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Edward (any)

Autistic danish baby-commie (the liberalism is still strong in this one).

Posts 13
Comments 148

Lemmycraft monthly discussion #1 (Oct)

Discussion for the month of Oct.

Link to last thread

[Polish anticom] nKvD DiD kAtYn!!!1111
  • Yes. While the soviets did have the Korovin Pistol, which chambered the .25 ACP, there is no guarantee there was ammo for it where he was going. Plus he had to execute.. a few hundred, at best that's one bullet per person, so a few hundred bullets.

  • [Polish anticom] nKvD DiD kAtYn!!!1111
  • Thanks! Well, off to EPUB that book then I guess.

    Edit: This is what the source says:

    Major of State Security Vasilii M. Blokhin (a GUGB Administrative-Economic Department functionary and commandant of and NKVD building in Moscow) directed the execution stage. He also, personally, acted as the main executioner, bringing with him from Moscow a whole suitcase full of Walther 2 type pistols used to shoot the Poles.

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • I have also seen claims, (with no real evidence) that in the terms of the loan is a clause that forces the borrower to create an escrow account that pays the loan in advance of other responsibilities. But as I said, those claims didn’t really back it up with a lot evidence

    The liberationnews article did contain this:

    But according to analysis by AidData, who obtained a copy of the contract, the airport was not even a source of collateral that the lender could seize in the first place! What the conditions of the agreement did require was that cash collateral be placed in a separate escrow account which could then be seized in the event of default — a fairly standard clause for international projects financing

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • aggressive payment program

    I don't know much about them, but in what way are they aggressive?

    Or that they don’t really care if they get the money back

    To some extent, yes.

    The second problem with the narrative is that it relies on the assumption that it is Chinese policy to advance predatory loans with onerous terms and conditions to ensnare countries into debt. In reality, China often advances loans at fairly low interest rates, and is often willing to restructure the terms of existing loans to be more favorable to the borrowing country, or even forgive loans altogether. In fact, in August of 2022, the Chinese government announced it was forgiving 23 interest-free loans in 17 African countries. Prior to that, between 2000 and 2019, China had also restructured a total of $15 billion of debt and forgiven $3.4 billion in loans they had given to African countries.

  • Being a Nazi was very nuanced
  • "The USSR was allied with Nazi Germany". You know, I wanna write lot of stuff. But actually, I'm just going to say that "The Cold War and Its Origins" (Denna Frank Flemming) has been a good read, I do recommend it.

  • I love boiling babies, yum yum
  • I remember reading about Sri Lanka, how it's a prime example of the lie about Chinese debt diplomacy. To quote the article: "Research shows that Chinese banks are willing to restructure the terms of loans and have never actually seized an asset from any country, much less the port of Hambantota"

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Presumably the reasons for the initial attack still exist

    Then... they failed? You're saying that if they win, they fail. Or at least, they can't win hard enough to actually get what they want.

    You're also assuming Russia wants territory. If Russia wanted, say, Ukraine not being admitted to NATO, and they can get a peace that ensures that, then there isn't a reason for them to invade again. Or if Russia wanted UKR to stop shelling the eastern regions, then annexing just them might stop that, in which case, they don't have any reason to invade again.

  • Why does it say nothing about the 1989 protests on Tiananmen Square, Beijing?
  • The mango press article was available up until at least June of this year. It was retrieved last year. This shouldn't be news to you. You clearly show knowledge of by using it, so I don't understand why you have to point that out, when you can check if it was available and now isn't?

    The CBS news article is a recounting of one person telling their story of Tianamen. It links, for whatever reason, to another different persons telling of their story.

  • Zelensky dismisses compromise with Putin, pointing to Prigozhin’s death
  • Ok so, assuming the Russian army is the laughing stock of the world, then why isn't the Ukrainian Army an even bigger laughing stock?

    For a long time I heard one thing after another about how incompetent the Russian army is. For 1 and a half years, the most incompetent, laughing stock of the world, army has been... losing?

  • Spanish Colonizers getting what they deserve?? CW!

    CW: Mentions of rape, death and blood

    Quoting from "Book of the Hopi" (page 268-9):

    > It happened in 1832, when preparations were being made for Soyál. > Seaknoya's uncle, a young boy then, and Tuvengyamsi's grandmother, Naquamuysee [Prayer Feathers Flown Bright], who was a small girl, both remembered that it was about four or five days before Soyál when he Castillas made camp near the earth dam, where they could water their horses, and were given food by the Hopis. > Then, on that terrible morning, the Castillas rode into the Snake plaza. They blew their brass horn. Then they began to run through the streets after children, firing their eamunkinpi [guns] at the men who ran out of the kivas. Seaknoya's uncle saw Hoyentewa [One Who Inspects Traps] shot while he was trying to protect his son, and watched a Tewa or Taos warrior with the Castillas scalp Wuhwuhpa [Long Ear of Corn]. Naquamuysee watched a Castilla soldier grab a little boy named Lomaesva. At the same time his father rushed out of a kiva and threw a blanket around the boy to protect him. While the two men were fighting for possession of the boy, a second Spaniard came up and shot his gun. The boy and his father fell to the ground and blood began to ran out. But in a little while Lomaesva crawled out from under the blanket alive. His father lay there; he was dead. > A little girl named Kaeuhamana [Corn Girl] was sitting on a housetop with her sister Neseehongneum [One Who Carries a Flower on the Day of the Ceremony], both wrapped in a blue blanket, when a soldier captured her. She was about seven years old. A little boy about the same age, Masavehma [Butterfly Wings Painted], was captured too. Altogether there were fourteen children captured, and with them was the young wife of Wickvaya [One Who Brings]. Two Castillas were killed during the fight. The Hopis later buried them in a dry wash east of Oraibi and drove stock over the graves. > The Castillas then drove off the Hopi sheep and with the fourteen captured children marched back to Santa Fe. All during the trip the soldiers raped the young wife of Wickvaya. Masavhejma remembered that Corn Girl, being so little, was tied on a horse so she wouldn't fall off. But the horse ran away. The rope came loose. And Corn Girl fell and was kicked so hard that the horse's hoof left its print under her chin. > In Santa Fe all the children were sold as slaves to different families. Masavehma was bought by a Spanish couple, loaded in that thing with two wheels, and carried to their home far away at La Junta [Colorado?]. He was lucky. The Spanish couple had no children. They gave him the name of Tomás, dressed him in warm clothes, fed him good food, and treated him like their own son. The work he liked to do was to gather the eggs laid by their many kowakas [chickens], and to drive the molas [mules] to pasture. In a little while he forgot his homesickness and liked it all right. > Meanwhile, in Oraibi1, Wickvaya was wild with anger and determined to git his young wife back. So he packed piki and tosi in a bag which he made out of her wedding dress, and started out on foot alone. He went to Ceohhe [Zuñi], and from there to Cheyawepa [Isleta], where he met a man who spoke Spanish. This man went with him to see the Spanish captain in the governor's palace in Santa Fe. There it was explained to him that the children captured by his soldiers were Hopis, not enemy Navajos. The captain was sick in bed, but this made him so angry that he jumped out of bed, called all his soldiers, and sent them for all the captured children and the people who had bought them. Wickvaya waited and waited until his young wife was brought into the crowded room. Seeing hi, his wife was so ashamed at that which had been done to her that she covered her head with her blanket, and it was more shame and sadness for Wickvaya to see her shame. > Masavehma was finally brought in by his new parents. All were closely questioned by the captain. Finding that the boy had not been mistreated, he released the Spanish couple. They hugged Masavehma and went home weeping without him. Then he, with all the other captured children, was taken to witness the punishment meted out to their captors. Some were stood up in front of a grave they had dug, and shot. Others were dragged to death by wild horses. Still others had iron balls with sharp spikes tied to their feet, so that as they waled the spikes dug into their feet. At the same time each was forced to keep throwing another spiked iron ball secured to a chain over his shoulder, the spikes digging into his back at every throw. All this was witnessed by the Hopi children so that they could tell their people how the wicked soldiers had been punished for mistaking peaceful Hopis for marauding Navajos.

    1 Village of the Hopi

    Although, as much as I would extremely like this to be true, I personally am not quite certain the Spanish would actually do something like that?

    Nevertheless, the history of the Natives, is filled with gruesome, sad things (page 253):

    > The hated mission at Oraibi is still referred to as the "slave church." The huge logs used as its roof beams had to be dragged by Hopis from the hills around Kísiwu, forty miles northeast, or from the San Francisco mountains, nearly a hundred miles south. Still today the Hopis point out the great ruts scraped into the soft sandstone of the mesa top by the ends of the heavy logs as they were dragged into place. Enforced labor not only built the church but supplied all the needs of the priests. Tradition recalls that one padre would not drink water from any of the springs around Oraibi; he demanded that a runner bring his water from White Sand Spring near Moencopi, fifty miles away. The pardes' illicit relations with young Hopi girls were common in all villages, and the punishment for Hopis sacrilege and insubordination added to the growing resentment. It is recorded that at Oraibi in 1655, when Friar Salvador de Guerra caught a Hopi in "an act of idolatry," he trashed the Hopi in the presence of the whole village till he was bathed in blood, and the poured over him burning turpentine.

    Also: "a change in the ownership of the vast wilderness was indicated‒a change to be effected not by the sword and cross, but by the dollar, the greatest weapon for conquest and colonization ever known"


    Iraqi delegation to the UN GA in 1971 being based on China/Taiwan

    I am reading the meeting notes for the 1976th meeting of the UN General Assembly. And I found this funny/based part I wanted to share.

    > 395\. The question we have before us is China's place. The majority of us recognize that China is represented by the People's Republic of China. If the United States delegation wishes not to have the representative of Chiang Kai-shek expelled, it is very welcome to take him and seat him in the place of the American delegation


    Imagemap kept crashing the server. Have fun recreating all the maps.


    It's here.


    Upgrading to 1.20.1 tomorrow?

    Hey hey, people. I was thinking that I would upgrade the server to 1.20.1 tomorrow, and then have the rest of the day for testing and ensuring nothings gone horribly wrong (so don't work 5 hours on some grand thing that might get rolled back).


    Rule is the first color of the rule


    New housing on Castro Square by Lux!


    Joining the Lemmycraft server

    Lemmycraft is our nice little minecraft server.

    To join the server you need to be whitelisted, so message me with your minecraft username. If you are not from the Lemmygrad community, get someone already on the minecraft server to vouch for you.

    IP: Version: 1.20.1


    Two questions and a small update

    So, as you can see from two of the other posts on this community, someone came in and... had a bit of fun. The server takes backup every night at 0 and so I rolled it back to that. I have however, because of that, made it so that you have to be given permission to use the /im command. If you need that please tell me. But, do people think we should go all the way and implement a whitelist?

    Also, should I update the server to 1.20(.1)?


    Logs from the latest greifing


    Lemmycraft up,

    Al Andalusian sent me all the data, so you won't see any difference.


    Map of the lemmycraft server (or well, the part I have explored)
