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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 41
I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist
  • I think the point of my comment is being missed a bit here friend. Servers and backend use Linux, sure. The actual number of Linux users is likely under reported as you say.

    But I have yet to see Linux used as a workstation OS in a place of business. Every doctor, insurance broker, banker, registry, and retail place I've visited were using Windows machines to access their infrastructure. If Windows creates vulnerabilities at entry and exit points it can still compromise information.

  • now I know why
  • I ended up switching to Gnome because KDE would always feel a bit jank to me. Something about it always feels slightly off, animations not working properly or being choppy like my desktop had an unstable framerate. Might just be it fighting with Nvidia, but I don't have several hundred bucks lying around to upgrade my card and switch to AMD...

    Kind of odd seeing the massive hate boner the community seems so have for Gnome, at least we have options for desktop environments at all.

  • This is infininitivelivy worse
  • The one thing Google still has over Duck for me at this point is reddit results. So much niche information is stored on that site, but they've blocked anyone other than Google from crawling the site so other engines can't index past the point they changed that policy.

  • I like how the title pretends *nix operating systems don't exist
  • Regardless of us using Linux on our home computers, most businesses and services use Windows machines. Your information is likely still stored on Windows machines elsewhere if you interact with the world at all.

    With that in mind, it's worth being aware of Windows security problems when they come up.

  • More men without kids are getting vasectomies, doctors say
  • I got one because the idea of having kids has always filled me with a keen sense of dread. Any time I hear that someone is expecting a child my first thought is "oh no I'm so sorry" before saying the expected congratulations.

    Both my partner and I don't like or want kids, why risk accidents happening?

  • I've heard this argument before. I didn't know how to potentially respond to it until they actually changed the prices.
  • You joke, but depending on the area transit can range from really good to REALLY bad.

    Things have gotten really shitty in my city (Calgary, Alberta), my friend takes transit so I hear the horror stories. Homeless people openly doing drugs, screaming at people walking by, sometimes ODing and dying. I've had to leave work to pick up my friend after a homeless guy tried to grab her and was following her with two of his buddies until she went into a restaurant to call me.

    The last time I had to take transit on my own they hadn't cleaned the blood off the wall from the stabbing a couple weeks prior (2023 had a transit stabbing every few weeks).

    I seriously wish I was making this up as it's been cartoonishly awful the last couple of years.

  • Remember being 15
  • I work at a pet store. I monitor anyone that looks between 12 and 18 closely. If I don't, without fail they're always the ones swatting at our animals for a laugh. Why, by Neptune's briny piss, would I treat them with the respect that 9/10 times they don't show to anyone else?

  • Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit?
  • If you could that would help give me a place to start. My worry is how fast the content pool might shrink, can you DM me the worst offenders? The main thing that bugs me is the frequent calls for political violence from people I’m not sure have ever touched grass.

  • Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit?
  • I typically browse All as Lemmy is pretty small and content feels limited. What surprised me the most was how often I see casual calls for violence and mass murder. Though as you mentioned, blocking political subs would probably help.

  • Is Lemmy an effective alternative to Reddit?
  • I'm guessing that filtering helps make it nicer, I see way more nasty and extreme shit on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit. I want to like Lemmy, but I can't recommend it to anyone I know because of how toxic the base experience has been.

    May I ask what you filtered out to make it seem like "the people are much nicer" on a day to day basis? Genuine question, not sarcasm.