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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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The EU is trying to destroy SSL/TLS Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years

The EU is poised to pass a sweeping new regulation, eIDAS 2.0. Buried deep in the text is Article 45, which returns us to the dark ages of 2011, when certificate authorities (CAs) could collaborate with governments to spy on encrypted traffic—and get away with it. Article 45 forbids browsers from...

Article 45 Will Roll Back Web Security by 12 Years
Abortion Rights: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver
  • Leftists aren't pro choice, but pro abortion. Most people don't want abortions up to 9 months. See the stats here under "public opinion".

    I'm pro choice. You, Mr. Killing-viable-baby-at-9-months, are just bat shit crazy.

    Stop lying to people and telling them you're pro choice when you're pro abortion.

    EDIT: I love the responses that have no arguments and are all ad-hominem. Cry more! I love watching you boil from the inside!

  • Every day is full on my schedule until next March, sorry.
  • That's socialized medicine for you.

    I lived through that shit in Germany until I left, and I was almost gonna die because of it once. Now where I live, most my appointments are next day or two, including instant x ray, ultra sound, while MRI and CT takes 3-5 days at most.

    I know people who waited for months to get an MRI in Europe. X ray easily takes 2 weeks if not months unless it's an emergency.

    I know gynecologist appointments for some people went for 6+ months.

    I guess people made their choice. Enjoy the free medicine you always wanted. No hate. Just enjoyment. It's just fun to watch.

  • crazy idea, let's just feed people
  • "Oh, no... the cost of my groceries are shooting up... why???"

    This is why. Keep the money printing press going in your broke government to give you those "free" stuff. Enjoy the consequences of your shitty decisions that came from being ignorant by teaching you nothing useful in the "free" government education facilities and brainwashing you.

    I love seeing consequences. I love seeing you cry. Cry more. Remember: the more you cry, the more people like me are laughing.

    Edit: nothing is funnier than watching ignorant people trying to justify their ignorance in these replies. I guess you can keep your MMT and money printing. You'll live through the consequences, and I'll continue laughing at your pathetic misery. Why should I care? Enjoy!

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • I don't think anyone even records this stuff in Venezuela or Syria anymore, and due to corruption no one cares. You have no idea how chaotic things are there. I know people there who got shot and never got even picked up for weeks because no one dares to cross that street anymore. The stories are horrifying.

    Please stop making excuses. Once you have no more food, clean water, electricity, and persistent hyper-inflation, then let's have that discussion again.

    The irony I see here is that people keep saying that Norway is amazing socialism and everyone should do that in the US... I'm not from the US for the record. Let's not get into that discussion, but it's just an ironic thing coming to mind.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • I'm not saying that every indivudal is having a hunky dory rosy life. Compared to many in the world, your life is still better. I'm all for discussing individual problems, but not the stupidity of "feel bad for me because we had 4 crises". I complained about health care in Europe repeatedly because it's a joke. I would've died too, btw. I was saved outside of Europe, luckily, by sheer coincidence.

    And btw, your grandma would've died even earlier in Syria or Venezuela. Sorry for your loss. But you still have it better than others, and I'm absolutely not against discussing problems that affect society, instead of complaining about vapid, fabricated non-issues just to feel bad for a "generation", like 4 crises. People in other countries wish they have 10% of what you have.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • You can complain about individual problems where we can discuss solutions, no problem. But this whole "4 crises" trend that has been going on for like a month is the stupidest thing I've ever seen. It's not constructive, and very stupid, because if we're gonna talk macro economics, the majority of westerners live a lavish lifestyle compared to others in the world. However, that doesn't mean there aren't individual people who have problems, like yourself. So, talk about your individual problem (student loans, dating market, crunches in jobs, work/life balance, etc), and don't complain about the macro situation. it doesn't make any sense.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • No, OP should not post that they're miserable or whatever because they had "4 crises". This is an improvement even compared to 200 years ago. Only baby boomers were so lucky not to have so much problems. Almost every other generation before had it worse + almost every other country in the world has it worse. OP's complaint shows that they don't appreciate the good life they have, despite the "crises" that happened, compared to the majority of humanity, whether in this time or in history.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • It's not like you're racing to the top, because that'd be admirable. You're complaining for dumb reasons that fall in the big picture. You have my support to race to the top, it's called "life", but all I see is complaining. Again: You're living in the top echelon of humanity both in space and time, literally, yet you think you're oppressed. That's what brats do.

  • Just fuck me up fam
  • I'm not here to "engage" with these brats. I'm just here to tell them they're stupid and annoying. That's me doing my part. If enough people did that, I assure you this will stop. But everyone is a coward and wants to pet them "ooooh, you poor baby... you're not having enough BigMacs and you're not obese enough".