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Deebster Deebster
Posts 3
Comments 68
Hello baduk fediverse!
  • There's definitely some names I recognise from the old place here already, and I think we'll see more after the 30th.

  • I'm quite interested on this board game, but I live in a country that literally no one plays it
  • That's great advice. Nearly 20 years ago I found a local group through my country's Go Association website, and there are a lot more thing online now.

    @[email protected] have you tried ?

  • TIL Chixculub crater was found 70 years prior to being ID'd as the event that killed the dinosaurs
  • From the thumbnail, I thought this was going to be a dinosaur comic.

  • What does "diagram" mean in translations from Chinese?

    I've come across "diagram" in translations from Chinese weiqi sources, but I'm not sure what is meant by this. Would the usual term in English be something like game record/kifu, opening patterns/fuseki, patterns generally or an idea that's not got an easy translation?

    It's apparently translated in Chinese-English Dictionary of Weiqi Terms but I don't have access to that.

    What resources, tools (emulators, e.g.) should I know about?
  • Unfortunately, I get "This app is not available for any of your devices", even for the old Pixel XL I pulled out of my abandoned tech drawer (I can't believe it still boots!).

  • What resources, tools (emulators, e.g.) should I know about?
  • Ok, so they're legit and official - I wasn't sure. The 90s-style design made me think it was ok, for some reason, but a few other things gave me pause.

    Is their emulator recommended, or do people use a different one?

  • Favourite Platformer?
  • Turrican II is the one I remember most fondly (especially how you could upgrade your gun to fire plasma(?) bolts bigger than you), but James Pond 2 was great as well.

  • Favourite Platformer?
  • It was so heartbreaking to fall down at certain places and drop half the tower.

  • What resources, tools (emulators, e.g.) should I know about?
  • Oh, and Turrican II and Desert Strike and Superfrog and those amazing demos. Many of the cracked games my dad got had better graphics+music on the crack intro than the game that followed. Good times...

  • What resources, tools (emulators, e.g.) should I know about?

    I absolutely loved my Amiga back in the day, and we had a few throughout my childhood home.

    What are the things I need to know about to geek around today? I see there's multiple emulators (some free, some not - are they official?), and I assume there's places with old ROMs of the games and software I used to use, like Zool, SWIV, Cannon Fodder, Skidmarks, Speedball 2, Deluxe Paint, etc, etc.

    Share your retro wisdom with me!

    What do you use to track your reading?
  • How many books are we talking about here?

  • Megathread for Reddit Blackouts and News - Day 3
  • I imagine the devs have stats on uninstalls - I wonder what they show.

  • Going back to Reddit feels bad
  • Haha, I think I just had a little rant at you there even though you were saying the same things I was saying. Bad habits... I don't think I'll be on reddit much now, hopefully enough people stay around to make this place quite active still.

    It should be fine - it was busy enough before the blackout, and of course all the good apps will stop working soon, along with a bunch of essential tools for modding, etc.

  • First active day on the fediverse after 11 years on Reddit, and liking it here!
  • I noticed maliciouscompliance appear here, welcome!

  • Going back to Reddit feels bad
  • So many don't understand that the mods need those tools, and don't care about people who need the accessibility (although I suspect that argument is popular more for having the moral high ground).

  • Going back to Reddit feels bad
  • [they] didn’t do anything wrong I just didn’t agree with them

    And that's why it's disabled! That's not what it's meant to be for, it's meant to be for things that don't add to the conversation. If it's factually wrong then fine - downvote, but don't do it to suppress others' opinions.

  • Etiquette Q: Grammar/Capitalization
  • I think when you're communicating, it's good etiquette to make sure people can read your post easily - your five minutes could save hundreds or thousands of people time.

    That said, capitalisation isn't required, as long as it's clear. I think line breaks are more important.

    I do take it as a signal that the writer might be worth listening to if they've bothered to take the care to get their thoughts and fingers in order - as opposed to some stream of conscious babble that you can read multiple times and still not sure if you've understood it.

    I used to use Swype and now I use Gboard and both do capitalisation and other handy things like double space to end a sentence - maybe check your settings.

  • Am i missing out if I dont use an IDE?
  • Do you use the vim plugin for VSC to keep your speedy navigation? I miss things like "select up to the next quote" but I'm not enough of a vim user to make the switch myself.

  • Thoughts on Lemmy sorting options?
  • I noticed one of the Lemmy instances recommending everyone change their settings to use 'hot' by default in their site rules sidebar. Makes sense, the many instances look a lot more lively that way.

  • The Reddit blackout has started for /r/joplinapp
  • It pushed a lot of people to try Lemmy/kbin/whatever which isn't nothing. It also gave Lemmy's code a thorough stress-test! When a bunch of apps stop working at the end of the month, I think we'll see another spike.

  • What do you use to track your reading?

    I'm still on Goodreads but it's so slow, the app's just an even slower webview of the site and the redesign has made me have to click more to do what I want.

    What's the alternative? Obviously we're on the fediverse and I see people talking about Bookwyrm.

    I used Anobii till 2010 and I can't remember why I left but it's still there. I've poked StoryGraph a bit but it was lacking several of the books I wanted to add.

    There must be more! What do you use/recommend?
