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Draconic_NEO Draconic NEO

"Let Chaos storm, let cloud shapes swarm; I wait for form"

Posts 3
Comments 222
Button Rule
  • Considering the extreme risk involved despite the low odds, I would not.
    It is tempting and the odds of hitting that 1% on the first press are low, so the chance of a payoff is very good, but on the other hand, you won't get any money if you hit that 1% first try, so even leaving money for loved ones is out of the question there.

  • voltage rule
  • Except superconductors often conduct better when they are cold (unfortunately, would be nice if a room temperature one was found but probably isn't going to happen).

  • voltage rule
  • Silicon isn't a conductor, it's a semiconductor. Also conductivity is dependent on temperature, hot stuff usually conducts easier, though some things conduct easier when they are colder. Even at the low voltage it's more complicated than "Conductors" and "Insulators" we learn in those ultra basic electronics guides online (or in school if you're lucky).

  • Rules, regulations, or: why am I banned???
  • I've seem many people from Europe refer to communist parties and Russia as far left because they do embody certain socialist ideas that are leftist but take it well beyond the point of being a good thing, so in this regard yes they are far left. Thing is you absolutely can go way too far with any philosophy. I do agree that what they did with the political compass is good though because it reflects the actual nature of being an extremist socially while also representing the economic value, though in these situations they are still very far to the left of countries with economies that aren't exclusively controlled by state (North Korea is a great example).

  • Should I join "free speech" alternatives?
  • Also tracking protection in the browser to prevent reading browser history and such. Security and privacy practices are absolutely paramount if you're planning on visiting services like that. Of course the best thing is to not visit them at all but some people feel they need to see it for themselves, if they choose they should be prepared and keep themselves safe.

  • Eurulevision
  • Also helps with NonBinary representation too.

  • Based on recent events
  • Yeah I couldn't agree more, they've caused enough issues to prove that it really isn't and hasn't been a joke for a long time.

  • Denuvo Outage Makes Hit Single-Player Game Persona 5 Royal Unplayable
  • Considering how awful I've seen anti-cheat discussions on Steam and Xbox go I really don't have much hope for those people's ability to unite together against something like this. Oh and in case people try and say that anti-cheat and DRM are different things, that is true, but also not really, they're both software designed to restrict the things that a user can do with a game they have bought, the only difference is that anti-cheat is way more accepted, and the community is willing to witch-hunt and slander people who don't accept it. Also I've seen cases of Anti-cheats in singleplayer games being used as a sort of anti-tamper DRM, so they're really not that different.

  • Based on recent events
  • You're either confusing me with someone else or whatever app you're using is broken because I am not an instance admin here.

    Also even if I was it still wouldn't be my decision alone and would be up to the rest of the team to decide, because that's how a large instance is run, you don't just go do big things like that randomly without having a discussion about it first.

    CC: @[email protected]

  • Based on recent events
  • Most people on hexbear with any desire to participate in good faith will have other accounts elsewhere, Hexbear is already isolated as can be so multiple accounts is basically required for them to participate on the rest of the Fediverse. Shouldn't feel too bad about cutting off their Hexbear accounts since they almost certainly have others.

  • Based on recent events
  • Really wish people would take the time to learn how the options work and not just assume they work a certain way, instance blocks are just for communities and not the users on the instance:

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

    When people frame this option as if it's an alternative to defederation it is both deceptive and dishonest because it does not help with the current issues instances like hexbear bring to the table, it just blocks the communities of that instance.

  • Based on recent events
  • You are a sad and pathetic troll, it's funny because you'll just be banned, have the messages deleted and then everyone will forget all about you. It's literally pointless for you to even be doing this.
    I will admit that it is funny and enjoyable when the time comes for trolls to be banned.

  • Based on recent events
  • But I’m sure we’d be loosing good people from hexbear too

    Not really, the good people will just make accounts elsewhere and start using those accounts to interact here and on the rest of the fediverse, most of the good ones already do that because hexbear is already very isolated by virtue of the fact they're using whitelist federation and also the fact that they already have been defederated for the spam, trolling, and harassment their less savory members bring about (and more importantly the fact that it is unpunished by their instance's moderators if not encouraged).

  • Based on recent events
  • Yeah they're posting from a account, doesn't tolerate spammers, which is what this guy is. He is posting emoji spam.

  • Based on recent events
  • You may want to remember that blocking servers in lemmy only really targets the communities and doesn't target users from the instance. So in these situations it kinda doesn't do anything. It's a common misconception that instance blocking in Lemmy is stronger than it actually is and many people think it does things that it doesn't actually do.

    Users can now block instances. Similar to community blocks, it means that any posts from communities which are hosted on that instance are hidden. However the block doesn’t affect users from the blocked instance, their posts and comments can still be seen normally in other communities.

  • minerule
  • The issue is the server doesn't use plugins since they had lots of issues after each update while using plugins and the maintainers decided it wasn't worth it to maintain that. So as is it only has a script to minitor chat for commandts like :home :spawn :warp etc. and is otherwise completely vanilla.

    There are some downsides like that villagers don't breed but they also do give out spawn eggs and occasionally spawners, so it's still reasonably easy to renew villagers. Big downside is that farmers can't replant crops, so all crop farms are manual.

  • Entered incorrect email while registering, where can I get help?
  • You could try asking in the appeals room, on the Official dbzer0 Matrix space. If you don't have a matrix account you can sign up here.

  • minerule
  • The server I play on has Mobgriefing disabled and has had it disabled for many years since people would use creepers to blow holes in people's walls and floors on purpose. Also ghasts were blowing up parts of the nether hub and gold farm (made of glass).

    They also disabled fire spreading because people were destroying stuff with it both intentionally and unintentionally.

  • feeling attacked rule
  • I don't own any flags myself, I only own pins. If I did own flags though I would iron them so they look nice.

    I don't really plan on getting them though unless I can find at least an AroAce flag in the purple and green color scheme. Which I haven't up until now, technically I couldn't find a pin either but pins are easy to get custom made, flags not so much (at least I never looked into it).

  • Applebee's Rule
  • The weird thing is that many times people throw away microwaves simply because they're dirty. Idiot just clean your fucking microwave.

  • Minecraft Piracy Draconic NEO

    Minecraft Piracy Resources

    This post contains a list of resources for people wishing to play Minecraft for free, including launchers, bypasses for launcher account checks, and skin/auth services.


    This section focuses on custom launchers.


    PollyMC is a fork of the popular launcher known as PrismLauncher, it has been modified to remove the Premium account requirement, and also has had other features re-added like FTB modpack support and curseforge bypass which many other launchers chose to remove. In addition PollyMC also comes with support for Alternative Auth Services.

    The launcher is available on Windows, MacOS, and Linux, and even has flatpak available (not available in flathub).

    PollyMC Github

    Legacy Launcher

    Legacy Launcher, formerly known as TLauncher is a Minecraft Launcher with support for the auth server as well as robust modding support. In Legacy launcher you need to download mods and modpacks manually as it doesn't have download support built-in to the client like PollyMC.

    To download you will need to use a VPN to another country as the Admins of the site disabled downloads to certain countries. You could also use the russian Mirror version of the site.

    Official Site

    Russian Mirror

    For the Flathub version you will have to run this command to bypass Microsoft account requirements:\ flatpak --user override ch.tlaun.TL --env=TL_BOOTSTRAP_OPTIONS=-Doomsday

    Prism/Poly/MultiMC Bypass

    If you really want to use the Original Prism or MultiMC Launcher versions these have Microsoft account requirements in them, however it is possible to bypass this requirement. A guide by the name of PrismLauncher bypass highlights how to do this, both automatically via commands or manually by copying the file. The accounts.json file also works on MultiMC and other similar forks.

    Warning about Malicious Launchers

    There are certain launchers out there such as TLauncher which are malicious and include spyware in them. Such Launchers are often named after or similarly to well known reputable launchers. It's important to only download reputable launchers from official sources.

    Alternate Auth/Skin servers

    This next section focuses on alternate auth servers, these are a few picked from the list of auth servers on PollyMC's github. is one of the more popular Auth servers, it includes its own Skins system, which is proxied with the official one allowing both skin systems to be active together. In addition can also be installed on servers which allows for it to be used as authorization in place of the official servers.

    Blessing Skin Server

    Blessing skin server is another popular authorization server, as the name implies this one's primary focus is on Minecraft skins, it supports both regular and also HD skins. It does have auth support as well but its auth support isn't as well documented as ely\.by.

    LittleSkin (alt Instance of Blessing Skin)

    A secondary instance of Blessing Skin with basically the same features, just on a different website.

    Non-Premium Servers

    While the majority of Minecraft servers these days are premium servers there are still plenty of servers which do not require premium account login.

    You can find these servers on various lists such as:

    Mos of these servers are public Minigames servers, if you want more survival oriented or building servers these are harder to find. People can feel free to share servers they know of here.

    Also there are basically no free servers at all which use alternate auth servers like and BlessingSkin, Hopefully this can change in the future, if you know of any such servers feel free to share them in this community.

    test Draconic NEO

    Sometimes I need to hear this
