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Djokkum Djokkum

Wannabe sysadmin and competetive procrastinator. Admin of

Posts 6
Comments 29
  • Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I am working on it.

  • Bugs/Issues/Requests
  • Not sure why that one is being troublesome, I also can't get it to work completely. Not all stuff is synchronizing. Sorry it's not working right, I'm going to have to chalk it up to Lemmy being a bit rough around the edges sometimes. If you want I can try to remove it and force a re-sync, but I'm not sure if it would help or make things worse...

  • Admin Update #1

    So, after being up and running for a week now I have implemented a few changes.

    First change is a nice one: I set up an email server, so you can reset a password should you ever forget it. If you'd like to try for yourself, just fill in your email click the 'forgot password' link on the sign-in page! (Don't worry, nothing will actually be reset until you click the link in the email).

    Second change has to do with the sign-up process. My assumption that people would use this instance in good faith was incorrect; today I observed a sudden increase in te amount of 'users' that had signed up. These users were created by a bot, and I'll be working to remove them again in the near future. I have enabled the captcha challenge to counter these automated sign-ups, and so far this appears to be working. I'd rather not enable mandatory email verification, so I hope that won't be necessary.

    Finally, I made some under-the-hood changes to the reverse proxy to improve performance.

    Version 18 of Lemmy should be rolling around soon, expect and update shortly after the release. Until then!

    Getting started with Lemmy
  • Anyone can create a community here!

  • Bugs/Issues/Requests
  • Being on a smaller instance has the advantage that it tends to work ;)

  • Anyone else feel like their body began falling apart in their 20s?
  • I'm doing all right myself, but I can't say the same for my girlfriend. Headaches, tummyaches, backaches, or whatever random thing it is today, there's always something. She's a few years older than me so I guess I have something to look forward to lol.

  • My everyday carry
  • You don't take your fridge with you?

  • What would you think about bots that repost content from Reddit?
  • I've been toying with this idea at well. I don't think it's a good idea to scrape all content. This could drown out the lemmy-original content, especially when large subreddits are concerned. Maybe an upvote threshold (Only scrape if more than X upvotes) would be a good idea.

    I would also scrape only the post itself, not the comments. Best to have our own organic discussions here.

    Finally it should be very clear that a bot is posting these things. Ideally the bot would also ensure it is not re-posting something that was already posted by a Lemmy users just a bit earlier.

  • Getting started with Lemmy
  • Glad it was of use! It's cool to see peeps actually use this whole thing.

  • Bugs/Issues/Requests
  • That specific community seems to be experiencing some problems. I've tried following their instructions but no luck so far. Keep trying, I will as well. has really been running like a square-wheeled bike lately, hasn't it?

  • Can't wait for the weekend
  • stay in bed until 2PM

    Why do I feel so unfulfilled today?

  • If you're telling someone about Lemmy, what link do you send them?
  • I'd send them a link to the instance I'm hosting lol. If I weren't, I'd probably direct them to with the explanation that any instance showcased there is probably good enough.

  • R/Piracy mod makes announcement for Lemmy Instance: Pirates ain't scabs. This blackout is now indefinite!
  • Why am I not surprised? Pirates tend to be at the forefront of these kinds of things :)

  • Reddit CEO warns employees not to wear Reddit swag in public as users revolt
  • The attitude he seems to have bothers me so much.

    "[this blowup] will pass"

    He doesn't even seem to take this whole thing seriously. "Give it two weeks, those suckers will have forgotten all about this". It's insulting.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • Fair enough. I'm just going to enjoy while it lasts (hopefully forever)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm a bit sad (mostly for the reasons you already described), but it's also new and exiting. Interestingly, I'm having more fun here than I've had on Reddit in years. Not only was it cool to set up my own instance, I also notice I'm contributing far more then I ever did on Reddit. Maybe it's because the communities are a bit smaller, so there's a better chance of someone actually reading your comment.

  • How does Lemmy work with search engines?
  • I would expect Lemmy to show up equally in the search results if there is enough relevant content. My tiny tiny instance is already showing up in search results, crawlers can definitely find stuff on here. It would be great if at some point we can append "lemmy" to search queries to get the good stuff like we could with Reddit.

  • Reddit CEO tells employees that subreddit blackout “will pass”
  • “There’s a lot of noise with this one. Among the noisiest we’ve seen. Please know that our teams are on it, and like all blowups on Reddit, this one will pass as well,” the memo reads. “We absolutely must ship what we said we would. The only long term solution is improving our product, and in the short term we have a few upcoming critical mod tool launches we need to nail.”

    In other words, the blackout is not being taken that seriously. The culling of 3rd party apps is still happening. I hope more subreddits decide to go dark indefinitely, and that Redditors keep migrating to Lemmy.

  • Bugs/Issues/Requests

    This is still a young instance, so there might be a snafu here and there. If you have any issues with this instance, please report them here. Do you have an idea to make this place better? Please share as well!


    Getting started with Lemmy

    Hi there!

    So, you decided to put some of your eggs in a different basket, started looking beyond Reddit and joined a Lemmy instance. Great! Thank you for choosing Rammy, by the way. But.. Now what?


    You can think of an instance as the server on which your stuff is hosted. Other instances host other people's stuff. Thanks to federation, however, it doesn't really matter what instance you are on. You can view and interact with content on any other instance, as long as they are federated. This instance is federated with most others at this point.


    You're probably familiar with Reddit's Subreddits. Lemmy has a similar construct, called Communities. These communities reside on an instance. That doesn't mean you can't view, subscribe to and contribute to communities on other instances, though! Once again trough the power of Federation, you can search for any community on federated servers.

    As of right now communities can be hard to find, but the good folks over at made a community browser to help you find communities you might be interested in. Found one? Fantastic! If it's not in the list of communities over here at Rammy, you can add it yourself. Just click on the search icon in the top-right, and search for !{community}@{instance}. For example, if you are interested in the Gaming community over at the instance, search for: [email protected].

    Lemmy is still a bit rough around the edges, and subscribing can be a bit wonky. If your subscribe status is stuck on 'Subscribe Pending', try to un- and resubscribe. If that doesn't work, the only thing to do is wait. Some instances ( is a prime example) are having issues, and there is not much to do from our end. Just resubscribe from time to time. Also note that some content will only appear after at least one user from this instance has subscribed to a community; if you see posts but no comments and upvotes, you should try to subscribe to the community in question.

    Lemmy Administration Djokkum

    Rate limit explanation

    I host a small Lemmy instance (just me at the moment), and on the Admin page i've noticed these rate limit settings. They don't seem to be documented and their meaning is a bit unclear to me. For example, what is the difference between 'Message Rate Limit' and 'Per Second'? And are these values per user or for the entire instance?


    If anyone could explain these rate limit values (or point me to the relevant documentation) I would greatly appreciate it!



    I set up this instance in the hopes of taking the load off of the big guys. It's still a bit under construction (and empty) here, but if you choose to register everything seems to work well enough. And of course, content on other instances is available to you through the power of federation.

    Should you need any help whatsoever, feel free to shoot me a message!
