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We are all gonna die
  • What’s next? World War III?

    Already in the works.. 😬

  • We are all gonna die
  • The soundtrack for the first one was a banger, too..

    Thanks for the reminder!

  • BBC: UK Election 2024: Exit poll results
  • Nobody thinks we’re going to have a truly left wing government

    Lol, nobody you've spoken to perhaps. Also if they didn't already, just wait for the media to pitch in over the next couple of years..

  • BBC: UK Election 2024: Exit poll results
  • Not only that, but people think we're about to have a left wing government (mostly because the media tells them so, and school didn't teach them any better), and when nothing changes (at best) they're going to use it as "proof" that leftism doesn't work and fall in to the hands of even further right populists, rather than face the reality - that they've just elected more of the same, and that the system was designed to never serve us, only the establishment.

  • Root causes
  • That's like saying "everything happens for a reason" to someone whose whole family has just been murdered.

    No. Capitalism was never necessary.

  • A lesbian couple was brutally beaten by group of men in Halifax. Police still haven't filed charges
  • This happened in Canada, what does the usa have to do with this? This same thing is playing out over in the EU as well....People inherently do not want groups that come over and violently force their beliefs on the population.

    Maybe if the first group of countries stopped their centuries old "tradition" of doing exactly that to the rest of the world (and on a scale no immigrant could ever imagine inflicting, even if they were so inclined), there wouldn't be so many people fleeing "developing" nations and war zones in the first place?

    I mean, you're a racist xenophobe so I don't expect logic would mean much to you, you just want confirmation that brown Muslim people are violent by nature and that they've come over there to take your job and rape "your" women), but that doesn't change reality (which is that your job is at risk because of capitalists, and white men are by far the largest demographic of rapists and other criminals, despite our "justice" systems doing their darndest to over represent minorities in prisons) , nor the fact that almost all of the supposed problems our "developed" world countries have with immigration are at the very least 98% self inflicted and could be resolved if only our governments didn't treat, and brainwash the population to treat "foreigners" as their scapegoat.

    You're being manipulated by the oldest trick in the book, the fact that you've taken the propaganda on so enthusiastically is something you should work out with yourself, rather than taking it out on the most convenient target those in power have marked for you.

  • Protestation
  • Lol ok, that's still entirely down to and in service of capitalism, not some inevitability sent down from above or "human nature", despite what they might have you believing.. 🙄

  • Ah shit
  • We laugh because when they say both sides they're thinking about left and right, but in reality left isn't even represented in our politics at all (be it US or UK and plenty others, but really all nation states, since leftists don't even believe they should exist), so they're really talking about two different coloured representations of the same side being the same, which they are. Both serve and worship capitalism, and therefore fascism.

    Also I never said anything about not voting, that's what people like you who refuse to see the reality always like to insert to make yourselves feel superior for doing the bare minimum, I simply refuse to endorse someone so blatantly acting against my own interest and the interests of the country and its people, nor do I believe the vote I did cast will make any difference, because the system is designed to be irreformable, and as they say - if a vote changed anything, they wouldn't let us do it. No matter who is elected, the system ensures we remain in service of the owning class.

    Also fuck linking that to me, assuming I must be ignorant because I don't agree with your uninformed centrist take when actually being disabled I have actively and consistently been on the direct receiving end of Tory cuts for 15 years, and have suffered greatly for it. Labour is literally offering me nothing different, worse, they make it crystal clear over and over and over again that they don't give a shit about people like me (not just disabled, but poor, and queer, to name a couple more groups they don't give a shit about).

    So you feel free to pat yourself on the back for "getting rid of the Tories" all you like, but all you're doing is endorsing another shade of exactly the same shit, and letting people like me know how little you care about our safety and rights (nor your own, since first they may have come for us, but they'll be coming for you eventually).

  • Root causes
  • You're good, the point is clear, was just adding info. 😊

  • Protestation
  • Your ignorance is clearly wilful, so this isn't for you, but I'm just going to leave this here anyway:

  • Protestation
  • Overpopulation is a myth

  • Protestation
  • Overpopulation is a myth, and we only can't feed and house the existing population because of capitalism, not because of lack of resources, exactly as the meme you're responding to points out.

  • Root causes
  • Same goes for any technology, from power loom to AI.

    Convincing the working class it's the tools that are the problem, and not the system that abuses them (both working class, and tools), is one of capitalism's greatest achievements.

  • Ah shit
  • The biggest opposition in parliament may end up being socialist rebels within the Labour party itself.

    You can keep telling yourself that, but it's never going to happen, Starmer made sure of it.

    Labour tried to do things the proper way under Corbyn and got completely destroyed.

    By the establishment they threatened, which you are now completely willing to bow down to and cooperate with.

    That includes the corporations and financial sector, who are just as likely to be getting played for fools as the rest of us.

    Wow, lmfao, if you think that you've really not been paying attention, Starmer has been pretty openly licking corporate arse so hard his tongue is its own shade of brown, his whole neoliberal existence is to make sure capitalists remain top priority.

    Starmer doesn't give a shit about you or me, and he has no intention on making our lives better, nor do the rest of the neoliberals he's made sure to surround himself with.

  • Ah shit
  • That's the same bullshit born out of wilful ignorance and cognitive dissonance that Biden supporters spew. It might make you feel better, but it has no basis in reality.

    There is no voting fascism away. There is no reforming the system from within, since it's working exactly as designed - by providing an illusion of choice to make you feel like you've had a say, when in reality your only available options all serve the establishment (which is why while a leftist party would be nice, it wouldn't matter, because it would never be allowed to gain power since it would threaten said establishment).

    Starmer isn't here to save you or fix the country, he couldn't care less and has made it clear over and over and over again, you just refuse to listen. He's here solely to shift our politics to the right by eliminating any hint of opposition, never mind leftism, in preparation for an even more right leaning government to come.

    Your blind loyalty isn't serving you, it never will, despite how comforting it might feel.

  • Ah shit
  • Corbyn got absolutely fucked at the election.

    Right, because he was obviously the one who launched the massive media smear campaign against himself, dubbing himself "unelectable" and the biggest antisemite in Britain, to ensure the wealthy are protected from the devastating thereat he posed to their avoided taxes.. 😂🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

    Running as an out-and-out leftist awoke fuck all in the general electorate.

    I guess hundreds of thousands of people joining the Labour party, more than ever in history (and definitely more than have ever joined the Tory party), and hundreds of thousands if not millions more becoming engaged in politics who had never before, is nothing. Or maybe it's just that you're being wilfully ignorant, or even more likely - deliberately misrepresenting reality.. 🤔

    Why are we so unhappy to do the same?

    Because it's not what's fucking happening, Starmers foot in the door is categorically never going to move the oveton window left (his entire purpose in politics is to position Labour so far right that real leftists aren't even in the window anymore), and you wanting to model the Labour party after what the Tories do (voting with no morals or integrity and against the interests of working and other marginalised people out of blind loyalty to the party, sound familiar?) proves just how far right them, and their voters, have shifted in said window (proving what he's doing is working exactly to plan, and you're falling for it).

    He doesn't represent me or any of my best interests, and never has any intention to even try to, why the fuck would I endorse him??

    Also, when on earth do you think the Tories were planning on setting up a nationalised energy company, renationalising rail?

    What makes you think New Labour is? 😂😂😂

    (E: in reality, it's one of the many "promises" they've already u-turned on, or more like lied about, before ever even getting near power)

  • Russian trolls are everywhere these days
  • I agree, though that works mostly for those not yet sucked in to the cult, and just like with the trump cultists - if they aren't ready and willing to hear it, it's fingers in ears, LALALALALALALA as loud as they can, and onwards with ignoring reality..

  • Russian trolls are everywhere these days
  • It's really incredible how they can't see that they are behaving exactly like trump supporters do - refusing to hear any criticism of their leader, however legitimate, and framing it as "fake news" and those who point it out as traitors and enemies, being willing to ignore any and all bad policy, political or personal record to "own" the other guy (and no, voting for Biden isn't stopping fascism), being blindly loyal to someone who clearly has no loyalty to them or interest in their wellbeing.

    It's literally the same cult-like behaviour, and the only people it serves are the cult leaders (and those behind the curtain funding them to make sure their system continues to chug along uninterrupted).

    If only they were able to be as loyal to their own interests as they are to team red or blue, the working class might actually have a chance at breaking free from this circus that exists solely to placate and distract us from what the owning class are getting away with.

  • Germany’s first African-born MP to stand down after racist abuse
  • Lmfao

    I mean, it's your own shitty take I paraphrased, so... ¯\(ツ)

  • [crosspost] 7 trans kids are in their third day of protest at NHS England's headquarters, demanding the right to healthcare, dignity and for their voices top be heard.

    cross-posted from:

    > Taken from a Press Release by the group: > > LONDON, 1 July 2024—Two young trans activists scaled the NHS England’s London headquarters at 133–135 Waterloo Road in London on Friday to stage a protest and have remained there ever since. The group, now made up of seven young protesters, all 18 or under, has one simple message: Trans Kids Deserve Better: we are not pawns for your politics. > > The powerful direct action has been organised by the “​​Trans Kids Deserve Better” network, which is calling for: access to gender affirming healthcare for trans children and young people, protection from discrimination and disrespect in their daily lives and the right to be heard in all decisions that affect them. > > Their protest comes in the wake of the government using emergency powers to ban all access to puberty blockers in the UK, a move that was supported by Labour’s Wes Streeting, likely to be the next Secretary of State for Health. It also comes in the context of a General Election campaign where trans people and trans youth have been used as ‘culture war’ talking points, but not allowed to speak for themselves. > > “We are staging this protest to remind politicians and voters that we’re real kids, not just political talking points. We may not have a vote, but it is our lives that are at stake,” said one of the activists staging the protest. “Gender-affirming healthcare is a matter of life and death for us, and we hope that our actions will bring awareness to this fact and encourage others to fight for the healthcare and dignity that we are so shamefully denied.”


    Free - Vasyl Korchovy (2016) UA

    I couldn't find a wiki, but from this site I did find for an exhibition the artist had:

    Museum of the History of Kiev presents an exhibition of Vasily Korchovoy "Other beauty". The creativity of the Kiev sculptor is the embodiment of what is still called “atypical” beauty in society. These are magnificent bacchanals and madonnas, with love recreated by the master in marble or limestone plastic forms. In the exposition, the author, combining the already known creative works and the novelties specially prepared for this exhibition, reveals the eternal life essence of what he professes and calls “Other Beauty”.

    Vasily Korchevoy was born in 1962 in the Khmelnitsky region. Graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, sculpture faculty. Member of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. Honored Artist of Ukraine.

    Another one of his sculptures I really like:

