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Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel
  • Quoting a couple extremist politicians and claiming is the entire government is like saying the entire US government is subservient to Russia just because Trump sucks Putin's dick.

    Hell, some of the Arab politicians in the Israeli government might give you quotes on quite the opposite of the narrative you're driving.

  • Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel
  • Nah, he's got to go, but the amount of misinformation about anything related to Israel is absolutely ridiculous. Especially in places like lemmy, where you have 3-5 people flooding the whole place with propaganda that's then lapped up by people who get all their news from lemmy posts.

  • Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel
  • Oh right, instigators with holy leaders that say murdering Jews will get you to heaven, and government officials that pay your family using international funds if you go and kill Jews. Oh wait.

    You're also incapable of acknowledging that both sides have civilians which needs protection.

    Sure they need protection. One government does all they can to protect their civilians, the other stripped them of resources and instead choose to go attacking others using those same resources needed for life.

  • Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel
  • That's great fiction you're writing there. Too bad you show no actual understanding of the region. It's almost as if you get your info from outlets peddling anti-Israel hate, since their governments failed to wipe it and all the people in it off the map repeatedly.

  • Forcibly displacing Rafah civilians would be war crime, France warns Israel
  • How many people have been killed by those rockets vs. how many children killed by the IDF?

    Right there, you made it clear that unless both sides suffered deaths, it's okay for one side to do things that you then comdemn the others for.

  • Hamas accepts a Gaza cease-fire proposal, but Israel hasn't commented
  • Gaza needs to be abide by the ceasefire

    Hamas has a long track record of breaking ceasfires. Their demands usually include releasing terrorists that were caught trying to murder civilians within Israel in exchanges that are 1000+:1 with hostages/bodies they hold. For those who aren't just tuning in just for this latest conflict, this isn't exactly news worth even mentioning until an actual deal is struck.

  • Hamas accepts a Gaza cease-fire proposal, but Israel hasn't commented
  • Yeah, but headlines like this are just plain misleading. Hamas agreed to conditions that weren't the ones put forth by Israel. That means it's effectively meaningless, since we don't know how much the terms were altered.

  • Hamas accepts a Gaza cease-fire proposal, but Israel hasn't commented
  • An official familiar with Israeli thinking said Israeli officials were examining the proposal, but the plan approved by Hamas was not the framework Israel proposed.

    So Hamas accepted a proposal that was not proposed by Israel, effectively making this meaningless. Hamas will also accept proposals for Israel to stop existing, doesn't mean that will happen either.