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Choco617 Choco617

Interests: metal (esp. all things death), PC tech (esp. mechanical keyboards), horror (lit and film)

Profile picture credit: Godmachine - metalheads may know his style from the album art of releases like Carnifex’s GRAVESIDE CONFESSIONS

Posts 861
Comments 155

Bloodcrusher - Bloodcrusher (USA-OR, 2024) Bloodcrusher, by BLOODCRUSHER

from the album Bloodcrusher - DEBUT ALBUM

Bloodcrusher, by BLOODCRUSHER

Another, another!


New Releases This Week, 2024.9.6

Light on certified tech this week, but some good ones


The Fallen - The Fallen (CAN-QC, 2024)

Another "title track from eponymous release" example!


Cattle Decapitation - The Insignificants (USA-CA, 2023)

Augurium - Phantom Parallax (CAN-SK, 2023)
  • Lmao right? See also: Aethere, Aethereus, Aetherius, and Aetherian

  • Augurium - Phantom Parallax (CAN-SK, 2023)


    Vale of Pnath - Silent Prayers (USA-CO, 2024) Silent Prayers, by Vale Of Pnath

    from the album Between The Worlds Of Life And Death

    Silent Prayers, by Vale Of Pnath

    How’d everyone like the new Vale? I see what people are saying about the stylistic shift, but this is still sick


    Schizogen - Galaxies Systematic Infection (Ukraine, 2020)


    Acanthosis - Intrenched Affliction (CAN-QC, 2022) Intrenched Affliction, by Acanthosis

    from the album Scriptures of the Accursed

    Intrenched Affliction, by Acanthosis

    New Releases This Week, 2024.8.30


    New Releases This Week, 2024.8.23


    New Releases This Week, 2024.8.16


    New Releases This Week, 2024.8.9

    Let myself get pretty behind, here are the releases that jumped out last week, not all particularly tech.


    Album Announcement: Carnosus - Wormtales (Sweden, 2024.10.18)

    From the band via Facebook:

    Whispered among worms were the rumors of a new album by death metal outfit Carnosus. Heavier and darker, slithering its way from Örebro, Sweden, comes Wormtales, a prequel to the critically acclaimed 2023 album, Visions of Infinihility. Wormtales contains some of the band's most impressive riffs thus far and once again lures the listener into the realm of infinihility.

    Release date: October 18 on Willowtip Records

    Track Listing:

    1. Birthless
    2. Within Throat, Within Heart
    3. Neglectikon
    4. Yearnings of A Rotten Spine
    5. Worm Charmer
    6. Harbinger of Woundism
    7. Paradoxical Impulse
    8. Wound of Wisdom
    9. Cosmoclaustrum
    10. Solace In Soil

    Credits: Recorded and produced by Carnosus (except drums; recorded and produced by Robert Kukla & Dennis Rosic). Re-amped, mixed and mastered by Robert Kukla at Obsidian Recording Studios. Cover artwork by Timon Kokott.


    New Releases This Week, 2024.8.2

    New Releases This Week, 2024.7.26
  • Well that was super cool, exciting exposure too.

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.7.26

    Also, don't forget to catch Gojira playing the Olympic opening ceremony in a couple hours!

    Bonus - misc eye-catching new releases since I last posted, listed loosely in reverse order of release:

    • Abiosis - Hollowing the Mortal Form
    • Serpentslain - Cognitive Dissonance [EP]
    • August Mayhem - Incredulity (arguably deathcore)
    • Commander - Angstridden (very groovy, ffo Griefgod, Eye of Horus)
    • Lynchpin - ...This Mortal Coil [EP]
    • Fallujah - The Flesh Prevails 10 year anniversary remix/remaster (I haven't done a close enough A:B listen to understand the difference, but damn is TFP a great album)
    • Helvetskval - Hjarnspoken
    • Abandon Agony - Dark Matter [EP]
    • Replacire - The Center That Cannot Hold
    • Severe Torture - Torn from the Jaws of Death (not tech, but gotta love these DM kings)
    • The Fallen - S/T (arguably *core)
    • Ulcerate - Cutting the Throat of God

    Fallujah - Sapphire remaster (USA-CA, 2024) Sapphire, by Fallujah

    from the album The Flesh Prevails - 10 Year Edition - Remixed & Remastered

    Sapphire, by Fallujah

    I promise I’m not dead, just very busy with both work stuff and life stuff. Thanks to other posters for contributing content to the community! I definitely don’t intend to be the primary poster long-term lol


    New Releases This Week, 2024.5.31


    Orgone - Trawling the Depths (USA-PA, 2024)

    Weird prog-death goodness out soon


    Facebreaker - Carving for Brains (Sweden, 2013)


    Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!

    Whitechapel - The Saw Is the Law (USA-TN, 2014)

    Obviously, any metal with "death" in the genre name never ends up literally on the radio. But some singles are catchy in a way that feels like a radio jam. This is one of my best examples of that, alongside Aversions Crown - Hollow Earth and Carnifex - Pray For Peace

    Gorod - Sailing into the Earth (France, 2012)
  • That’s good to know: I don’t know Gorod as well as I should, and I picked this track pretty hastily

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Hell yeah Snarky Puppy! And I’d never heard of Forq before, thanks for sharing. Always cracks me up to make those discoveries: we’re both here for metal, but also both enjoy upbeat modern jazz like that too

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Aw Volbeat. Makes me think of Lola Montez, been a long time lol

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Totally allowed! I’ll give that a shot, thanks for sharing

  • Benighted - Nothing Left to Fear (France, 2024)
  • Yeah agreed, reminds me a bit of the voicemail intro to Archspire’s A.U.M.

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Maaaaaan - this is what’s cool about the huge umbrella that is metal. It includes the stuff I always post on this community, yes, your JFAC, your Carnosus, relentless techy wankery. But it also includes beautiful operatic melodic metal like this. The guitar work makes me want to go explore the ruins of a temple, and the vocals make me want to soar above it. This is what Mods Are Drunk Friday is for, thanks for sharing

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • I can’t decide if this’d be better with Stu Block hair metal vocals, or unintelligible slam vocals, but I’m here for it either way

  • Civerous - Maze Envy (USA-CA, 2024)
  • Yeah same here, I’m not too good at identifying tech/black/prog/melo/core elements, I just go for what sounds good. Hell yeah Esoteric Malacology, love Crop Killer. Tomb Mold is good too, but I know Planetary Clairvoyance better than The Enduring Spirit. The others are new to me, so I’ll check those out, thanks!

  • Civerous - Maze Envy (USA-CA, 2024)
  • Nice! Yeah that’s true. I’m always down to explore though. What are some of your favorite blackened death releases? Maybe maybe I’ll queue up a Black[ened] Friday tomorrow

  • Civerous - Maze Envy (USA-CA, 2024)
  • Glad you like! Tbh I posted it just because everyone’s talking about this album, but it hasn’t really resonated with me. I’ll have to give it another shot

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Iiiiiii have not listened to Nightwish in a decade or two, but I would love to revisit, thank you for resharing. Reminds me of how I used to use Dimmu Borgir - Sympozium as an alarm lmao

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.4.12
  • Ugh that’s really tough, they’re both solid. I agree about the slight edge to Moon Healer. It’s just hard to set aside how big a stylistic change Sun Water had been from previous releases, how much Jonny’s vocal range had expanded, etc. Felt really fresh at the time. But goddamn, Agony Seeping Storm…

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.4.12
  • Ok awesome. Well welcome to the community! Feel free to post whatever you like, I’m pretty liberal with genre bounds, so a little black/prog/melodic/core creeps in a lot of the time. My main focus is music discovery, including for myself, so I’ll definitely check out Underdark and Agriculture, those are not names I’ve heard. JFAC has been a favorite forever, so I’ll talk about them all day long lol

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.4.12
  • Hell yeah, glad you agree. Let me know if you have any similar bands to recommend, I’m on a kick. So far I’ve got Eye of Horus (latest album anyway, Noxium), Fallen Utopia, and sort of Aviscerus, Scent of Death, and Ignominious Incarceration.

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.4.12
  • People seem to be all about the new Replicant, but I gotta say Griefgod and The Night We Died are really giving me life today!

  • New Releases This Week, 2024.4.5
  • Ha, that is 100% what I did, oops. “Gorgasm, now there’s a name I haven’t heard in forever.”

  • Mods are drunk, post/comment your off-genre recommendations!
  • Finnish punk is the kind of stuff I’d never bump into organically. Thanks for sharing, stoked to look into this!