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Duck Duck
Posts 4
Comments 17
UK Covid deaths are on the rise again, but keep calm and keen on shopping.
  • For the record, both my partner and I have kept up with our vaccine schedule, and both mask (I'm on immunosuppressive medication) - I've likely not caught it once, and he's only caught it once, likely bc he got careless. I still travel fairly frequently, internationally. We go out, have fun. Neither of our lives have stopped, we're just more careful. Keep our distance from others. As an added bonus, I don't have to smell the underground anymore, at all. Personally masking is 100% worth it. Improved my health and his, and doesn't really impede on us. Though I am tired of nurses asking if I'm I'll bc I'm in a mask when I go in for appointments :/

  • UK Transport or Urban Planning content
  • He definitely strikes me as more of a train guy than a transit guy. The difference is subtle between the two, but there.

  • What is the biggest barrier for public transport in your opinion?
  • My answer's going to be different depending on if you're asking for barriers to use or policy issues.

    As far as use goes, transit needs to be frequent enough to be useful and go to where people need it to. It sounds simple put like that but you hear a lot about once daily bus service to some of these towns and then everyone wonders why we're so car dependent.

    Access is also important and often overlooked in these discussions. Because of course disabled people who have no ability to drive will use transit. Para-transit style services have such heavy limitations that in many areas it can't be used for work and sometimes not even appointments. It keeps people who otherwise might be working out of work which benefits no one.

    Policy wise, funding. It's a chicken and egg situation. No one wants to fund poorly used service, and no one uses the poorly funded service because it isn't fit for purpose.

  • Minister asks South Cambridgeshire council to end four-day week trial
  • I truly fail to understand the logic besides protecting personal interests. By most metrics it's a success.

    Unless he believes that if the council workers can be this efficient and productive in 4 days and that productivity hasn't been affected then the council workers should be able to do extra with that extra day and they obviously weren't doing enough before.

    It's twisted logic, but there's a sense to it? If you manage to forget that people are people and need time away from work in order to be more productive, happier, etc

  • Minister asks South Cambridgeshire council to end four-day week trial
  • I think that'll be the outrage line. "They just want to work less for the same pay, expecting handouts, something something lazy entitled want everything handed to them" I saw similar with the outrage around quiet quitting.

  • Disability Duck

    Happy Disability Pride month everyone!

    Idk how many people know about it, but July is disability pride month! It's a moderately new celebration to the world, since it started in the US.

    The first disability pride day was held in Boston after the signing of the ADA in 1990. It started as one day and became a month long thing about 2015.

    Here, protests began around the ITV telethons for funds for disabled charities in 1992. Disabled activists blocked access to the studios as a result of the growing feeling of being made to be a spectacle and object of pity rather than functional members of society.

    Disabled civil rights groups held protests and demonstrations which eventually led to the passage of the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) in 1995 after 14 unsuccessful attempts at similar legislation throughout the early 1980s and mid-1990s.

    Due to the many shortcomings of the DDA and continual campaigning, the Equality Act replaced it in 2010.

    There's more info on the history of disability rights in the UK here if you're interested in a longer read.

    Disability Pride (to me) means that I'm proud of everything I can do, and that I have both abilities and disabilities. It means that my disabilities don't make me lesser, and that I deserve the same rights and opportunities as anyone. That my value as a person isn't measured in how productive I am, and that I deserve opportunities to contribute, participate in society at large, and be supported as I need (because a society should take care of its ill and elderly).

    Casual UKs Casual Chat
  • It's been really lovely here. This is honestly the first time in recent memory that I haven't had to carefully curate everything to filter out the absolute shite. I've enjoyed having a slower paced place to keep up with news and just have a chat

  • Saturday chat thread
  • It's looking to be another hot day where I am, and I'm just hunkering down with the dogs and doing not much. Might sort laundry out this evening.

  • Goodbye Reddit, hopefully Feddit is my forever home
  • I went on Reddit long enough today to finish purging my content and replacing with spam - I haven't deleted my accounts yet bc laziness. It was fun reading years old threads for a bit but I got bored and I probably won't go back now. Haven't missed it all month

  • UK Transport or Urban Planning content
  • One of the ones I remember watching was Geoff Marshall - he's got a very heavy UK focus if not exclusively.

    I, personally, think we can never have too much train/public transit content and would love to see more of it. I've been moaning quite a lot about how shite YouTube is of late. Content creation isn't exactly easy but I'd welcome seeing more people in the space.

  • Just a small vent
  • Ibuprofen is what I happened to have this time, but I shall for sure keep that in mind in regards to the naproxen. I'm generally quite a big fan of naproxen but ibuprofen just works better with my cramps for whatever reason and I try to just suffer through my migraines (too frequent). I've never had much pain relief with diclofenac, not sure why.

  • Just a small vent
  • That holistic approach you mention is one of the very few things that gives me any quality of life, frankly. I have one cup of (caffeinated) tea a day and that's it. Salt is probably one of the few things I have to have a ton of but I'm also very regularly nutrient deficient if I don't keep on top of it (sodium, potassium, etc).

    Since my injury, I just.. don't go out longer than a very brief period in summer. It knocks me down for days if I do and just isn't worth it. I hibernate in a bedroom, with blackout curtains, take care of the dog, and do precious little else. It's a very sparse existence to be sure but less agonising. Aside from ice, these kinds of techniques are about all I can use on a regular basis? My migraines are too frequent and easily triggered to rely on meds - the triptans I've tried either haven't helped or have made things worse and you have MOH with NSAIDS. Steroids are a handful of times a year thing and give me absolutely wild blood sugar levels.

    I'm still working my way through preventative medication options. It feels like I've been through everything but I'm sure there's more. I've a trial of this medication for 6 months, 3 at this dose, probably 3 at reduced.

  • Just a small vent
  • It's several days later now but I would absolutely take any tips to add to my migraine toolbox. I've trialled several medications, my current one has destroyed my appetite and my sleep. I'm also on Botox, with still many breakthrough migraines. Tried glasses, adaptive lighting, ice, gammacore... It truly feels I've tried everything though I know that's likely not the case.

  • Public to lose access to paths after landowner lobbying
  • I'm not shocked but I am quite peeved. Naturally the government would side with landowners - the rest of us are too poor. Additionally, England has quite the history of gating off spaces (parks and the like) for the upper classes and restricting access for the common people.

    So it's not shocking. But irksome nonetheless.

  • The Wednesday Whinge
  • My first account was over at - that instance was quite large and well known before the Reddit exodus started. I don't really log in over there much anymore - quite a fan of the smaller scale and more localised things here. It's nice to have a reprieve from the 'american culture' that's so prevalent on the internet.

  • The Wednesday Whinge
  • Sometimes all you need is a good moan. I can commiserate with the (unwanted) weed smells - my brother vapes some several times a day. If he's home, he's more than likely vaping weed.

    Hope you're taking care with that slipped disk - sounds very unfun

    'They' keep talking about how with interest rates going up, we'll see housing prices crash but I'm starting to think it's all a load of bollocks.

  • Disability Duck

    Just a small vent

    I'm on the third day of a continuous migraine and I'm so tired of it. I had a small reprieve from ibuprofen but holy heck it came back with intensity.

    I'm currently lying in bed with blackout curtains and the dog. I'm bored out of my mind and the pain from my migraine is radiating down my face. Debating messaging for steroids to break the migraine but doing that means insulin use for about a week and a half - 2 weeks.

    Intermittent phone use makes it less boring but doesn't help my pain lol. I guess I just want to moan a bit.

    Tablet organisers?
  • That's such an obvious answer lol I don't know how I didn't think of a zipper pouch. I'll probably go with something like that

  • Disability Duck

    Tablet organisers?

    So I am on the hunt for a travel tablet organiser, specifically one for my as needed medications. I don't exactly want to take them out of blister packs when it might be days or weeks before I need the next dose but I usually break them out into 'singlets' to take out with me. I currently just keep them tossed in my bag but they're prone to being damaged or forgotten. Does anyone have any idea for how one might keep these tidy?

    PSA: beehaw defederated from and
  • That was my thought as well. Like if you want to vet all the users who join your instance AND interact with it - which is what it sounds like the mods there want - then why on earth are you federated?

  • Bagged myself my best username ever!
  • I'm quite pleased with mine, myself. This was also the post that galvanised me to join here - quite happy with it

  • 'This will pass’ - Reddit boss responds to major chaos at site
  • I've been going through my multiple accounts and filling it with nonsensical spam, then planning to delete. Saved the handful of references worth keeping and I'm not planning to go back. I'll miss the conversion in the smaller subs.