Failed theoretical physicist trying to write and become a teacher. PhD in fermionic superfluidity ⚗️
I like: 🦴 Neolithic, 📖 Books, 🌱Permaculture, 🗺 Cosmopoiesis
It's not over as long as there's someone telling another story.
Being unemployed 😂
But when I still had a job I used to dedicate weekends to writing and weekdays to ponder ideas, so then when I sit in front of the file I can get a lot of words down with as few conceptual speedbumps as possible. I think that method works very well for me.
Heyo everyone! Grrgyle invited me over so I'm diving in right away!
What I've done this month:
- Completed the translation (to Italian) of Simulacra Navigans
- Written the fourth short story of Meteorina (7k words, in Italian) for a scifi contest
Goals for next month:
- Pick up Words of Tomorrow to add some scenes here and there before sending it to the editor (hopefully last time I tinker with that story)
- Finish sketching out the five stories and the worldbuilding for Kanteletar (solarpunk novel set in a library across 400y)
- Read the fourth solarpunk anthology by Italian authors (should come out next week)
#2 has a very human-like android and it explores the meaning of passing away from a different point of view.
#5 has a fantastic use of drones, and despite not being American myself I enjoyed the many descriptions that tied back to First Nations' cultures.
I wrote more extensively about each here (beware of spoilers!)
Has anyone read Grist's top12 stories from Imagine 2200?
Grist's 2025 climate fiction contest celebrates stories that imagine futures in which climate solutions flourish and we all thrive.

Hey everyone!
Haven't seen anyone discuss these around, so I was curious if anyone knew about them.
Personally I only liked #5 and #2; others were ok but didn't feel that much solarpunk. Let me know if you have different opinions and let's talk about them!
Update: I added EPUB formats for both Meteorina and all other short stories; I have been postponing that QoL fix for a LONG time but you finally gave me a reason to go and do it 😁
Great tip, I'll definitely check it out!
That's so flattering, thank you! 🥹
Your prejudice was half-right actually: tech and systems are what I really want to explore, but I use shorter stories as "experiment" to practice other aspect of storytelling too. After all, characters are the most powerful illusion spell on the reader!
What's going to be next:
- More Meteorina adventures (surely one on Elba, maybe one on Albanian shores considering the shitshow going on with the Italian govt nowadays? Some good old satire, why not)
- Kanteletar, the stories of a public digital library founded in 2067 across four centuries of climate, geopolitical and cultural upheavals
Thank you! Let me know what you think 😋
I have other formats for the novels, but now that the Meteorina project is becoming bigger I should provide epub files too. I'll work on adding more buttons and get back to you in a couple days!
Di fianco a ogni storia ci sono le bandierine che indicano in che lingua sono! La maggior parte sono bilingui; alcune sono solo in italiano. Simulacra Navigans, l'unica storia che avevo in inglese, è quasi a fine traduzione.
EDIT: Ho finito di tradurre Simulacra; mi ero dimenticato che anche Snowstorm e Lady Firefly erano English-only, prossimamente tradurrò anche quelle!
I'm a solarpunk writer; here's my smallweb site with free stories and novels!

Hey solarpunks!
I'm Clockwork, an Italian solarpunk physicist, juggler and writer. I would like share my website with you; I've set it up two years ago with zero html knowledge and I have given it a new revamp recently. Since I write in English but the publishing system is extremely walled, I want to make myself known among likeminded people without selling my soul.
I write mostly solarpunk (you can check out the short story page and the Meteorina "saga" (three long stories, with a fourth one coming soon), but you can also find some Neolithic fantasy and scifi with community and resistance themes. All stories are FREE TO DOWNLOAD; there are no Amazon links and most files are interoperable and freely accessible. There is a donation button but I'd rather you enjoy these stories in a non-transactional way.
I hope you will find them interesting and possibly get inspired!
EDIT: I'm an idiot, here's the link! Thank you for pointing it out 😅