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ColonelSanders ColonelSanders
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Comments 58
I think the average person just simply doesn't care about their privacy.
  • I literally just had a friend tell me he joined Threads and how neat it was, etc etc and when I explained why I wouldn't be joining him, he basically just gave me the old "Well I already know they have all my information so it doesn't matter" wtf? So you just...give up having any privacy whatsoever? I just couldn't respond to him after that, I don't really know how to respond to that. There's a disease spreading in the world unfortunately and it isn't just COVID. It's one called Apathy and too many people are coming down with it.

  • Can we stop making posts to complain about new users complaining about reddit?
  • Ok, but only if I get to make the next post that complains about people complaining about people who complain about Reddit. Or...something.

  • It would be a shame if someone posted the article about David Zaslav that GQ magazine apparently pulled shortly after publication this morning
  • *Donaghy, and at least Jack had Liz to act as a moral compass/course correction. David is just another asshat CEO with no moral or ethical scruples.

  • “Fascists Go Home!”: Philadelphians Reject Far Right “Moms for Liberty” | Over 50 local and national organizations joined to counter the harmful messaging from the far right group’s conference.
  • I know Reddit would have a field day if I said this over there, and maybe here would too, but...

    Should be more like "Fascists go kill yourselves" because fuck fascists.

  • Reddit braces for life after API changes
  • It's weird to think about but for some reason that's my favorite go-to exclamation when I'm genuinely shocked at something.

    "What in the Cinnamon Toast Crunch is that?!"

  • Twitter locked behind login page.
  • Which begs the questions: What comes next? How does late stage capitalism "end"? Will it collapse in on itself? What will replace it? I don't know the answers to these, but it certainly feels like we're entering (or about to enter) the "find out" phase.

  • Ordinary redditors are feeling the pain as well.
  • I posted a similar comment elsewhere but along the same line of thought: The sad thing is that the masses that are still on Reddit at this point dgaf and will likely stay on Reddit forever. There's a real problem of Apathy in today's culture when people are just jonesing for their fix of daily content/memes, or at the very least nothing that disrupts the status quo. They don't give a fuck about "ideals" or what corporations do or farm from them so long as their instant gratification and daily intake of said content remains unchanged.

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Liquidator Spez. RCA (Reddit Commerce Authority)

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • Turns out one of the users they alienated was Morn. He was their best customer. And his stomach was full of latinum.

  • Boost For Lemmy is happening
  • Long post/response incoming so apologies in advance (tl;dr is near the bottom in bold).

    You are correct; Think of it like emails. Particularly the @outlook vs @gmail vs @yahoo, except with @lemmy and @kbin.

    You can have a JohnJacob372@lemmy and a JohnJacob372@kbin and it be two separate people with the same username, but different "instances" just like email addresses.

    The point is though, that everything that's part of the "fediverse" (Lemmy and Kbin are two of the biggest but there also exist others like is connected in a way that if you're on one, you can see posts from the others. Ex: If JohnJacob372@lemmy posts an article on Lemmy, it'll show up on your kbin feed/frontpage and you can comment on it along with the lemmy folks.

    You can tell where it originated from because it'll say next to the username and magazine (magazine is what you might call a subreddit, but again, you can have same named subs as well, one on Kbin and one on Lemmy). Ex: [email protected] 2 hours ago to [email protected].

    If you don't see the @ part after the name or magazine, it means it was posted by someone on your same instance (otherwise it would be "redundant" to say "JohnJacob372 from your neighborhood on Main Street just posted a flyer in your neighborhood on Main Street" when you can just say "JohnJacob372 posted a flyer on Main Street").

    So recap (tl;dr):
    Instance = Platform (like Lemmy and Kbin)
    Magazine = Subreddit
    Username@InstanceA can post on Subreddit@InstanceA, and Anyone@InstanceA can read posts on AnySubreddit@AnyInstance (so long as the instance is "federated" i.e. part of the Fediverse Network like Lemmy and Kbin).

    Hopefully that helps. You can stop here if you don't want to be confused more, but I will say this:

    It may be beneficial, at least in the early days, to have an account on different instances. Mainly because each instance is ran on personal servers by individuals which can have a lot of problems, especially when they are overloaded (like during large migrations from Reddit to here). Having an account on another Instance is like having another account on another Server that can still access the same posts, but because it's a different server, it might be up and running while the other is down for maintenance.

    Ideally, apps will eventually be able to switch between instances automatically, but for now, it's easier for app developers to focus on one instance at a time which is why you see different apps for Lemmy and Kbin. This is where my own understanding could be fuzzy because afaik you should still be able to access posts from both (all) instances, it's just that you would need to have an account on the instance/server that app is based on. So an app for Lemmy means you would need to have a Lemmy account, but you should still be able to access/read content posted on Kbin. I think. I could be wrong and you can only see/access content on Lemmy if that's the case. But even then, it won't be forever. These things take time but it's definitely an achievable goal.

  • Twitter locked behind login page.
  • While corporate greed has been a problem since the Reagan administration, we're seeing an unprecedented jump in greed these past couple of years by companies all suddenly trying to squeeze out every last drop from people. Netflix with it's disabling of user password sharing, Twitter and all it's checkmark BS (with this login wall being the latest example), Reddit and it's API changes, and YouTube experimenting with blocking people who use adblockers. All to name a few. It really is spiraling out of control and unchecked, but sadly we lack a proper government (at least in the US, though there may still be some hope in the EU) to stand up to them.

  • If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn't do/mean anything but I suspect I'll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.

  • Well, it happened a bit earlier than I expected but I'm officially here now. Hello friends 👋
  • If you put the phone in airplane mode, you can get the app to load the UI at least. Doesn't do/mean anything but I suspect I'll be doing it out of nostalgia a lot in the coming months.

  • What's your solution to end all wars?
  • Humans are gonna human unfortunately. Biologically I’m not convinced we are capable of eliminating war because humans are competitive by nature. To the point that there will always be one group or another trying to force its ideals onto another.

    I’ve often thought about “what if we could snap our fingers and every weapon beyond that of a spear (technologically) was vanished, and any/every attempt to fashion something deadlier would fail/poof out of existence as well.”

    That might stave off large scale war but there would still be tribal warring on a smaller scale I fear. Plus a ton of other issues that would arise from suddenly having no guns/missiles/projectiles/etc.

  • “Reddit cannot survive without its moderators. It cannot.” - The Verge
  • My hope is that you’re right, but my fear is that I am.

  • What was the subreddit that represented to you the best example of downspiral of quality? To me it was /r/dataisbeautiful
  • Thank you! I was racking my brain trying to recall the word/term for it and self-validation was the one I was trying to think of for the r/AITA, but you're absolutely right - it can be applied to r/UnpopularOpinion as well.

  • New Zealand bans thin plastic fruit and vegetable bags in world first | The ban is expected to reduce the use of 150 million bags a year
  • Government: "Hey, do you think we should crack down on these corporations pouring 50-100 tonnes of pollution into the ecosystem/atmosphere by increasing their carbon taxes, making it illegal to buy/sell said tax credits to/from other corporations, and creating/enforcing stricter environmental regulations on those companies?"

    Government employee stuffing a wadded envelope into their pocket: "Erm, um, on second thought, wouldn't it mean a lot more if the average consumer stopped using plastic forks and put their cans in the recycle bins? That's gotta be at least...1.5 tonnes right there."

  • Should Cannabis Be Regulated Like Alcohol?
  • Not really sure why this is a question. If I have a cup of coffee, I am fine to get behind the wheel of a vehicle. If anything, my reaction time would be slightly quicker (vs me uncaffeinated, YMMV).

    If I get high, I'm keeping my ass put on the couch/at home and if anything my reaction time is slower.