ActivityPub protocol to send and fetch data, so you can post between the two platforms as if they were on the same server. I am browsing this post and writing this reply from

  • Shoutout to All The Lemmy Servers (And Their Admins)
  • Beehaw markets themselves as a heavily moderated space and they caught a lot of flack for defederating from and, but even they are still federated with a bunch of different instances. There will probably be a pool of instances that share a fairly hands-off approach and remain connected to all the other instances that have a "we'll federate with anyone" policy. There will likely be a collection of middle-ground instances who defederate with instances that are the source a lot of harassment or certain NSFW material but otherwise don't restrict much and still federate with instances that maintain similar moderation styles. At the far end you end up with places like Gab and Truth Social which are both Mastodon instances that aren't federated at all and are completely closed communities because they only ever wanted to be an echo chamber. The rest of the fediverse or even just Mastodon didn't cease to exist when Truth Social started up its own walled off instance.

    People can self select into the kinds of communities they like. The unrestricted ones will only fail if the lack of moderation is such a problem that nobody signs up to any of them.

  • List of popular communities you should visit!
  • On mobile you can click the menu button in the upper left corner to get to the thread and magazine info of your current page to follow that thread or subscribe to the magazine it was posted to. It's quicker than scrolling all the way to the bottom of the page.

  • Goodnight, RIF
  • The next best way to browse reddit is through a teddit front end. The main one is, but today I learned there is another one at, along with various others. You can't log in or vote, but if you happen to get linked to Reddit, using one of the teddit sites will let you avoid the ads and will provide a streamlined page.

  • Can we have one day without talking about poop?
  • One of my favorite features about Calckey is the ability to mute words. I think Mastodon allows it, too, and I used to make use of the word filter on Reddit as well. Maybe one day kbin will include it or perhaps it's hidden somewhere I missed and some helpful person will kindly point the way.

    It's great for situations like this. I use it to filter out dog posts because I have a traumatic past with them and I know I'll never convince people to quit putting dogs literally everywhere, but I don't have to see nearly as many of those posts with a good filter setup.

  • What "third generation" Trek is worth watching?
  • I would definitely recommend Strange New Worlds. It has a great cast and the return to an episodic format allows for a lot of variety in conflicts and dilemmas faced by the crew. Next up I would recommend The Orville. I hate Family Guy, Seth MacFarlane's humor is very off -putting to me so I was skeptical, but really the show was delightful and felt a lot like TNG era Star Trek to me. The show has some crass elements still, but they aren't overbearing. Honestly, Lower Decks is a lot worse on that front than The Orville and feels way more juvenile to me. People say Lower Decks is supposed to get better in season 2 but I watched some season 2 episodes with my roommates and still found it unbearable. If you like Family Guy/Rick and Morty, you might enjoy it more than I did since most people do seem to love that one.

    The other new Trek shows are too busy facing overly big, galactic apocalypse-level threats throughout each entire season to delve into much real philosophy or analysis of the human condition and the crushing threats are so extreme that even when the shows do focus on the human side and try to look at something personal, you start to wonder why people are stopping to have a long discussion about their emotions and relationship struggles in the presence of immediate danger to their lives. Even when the discussions are good, the timing is bad enough for it to not make sense. A lot of details like that are very immersion breaking for me as a viewer.

    Picard season 3 was a well balanced nostalgia trip. It was a lot more relatable than seasons 1 and 2 and has some really great human(oid) moments dealing with pride, regret, grief, belonging, and passing the torch to the next generation. It was fan service done well. It still does the new Trek thing of a big, impending threat but does a better job of keeping that threat at arm's length enough for the interpersonal discussions to feel more impactful and logical in the moment. I was so disappointed in seasons 1 and 2 that I almost skipped 3, but now I am rooting for a spin off from season 3 with the new characters they introduced.

  • Considering a steam deck
  • I personally find it uncomfortable. I tried a couple of games on my boyfriend's Steam Deck. I didn't really like the controls for either game, they were probably more designed around keyboard and mouse so it was awkward to play them. Overall it wasn't comfortable to hold and I haven't had any desire to use it again. On the other hand, my boyfriend uses his all the time now. The biggest problem I currently have is constantly trading the power cord because he always needs to keep plugging it in, the battery life seems abysmal.

    I suppose keep in mind what kind of interface the games you like have - do they play well with a controller or do you need to add in a keyboard and mouse to your family room setup? With games that require controllers, I prefer the Switch for comfort (downside is buying a whole separate set of games from PC). My hands are tiny, so the detachable Switch controllers suit me well, plus I like holding one Joycon in each hand so I can hold my arms in different positions instead of holding onto one joined controller with both hands. For keyboard and mouse games, I don't mind playing PC games on my laptop when I feel like playing on the couch because that doesn't strain my wrists like the weight of the Steam Deck does.

  • Es ist bemerkenswert, wie präsent Deutsch im Fediverse ist. Hier die aktuelle Alle Posts habe ich rot markiert.
  • Ich liebe die vielen Sprachen, die es auf dem Fediverse gibt. Calckey hat sogar eine Schaltfläche zum Übersetzen.

    Da ich spreche nur ein bisschen Deutsch, gefallen mir die vielen deutschen Beiträge, die es hier gibt. Jeden Tag lese ich ein bisschen mehr Deutsch und lerne mehr.

  • Americans Hate ISPs Almost As Much As They Hate Gas Stations, Survey Finds
  • My family pays $160/month for a 4Mbps up/ 1 Mbps down internet and landline phone combo that usually tops out at half that speed in practice. It's amazing much of anything loads out here.