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Comrade_Spood Comrade Spood
Posts 30
Comments 37
Really though nobody ever talks about this
  • No, continental drift is the plot point

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • This guy's playing both sides so he always comes out on top

  • Lemmy will meme anything. Heres some Corn.
  • From the earth I rise, to the earth I shall one day return

  • my pile of shame continues to grow


    grabs fishing net

    Where were you when r/Lotrmemes fell
  • Good soldiers follow orders

  • Just finished Ahriman

    I still have to do the disk, but I'll save that for a different day. Ahriman is my favorite character in 40k, so I'm very happy to finally have him painted. Been putting it off for probably more than a year at this point.

    what if?
  • Nationalizing the economy goes against anarchist ideals due to nationalizing means giving it to the government (entirely contrary to anarchist thought). The second one, even after the "trial period", has ended is still taking the fruits of your labor. Under anarchism, there are no companies. They are free associations of workers. The workers who work the capital own the capital. And there isn't money, that's contrary to communism and no matter how you split it money is unegalitarian. A worker keeps what he wants from his labor, and communalizes the rest. And is thus entitled to what he needs from the community.

    Edit: Rojava is also not an anarchist project. At best it's a libertarian socialist project. And I've never heard of this "trial period" stuff in anything I've ever read about and anarchist example

  • what if?
  • I believe people are like this due to the conditions they live in. Capitalism is a system that encourages selfishness in order to survive. I whole heartedly believe that if conditions changed, people would change. Not immediately of course. No anarchist is saying that it wouldn't be a rough transition, or that it's a flawless society, or any of that. But we do think that it would work and that it'd be better in the long run than what we have rn

  • what if?
  • To me yes, most selfishness is due to the conditions capitalism cause. And I know this because looking at past anarchist revolutions, the society itself functions. But the revolutions fail militarily. And I'll admit the anarchist examples are few so not a real large sample size to go off of. So looking at hunter gather societies can give good insight as well.

  • what if?
  • Decisions concerning the community as a whole would probably be voted on, or at least discussed and a decision made by the community as a whole. Otherwise the only people that need to be concerned with something is those that are involved.

  • what if?
  • The whole point of anarchism is free association. If two people agree to something that is their business. There is no exploitation in what you described. If they were to hire someone then that is an example of it being exploitative. Someone could join them in their labor as long as both parties get all that they produce.

  • what if?
  • They would probably vote. How they'd vote idk, that's not for me to decide.

  • what if?
  • The community themselves decide. If it's enough of a problem, the community will organize to address it how they see fit. That's the whole point of anarchism. We don't have all the answers and we don't claim to, the people that run into these issues will find the solutions that best suites their needs.

  • what if?
  • You missed the third camp. Anarcho-communists would hate both of these solutions.

  • what if?
  • People will volunteer to do the job because it is something they (and everyone) needs done. People won't let their entire community collapse because people "didn't want to do it". But these unsavory jobs would theoretically also spark innovation to make the jobs more bearable and probably even unneeded. Better working conditions and more free time leaves time for people to do things like invent and think.

  • Bella woke up and chose violence


    knock knock

  • I like the story about how Francisco Ferrer got the funding for his school. He taught Spanish to this old, heavily religious and conservative, rich woman. He was able to change her mind by being respectful and not attacking her beliefs, but by having respectful discussion with her. He was never the one to initiate the discussions, which helped keep her from getting defensive and shutting down. And she ended up funding his rationalist secular school.

    No one is a lost cause.

  • T(rule)kies
  • I am an anarchist. And I understand that. I flip flop between having hope and thinking there is none. Some days I think we missed our chance and now we're too far gone. Other days I look at movements like the Zapatistas and Rojava and think that their may be hope. Ultimately I don't think any first world country is gonna have it happen. Maybe if a country had a successful anarchist revolution and society, it'd be able to inspire people in first world countries. But I do think our hope lies outside of first world countries. At least till there is a proper example to inspire people.

    I do still try to put an effort into organizing where I live. As I think it is still important to do that. Even if I don't think it will garner fruit till there is a true example of anarchism in action.

  • In r(ule)sponse to all the tankie posting I keep seeing

  • Just ignore the Zapatistas who are a current example of anarchism in practice.

    And saying the Soviets held little power in the Spanish Republic is just a bald faced lie. The Soviets withheld supplies from non-soviet militias and actively damaged the war effort because they'd rather focus on garnering power than actually fighting fascists.

  • T(rule)kies
  • Maybe quite stabbing us in the back and practice some of that "left unity" you tankies love to preach about

  • T(rule)kies
  • States with that much power will always devolve into authoritarianism. If there is a power structure, it will be corrupted. That's the issue.

  • Pickles

  • You're just licking a different boot. All forms of hierarchy need to be abolished. State and capitalist. You don't advocate for workers, all you advocate for is state control.

  • Bite my shiny metal ass


    Should've fortified your house better


    I don't see the issue


    next you'll tell me skinning babies is bad


    Reporting for duty, Sir!


    Where's the killbursta


    belt whip sound effect


    I'm calling daemon engines "fucky wucky boxes" from now on


    Cheesy breezy lemon squizzy




    Sounding garden


    I'm not gay like you, stop sending me hentai


    wicked pissah
