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CurtAdams CurtAdams

Semi-retired biologist with interests in speciation models, urbanism, liberal/left politics, economics, quartertone music theory, boardgames, ambient music, house rabbits, and yoga.

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Comments 11
Italian party "Lega" will defend "cars" in the European parliment
  • @Moonrise2473 @lgsp Too bad about the timing. If this had started right after an election the improvements would be done, and they could have locked in the fines by dropping other city taxes and making the city's budget depend on the fines.

  • Are microplastics from car tyres contributing to heart disease?
  • @PowerCrazy Actually plastic water bottles leave water they contain LOADED with microplastics:

    It's not out of the question that the significant health risks we're finding for ultraprocessed food are partly, or even mostly, from microplastics introduced in processing or storage.

    Wear makes microplastic issues much worse, yes, but plastic is turning out to be quite bad enough even new.

  • Are microplastics from car tyres contributing to heart disease?
  • @PowerCrazy @NotBillMurray You have to define "wear items" to include plastic packaging for that to be true. Probably also food and water processing as well, like plastic pipes.

  • EVs Can’t Fix a Global Epidemic of ‘Car Harm,’ Study Finds
  • @0110010001100010 @PowerCrazy Even if it runs off fossil fuel produced electricity, an EV produces about 1/3 as much emissions because it's so much more efficient. With 40% renewable, it's only producing 1/5 as much, and dropping as the % of electricity from renewables continues to soar in the US.

  • EVs Can’t Fix a Global Epidemic of ‘Car Harm,’ Study Finds
  • @PowerCrazy @TheRealCharlesEames No. Tailpipe emissions are far and away the worst thing coming out of a car, because they are destroying the climate of the entire earth. If unchecked, it will destroy every ecosystem extant on the planet and kill most humans. 1.7 million deaths a year is truly, epically awful, but still not even a small fraction as bad.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @jeffhykin @ajsadauskas My brother and his neighbors are fighting a grocery store in their neighborhood because of "traffic" (it would be negligible). Instead they drive 10 minutes each way thru - traffic.

    Car brain - wanting your neighborhood to be undesirable so people won't want to come.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @ajsadauskas @fuck_cars 15 minute walk: Park, elementary school, bus stop, restaurant, gas station.

    15-30 minutes: (I do walk sometime but usually bike): Grocery store, pharmacy, bank, barber.

    I can easily bike, though not walk, to all of the rest except a university (which seems an absurd ask for a 15-minute neighborhood).

  • It's time to replace urban delivery vans
  • @SuiXi3D @mondoman712 From the OP: "It's time to replace *URBAN* delivery vans."

  • Wales lowers speed limit to 20 mph to cut car use and save lives
  • @Name @Tywele Strict speed limits save lives. Lots of lives. Hoboken NJ has a speed limit of 20mph and it hasn't had a traffic death in years.

  • Fox News casts doubt on electric vehicles' climate, cost benefits: 'Won't achieve the goals intended'
  • @matthewtoad43 @Atemu @Aatube There's an important political side effect to EV adoption. Carbon taxes have been a heavy political lift, mostly because people don't want to pay more for gas. Once 51% are driving EVs, tho, carbon taxes will be popular, and that will speed a host of useful adaptations.

  • Public parks should have less parking to discourage driving
  • @DLSchichtl @bstix The lack of parks is caused mostly by the enormous waste of space on parking. Convert half the parking spaces to parks and there's no problem with either quantity or access.