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Decided to spice up my fave anime boy. Originally an AI-generated pic from Twitter where I edited the original rainbow flag to the Russian tricolor in support of the SMO. Not meant to demean Pride mon


Pornography laws by country, circa 2014.
  • This hits hard, considering my country is dubbed by Interpol as the CSEM capital of Asia (a horrible mark of shame). For some reason, of all the countries, the henchmen who started the QAnon shitstorm chose to pitch tent here, and got arrested on sexual crime charges. Makes you wonder, considering their graphic description of pedophilia in their conspiracy preaching. Sounds sus, aint it?

  • Pornography laws by country, circa 2014.


    1-800-FIND-A-COMMUNITY Comrade_Deku571

    Some community for the Filipino folks here to talk about PH politics? Or just a Southeast Asian community in general

    Needed to find an alternative community to r/Philippines which is swamped with libs, sexpats, fake commies aka NatDem trots, and CIA trolls. Really needed a place to crash in since losing my Twitter acc.

    Well, it seems I'm on the NAFO hit list. Should I proverbially swallow the cyanide pill?
  • Update: as of December 2, 2022, 5:10 PM Singapore time, I officially swallowed the pill and completed the suicide.