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ChaosCoati ChaosCoati
Posts 19
Comments 190
Energy reserves
  • May I suggest sock tag - use a rolled up sock (or something similarly soft). Kid runs around while you try to tag them with the sock. Similar to dodgeball, but no one should get hurt and you get to sit or lay down while they burn off energy.

    Brought to you by a parent with chronic pain

  • FDA bans food additive found in citrusy sports drinks and sodas
  • looking at Berkey water filters

    Been looking at water filters too, to take out as much PFAS as possible. What a time to be alive

  • What bird did this feather come from?
  • The US Fish & Wildlife Service has a feather atlas to help people ID North American birds.

    It’s not perfect as they may only have feathers from one or two individuals, and like people birds of the same species aren’t all identical. But it’s still a good resource. Plus it has an Identify My Feather feature that’s fun and interesting to use.

  • It's almost the week-end, what are you guys going to play? Also, could we have a monthly thread for July?
  • Moonlight Rabbits looks adorable. I’ve never played Steam games before (just don’t get my computer out much), but this one is tempting me to start

  • I've learned I really don't like large needles
  • I did! Just a few days ago. I like how it turned out, so I guess the huge needles were worth it.

  • Not Butterfly Weed?
  • I wonder if it’s a Gaillardia species or something related to an oxeye daisy - the leaf clasping a “branch” as it shoots off the stem reminds me of them

  • Not Butterfly Weed?
  • Did you buy it as seeds or a plant, or did it come up on its own? You are right, this don’t appear to be an Asclepias species, which typically have single leaves that come directly off the stem.

  • You all inspired me to do some beautification in my veg garden
  • Your hard work paid off, these look really nice! I have a U shaped garden and used stone pavers to make the path in the middle, but the grass is still growing in between. Maybe I’ll plan to switch to mulch.

  • Sit down. We need to talk.
  • Sounds like your clocks aren’t set to cat time. Better check if they’re on the right time zone or if they need new batteries.

  • Sit down. We need to talk.
  • Uh oh. Were you 1 minute late with dinner again?

  • Sweater curse
  • Half of the fun is in making things, and you can only have so many sweaters before you have to start giving them away anyways.

    I’ll knit something for anyone, so this is exactly how I feel too. But for others (non-knitters) there seems to be this feeling that knit/crochet/quilted things should be treated as precious family heirlooms. Maybe because not as many people do these hobbies now? And/Or it’s still seen as something grandmas do, and things from your grandma should be treasured?

  • Sweater curse
  • I’ve heard of it but don’t know anyone who’s experienced it. That said, a sweater is not usually an easy or quick knit. I could see someone being uncomfortable accepting one if they’re not sure about the relationship as a whole.

  • Me and my neighbor built a garden today
  • I like the visual interest those red leaf plants add

  • He's a sweetheart.
  • Look at that sweet innocent face! I just want to boop his widdle pink nose

  • I've learned I really don't like large needles

    Just have to vent, because I’m struggling to finish this sweater. The body was knit with US 17s (12mm). Now I’m doing the sleeves on US 19s (16mm) because my gauge was too tight with the 17s. I have discovered I don’t like knitting with these size needles. They’re uncomfortable for me to hold and knitting with them feels like a chore.

    Vent over. Hopefully I’ll get this sweater off the needles today or tomorrow, and now I know to avoid any more projects using these needles.

    [Update] I finally figured out how to make my cat take her asthma medication properly (sound on)
  • That’s really smart! And probably less stressful for you and her. My cat used to play fetch on the stairs when he was younger. Now at 17 he just watches it roll down the steps, then stares at me until I go get it.

  • Ultraviolet Aging an Owl
  • I didn’t mind the projectile part, probably because they never got me. It is pretty acidic and eventually stains an area no matter how much you clean.

    When dry the feathers feel smooth, but not really oily. If you’ve ever pet a duck it’s pretty similar.

    I did have an African penguin almost knock me into the pool once. It was nesting season and he tried to take my radio’s antenna. While it was clipped on my belt and I was crouched down scrubbing the edge of the pool. Luckily I regained my balance and he found a real stick to take instead.

  • Ultraviolet Aging an Owl
  • Yeah they definitely look worse for the wear during the molt. Also, having taken care of penguins before, they have waaay more feathers than you think they would.

  • Ultraviolet Aging an Owl
  • Not owl-specific, but interestingly penguins go through what’s called a “catastrophic molt” where they replace all their feathers in a short period of time (a few weeks to a month).

    This is because they need their feathers to insulate them in the water. Typical bird molting, which lets most birds replace feathers without losing their ability to fly, would be like swimming with a leaky wetsuit for the penguins. This would force the penguins to burn too many calories just to stay warm. Instead they eat extra food leading up to the molt, then mostly stay on land and live off their fat reserves until the molt is finished.

    If you made it this far, thanks for reading my bird nerd tangent lol

  • Plant-based ultraprocessed foods linked to heart disease, early death, study says
  • TLDR plant-based junk food is still junk food.

    I find myself wondering why this study happened. Looks like it’s to actually have proof of something we’d assume is true?

    a new study authors call “the first” to show ultraprocessed plant foods are associated with an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

    You don’t say

  • Enjoying the sun
  • That smile made me smile

  • [OC] Chalk-fronted corporal

    Newly emerged. Landed on some netting while I was gardening, seems to be settled in for the night.


    Hamburger buns

    Mixed and did first rise in my bread machine



    Cinnamon raisin bread

    Someone snuck a slice before I could get the photo


    WIP Wednesday

    Needed a new car knitting project as my Kelowna sweater is too big now to work on comfortably. So I cast on some socks for me.

    Pattern: Hermoine’s Everyday Socks

    Yarn: Knit Picks Felici in Palm Springs colorway


    [WIP] Kelowna sweater progress

    Decided to get sleeve island out of the way. I’m worried I won’t have enough yarn even though I’m on gauge. I am using different yarn than the pattern and it’s definitely not the bulkiest bulky yarn I’ve ever used.

    I picked up 12 stitches in the underarm (instead of the pattern’s 6) because I was worried about holes. I may have some small ones to close up at the end but we’ll see how they look after blocking.

    Pattern: Kelowna sweater


    Finally finished these socks

    The socks with my first ever fish lips kiss heel are done! They even got a spin through the washer and dryer because our dog spilled milk on them (yes our dog lol).

    My spouse tried them on and they fit perfectly. For my next pair of socks I’m not sure if I’ll use this heel again - I do really like it but now it’s got me wondering what other awesome heels I haven’t done yet.


    WIP Thursday: Kelowna sweater

    This week got away from me, I spent most of today thinking it was Wednesday. I started this sweater on Saturday. Thankfully we were in a city visiting family, as I’d overlooked the fact that this pattern uses 12mm needles for the body (the largest I have is 8mm). I was able to run to the store and pick some up right away.

    I tried all 3 sizes for the neckline and none looked like the right fit, so I decided to do a provisional cast on and worry about the collar later.


    Braided Raisin Bread

    It’s a recipe passed down from my grandma. She would make it every Easter.


    Rolls for dinner tonight

    My shaping needs work, but I’m excited to have these for dinner tonight. Making some chicken sandwiches.


    Sock update: let there be heels

    First attempt at the fish lips kiss heel. I got stalled on these socks for a couple weeks because no matter how many times I read the instructions it didn’t make any sense to me. Plus I don’t get much time to knit most days, usually just 10-15 minutes while I’m waiting for my kid to get out of school.

    I ended up finding a video (Fish Lips Kiss Heel by Betty Mueller on YT) and it made sense! It doesn’t exactly follow the FLKH pattern instructions but it worked for me. Unfortunately looking at them this morning I’m pretty sure the sock is too long for my spouse, but I have to wait til they get home from work before I can see for sure. Either way I really like how quick and easy this heel was so I’m not concerned if I have to tear it back a bit and redo.


    Protein Bread

    Protein bread is what the recipe calls it. You blend cottage cheese with egg whites and use that as some of the liquid in the dough. It’s a good chewy bread, I like it toasted with some cream cheese.

    Edit: I forgot to mention this recipe uses bread flour so isn’t gluten-free


    ADHD parents: how do you help your ADHD kid with homework?

    I need all your tips, tricks and ideas - both to help my kid get started on and finish her work, and to help me get through it. Because currently it’s painful for both of us. I feel like I want to crawl out of my skin, sitting with her and trying to make myself stay focused so I can help her stay on task.

    What does your evening look like? How often do you take breaks and what do you do during the break? Do you have any fidgets, wiggle chairs, etc., that you keep in the “homework area” for them to use while they’re doing their homework? Anything you’ve learned almost always derails things?

    What we’ve tried so far (she’s in 4th grade):

    • Do one entire item (ex: worksheet, reading passage, spelling list) then take a break and do something fun - this works for some things but others we’re sitting there for 20-30 minutes struggling to finish it
    • Set a timer and do as much as she can in 10-15 minutes then take a break - this works well at the start each evening but each time it’s more of a struggle for both of us to come back and do more homework. I feel like it may be too many transitions for our tired, end-of-day executive functioning abilities (or lack thereof).
    • Earn a small piece of candy for each question answered, math problem solved, etc. - This works well for math, but I don’t like to use it before we eat dinner, and usually we do at least some homework before dinner.

    I just want to help her find some skills she can use to tackle “have to do” things - because as we all know it’ll be a daily struggle even as adults (at least during the work week).


    Soft French bread

    Still pretty new to bread making. I think I needed to add a little more flour and next time I won’t egg wash the slits I cut. But it’s tasty!


    Trying a new heel

    Lifeline is in so I’m ready to try the fish lips kiss heel for the first time. If you’ve done this heel before I’d love to hear how it went.

    Two at a time toe-up socks with a P1, K3 pattern across the top of the foot, yarn is Knit Picks Stroll Gradient in Storm
