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DamarcusArt DamarcusArt
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*Permanently Deleted*
  • Trudeau's *adoptive father. His real father is spinning in his grave back in Cuba.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • I did not have "liberals openly support a nazi and conservatives are the ones saying that is a bad thing (while also supporting them)" on my 2023 bingo card.

  • 28 more sanctions in 7 countries
  • So they couped Pakistan's government, put a compliant military junta in place, and they're still sanctioning them?

    It's like they're just addicted to sanctions at this point and can't help themselves.

  • How many more years do you give to the USA before it collapses?
  • Did Germany cease to exist when the Nazis took power? Spain with Franco?

    Unfortunately, the political entity (and huge army) of the US will still exist, even if they finally take the mask off and admit to their fascism. The best hope in that scenario would be a collapse of the state due to a lack of support and inability to suppress the people, but I can't really see that happening in the US unfortunately. Some of their state police departments have bigger budgets than the armies of entire countries.

  • Do you think that Capitalism can be defeated now or in the future? And if so, what is your best guess that in which year it will happen and why? Give me a specific year
  • Fingers crossed, only 6-12 more months of capitalism would be pretty fantastic. I...can't really see that much change happening in such a short amount of time though.

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • Honestly, I think most of them are gonzaloists, they just know that if they openly admit they admire him, people will dismiss what they have to say, so they claim to be one of the "non-gonzalist Maoists" which just seems to be maoists with a tiny bit of shame left, but still lacking the self awareness of every other maoist.

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • Pfft, get outta here with that "history is a complex multi-layered tapestry" bullshit. History is like a Paradox strategy game, if your country gets a bad leader, with bad stats, things will be bad until they are replaced. China should've save scummed until they got a replacement for Mao with high stats across the board smh.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Yeah, it's a "fill in the blanks" apology, take your pic of any of those options. They just want people to accept whatever justification they can so they go back to ignoring the fucked up shit they do.

    In reality, they knew full well what they were doing with this, they aren't sorry they did it, they're sorry they got called out for it.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Really does look to be this way. Maybe not now, but the west has made it clear, they will not give up hegemony peacefully and will destroy the world if it means maintaining their grip.

  • Volodomyr Zelenskyy joined Canadian Parliament’s ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought for the Axis
  • Nazis love the idea of "refuge in audacity" where they will say and do things so absurd that people disbelieve it on principle. Don't be fooled. They knew what they were doing. Even if the heads of parliament themselves didn't, enough people along the chain of decisions did and were ok with it. This is how fascism is normalised in a country. It's not through a big brown "fascism filter" but through little "gaffes" like this, little "accidents" that occur more and more frequently, and become more and more normalised until they are no longer gaffes, but "just how things are."

  • On ~~Chinese Juan Guaido~~ Xu QinGen
  • Makes me wonder if he'll get arrested for corruption and accepting western bribes. I don't know what the rules are in China on non-CPC politicians and that sort of thing, but I imagine they don't look too kindly on it.

    On the other hand, he could just be a useful idiot who is just being platformed because he says what the west wants to hear, no payments needed.

  • Do you think that lacking material conditions under captalism is what prevents many people from getting into relationships or finding partners and or friends in general?
  • It's a whole combination of factors. This is a big part, not knowing where to meet new people is always hard.

    Capitalism also commodities relationships, people can be trained by capitalism to view relationships in an entirely transactional way, this is how we get things like incels.

    Another factor is that a lot of places for people to get to know each other are bloody expensive. It costs money to get to know someone. So some people just "can't afford" to date. This works in terms of time too, where people are "too busy working" to get to meet new people.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • It astounds me to no end that the west's governments will always default to "whoopsy-doodle! We're sowwy! We didn't know that we were doing a bad thing, we apawlogise! 🥺" And the western public just falls for it, every single time. And in the next breath they'll talk about how great it is we don't live in an "authoritarian country" like China, a country that actually holds their politicians accountable instead of letting them get away with everything.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • Almost a shame to remove this one's comments. This was goddamn hilarious how smug and ignorant this "leftist" liberal is. Couldn't have made a better parody no matter how hard I tried.

  • When you say something barely leftist on
  • Umm, acktually tankie, don't you know that authoritarianism bad? So a vanguard party is exactly the same as billionaires ruling everything? Of course, it's actually much worse as well, so we should oppose it much more than we do capitalism, both sides bad, but evil authoritarian tankies worse!

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • This is very condensed ultra. Weird that they don't reject the USSR though. Normally that's kind of the default for Ultras. "Khrushchev was a revisionist" is pretty basic, and not even a hot take amongst most MLs.

    Though this person seems to do the other bog standard ultra thing of insisting that trading with a capitalist nation is literally exactly as bad as being a capitalist themselves. And we've got the classic "Just Asking Questions" that I used to think was unique to right wing CHUDs, but ultras are just as adept at. It doesn't matter what "Socialism by 2050" or "Chinese characteristics" are to me, I'm not in charge of China. My opinion is irrelevant, But this white guy from Wisconsin(?) is clearly the Most Important Person and their Opinion is the Only One That Matters, material conditions be damned.

    I love how ultras always try to frame things in terms of people "not being left enough" for them. It's great. Really shows their liberal brainworms when they still act like it is sports team politics and their team has to adhere to their own unique specific idea of what socialism is or else it isn't True Socialism.

    I look forward to this authentic Marxist's revolution, I'm sure it'll happen any day now, they've clearly got everything figured out perfectly and certainly won't have to make any unfortunate compromises, I'm sure their ideal revolution will happen exactly as they envision, with no problems whatsoever.

  • Canadian oopsie
  • Funny how all these libs scream "Russian propaganda" everytime the west actively chooses to platform nazis. I really have no respect for these people, they're showing their true colours at this point, they aren't outraged about their politicians supporting nazis, they're just mad that it keeps proving Russia right when they say the west supports nazis.

  • On a post on r/Hasan_Piker about the French military leaving Niger
  • Has the "Russia is behind the coup in Niger" thing actually been in the media? Or have the liberals connected the dots themselves?

  • one hundred quadrillion!
  • We must understand reality, as grim as it may be. This isn't a defense of "our team" but a defense of the facts. Calling out someone who is lying to further their agenda is always a good thing, it is always vital to understand reality as it actually exists, and not as people like this will lie and manipulate people into believing it is.

  • one hundred quadrillion!
  • 22-40% is such an absurdly huge range it makes me wonder why they even did it? If they're making up ranges, why not just say "experts believe as many as 40% died within 5 years"

    I hate that I can put in no effort and still write better anticommunist propaganda than these idiots.