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CatUser CatUser

If you're watching my profile because of my poor english, let me tell you that you're right! Sorry for that...

If you see that I committed a grammar error or something like that, don't be afraid to correct me!

Posts 11
Comments 26
Nunti - An Android RSS Reader that Learns Your Preferences
  • And since the last release (2.4.0) supports offline reading!

  • What other options do I have if I temporarily adopt a sick kitten and can't find someone who want to adopt it once it is cured?

    So, in the beginning some two weeks ago or so a cat mom came to my yard with 5 kittens but I started to note that the mom sets aside or ignores one of her offspring that seems to have conjunctivitis and flu, so I started to take care of the kitten and it have improved a lot, but there's something strange with she because basically stays in the same place all the day without moving. She's not sick in the meaning that's bad because she eats and plays and all those things, but honestly it worries me that something bad happens to her because of that so I'm determined to keep her in my house while she gets better and then I give her up for adoption, but I'm afraid of not finding someone who want to adopt her...

    I already have enough cats for just one person and all of them were adopted in the same conditions as this kitten, but the difference is that I can't have more cats, I simply can't, the last time I did this I adopted a pregnant cat and I was supposedly to find a home to her kittens but my dad passed away just when I was going to give them for adoption and now I can't find someone who wants to adopt them...

    I know of some Facebook groups in my area where kittens are given up for adoption, and there seems to be quite a lot of demand. I'm willing to create a Facebook account just to find a home for that kitten but what if I can't find anyone who wants her? Almost all my family already have cats so I doubt they want to adopt one more, and I also know of several vets where they accept kittens no older than 2 months to give them up for adoption, but I'll be honest, maybe it's a stupid thought but I would be very sad to take care of that kitten for a while and then leave her in a place where she won't even have space to move and I don't even know who would adopt her...

    Medical Advice CatUser

    Why do car lights dazzle me more now that I have changed my glasses than before?

    Until 2 years ago I started wearing glasses, and as soon as I started wearing them I noticed an immediate change in my perspective of the reflections, before it was not especially annoying, it was just that mainly the reflections of car lights were too noticeable to me, and a month ago I changed my glasses again after all that time and now I really wouldn't dare to cross a street at night because the reflection of certain car lights is too noticeable, it's basically as if the brightness of my sight lowered and focused only on the light of the car, basically I see like two suns in front of me when I have a car in front of me.

    I am really worried about this, is it reversible?

    How actually feel to have a pussy?
  • Yeah, but the dick (IIRC) is because of the blood preasure, idk what can happen to make the clit hard.

    Edit: nvm, a quick google search opened my eyes, basically it's the same to the clit than to the dick.

  • How actually feel to have a pussy?
  • Thanks for your answer. I didn't know that the clit get hard.

  • How actually feel to have a pussy?
  • No? What does that have to do with what I said or the post?

  • How actually feel to have a pussy?
  • That's fair, thanks, and to be honest I can be much more explicit but my native language isn't english and specifically with Lemmy I'm practicing my english writing skills, and yeah, I can used a translator but I used to do that and I'm not feel right with that.

    I did not mean an absolute explanation of how it feels, and actually, now that you mention it, that part of my post is partially irrelevant.

  • Microsoft to add Teams to Android Auto
  • Awesome, now I can be driving while my boss is yelling at me.

  • I am a bad software developer and this is my life
  • Are you serious? That sounds exactly like the punishment-reward system of the education system around the world.

  • what is a skill you wish you had, and why?
  • Learning to say no. Many times or not to say all my life I have always tried to get along with everyone, and I always say "Yes" to everything, committing myself to things I really don't want just because I don't know how to say no.

  • What lesson that you didn't see when you were younger and now can see, you would teach to your younger self?
  • Among all the lessons, I think this one relates more to me, what else can you tell me about this one?

  • What lesson that you didn't see when you were younger and now can see, you would teach to your younger self?

    I'm in my 20's and I consider myself a complete ignorant, in the sense that whenever I make a decision I always think "What would the future me do if I had more experience/knowledge?"

    So taking advantage of this space in Lemmy, what lesson that you had to learn by force or that you learned by experience that when you were younger you didn't see you would teach your younger self?

    And I mean lessons like: I must learn to love others, or I am worth more than I think I am.


    How to recover the Google account of a deceased person?

    My father died a week ago (me being his closest son) and hours before he passed away the hospital called all my family and friends of my father, and some piece of shit of those visitors took my father's phone that was on a piece of furniture next to him, and no one at the hospital realized who it was and the problem is that whoever it was that took the phone has 100% access to all of my dad's accounts that I wanted to close because HE IS A DECEASED PERSON, and when I tried to log into the account it sent an access message to the person who has the phone and that person not only warn google about suspicious login, but changed the password to make me not login anymore.

    I tried contacting Google support but Google sucks, Google doesn't help with shit, they just sends you to an unmoderated forum for other people who are not Google employees to answer you for Google, and so now there is some piece of shit that has my dad's phone and God knows what for.

    I know I can and should talk to the police, but the person we suspect of taking it is a relative who has always been the black sheep of the family and yes, I am afraid to denounce him because he is very capable of harm me, or telling someone else to do it.

    Sorry for the bad english and everything in general, going through all this really sucks.

    Edit: Thanks to all the people who help me.


    Some apps or sites to chat casually with people?

    I have no intentions of setting up anything serious, but I would like to occasionally talk to someone random, and although so far I haven't tried any app or website, I'm sure 99% of them will be complete garbage, full of micropayments and stupid limitations, well, practically like any app nowadays.

    Does anyone know any app or website for this?

    Eight cats are too many? (Solved)
  • I tried it and I really got a bad taste in my mouth. As I said, I have no Facebook experience but I also didn't know that the admins needed to "verify your posts". After reading the group rules carefully and doing my best the admins for no apparent reason deleted my posts even though I openly contacted them and asked them to explain what part of the post was wrong, they just deleted it quietly...

  • Eight cats are too many? (Solved)
  • I had never thought about it because I don't use Facebook and I don't know anyone who does, but doing a quick search for adoption Facebook groups in my area I found quite a few results, thank you very much for the idea!

  • Eight cats are too many? (Solved)
  • I want to clarify that I have a lot of time available, it's not that I'm balancing between my father and the cats, but I completely agree with you, I will try again to put the cats up for adoption.

  • Eight cats are too many? (Solved)

    Personally I never wanted to have more than 3 or 4 cats but already having 4 cats one day I took the decision to adopt a stray cat that was pregnant because where I live there are many stray cats and really most of the they have a miserable life or die young (just between last year and this one, I took care of two baby cats that had been abandoned by their mothers, and I say this with confidence because I heard them crying for days and when I went to rescue them they were plagued with fleas and conjunctivitis), so I left her in a separate room and there she gave birth 3 or 4 months ago to 3 kittens.

    At first my intention was never to keep the kittens, since they born I started to look for people who wanted to adopt baby cats and even asked in nearby veterinaries but they were going to live locked in a cage until someone adopted them and honestly I think it is a little unfair for them considering that since they were born they have lived in a spacious room with all their needs.

    So I really gave up looking for someone who wants to adopt them and I guess I will keep them, but really despite having a lot of experience with cats and having enough space for them and everything to meet their basic needs every day I feel stressed and as if I had a burden on me because I feel that there are too many cats for me alone, because I practically live alone (I take care of my father) and I don't know, this was not really what I wanted nor was my intention.

    Thanks for reading.

    Edit: Thanks to those who commented, I was able to open my eyes and in a week I will give the kittens to a veterinary center where they will take care of their adoption.

    Sincerely it hurts my soul to have to do this but it is necessary, both to ensure a decent life for the kittens and for my mental health.


    If I have EA Play and PS Plus gives away an EA Play game, can I claim it in my PS Plus library?

    In the past I used to have EA Play (2 or 3 years ago) but for some stupid reason if I had for example Titanfall 2 in my library added for EA Play and then they gave it away in PS Plus there was no way to claim it in my PS Plus library because "I already had it added in my library", although it was for EA Play license and not PS Plus and during a year that I had EA Play they gave away several EA games that I could not claim precisely because of this and I find it quite frustrating not being able to claim games of a membership that I paid, I mean, even if I have it for EA Play is the same as having it for PS Plus, the game is not mine, it is "borrowed" while paying the service and it is more likely to pay PS Plus than EA Play, so I wanted to have them in my PS Plus library.

    Now, that was in the PS4 era and now I have a PS5 and I don't know if that has changed anything, I remember contacting Playstation support and they couldn't help me claim a game that I already had in my account.

    Edit: I already read about the merge of communities but it seems to me that in c/Playstation most of the posts are news, and if I ask something it will most likely be ignored or removed.

    Omegle has shutdown with a thoughtful farewell from the founder
  • Seriously are there still Omegle channels?

    (I don't mean to be pedantic, I honestly thought it was a fad).

  • APKMirror now blocks visitors allegedly because of "adblock"
  • Well, in that case you asked if there is any alternative and the only one I know is APKPure, and in any case, if you want me to download any specific apk just contact me by DM or here and I have no problem sending it to you, and you can use VirusTotal to verify that it is untouched.

  • APKMirror now blocks visitors allegedly because of "adblock"
  • Which adblock are you using? I'm using uBlock on Firefox and it's working as always.

    In case you're using any Chromium browser, I suggest you to change to Firefox, no because Firefox good Chromium bad, it's just because in my experience Firefox + uBlock (+ turn on all the annoyances filters) always work on any site perfectly.

  • Where's Nintendo DS emulation at for Android?
  • Yes, you can download Lemuroid through F-droid and then use one of the open source Nintendo DS cores, but they require a strong hardware.

  • Where's Nintendo DS emulation at for Android?
  • I usually recommend using open source software but this is c/piracy, so, you can easily find Drastic unlocked on Mobilsm.

  • WinRAR has a major security bug
  • Peazip is also a very good alternative.

  • ¿Es el sistema de apartados en la actualidad un mito?

    Recuerdo que hace muchos años en gran número de tiendas se podía "apartar" cosas dejando X cantidad de dinero, ya sea una tercera parte, la mitad. etc. Pero quizás excluyendo algunas tiendas pequeñas y humildes, ya eso no se da o no existe, alguien más que pueda narrar sus experiencias?

    Entiendo perfectamente que con el aumento de la criminalidad y las estafas, las tiendas ya no se puedan permitir seguir haciendo eso, pero esto también dificulta adquirir bienes con la inflación y el aumento de costo de vida, y en general joden al consumidor porque las tiendas esperan que compres algo "a paguitos" simplemente para endeudarte más y cobrarte comisiones a largo plazo con el efecto placebo de que ya tienes lo que deseas.


    Experiencias en la UNED?

    Tengo interés de ingresar en la UNED pero realmente no termino de comprender el modelo de Educación a Distancia, hay alguien que este cursando su carrera en esta universidad que me puede dar una breve introducción?

    Tengo entendido que ellos te dan los materiales en físico o digital y tú simplemente te presentas ciertos días (me parece que una vez al mes, o dos veces al mes) a tutorías o a exámenes, pero eso es todo?

    No estoy menospreciando la UNED, simplemente me parece raro su modelo de estudio, que por supuesto requiere mucho tiempo y dedicación tratarse de un modelo autodidacta. Y entiendo que su modelo "no es para todo el mundo", ya que esta mas enfocado en personas que tienen muchas responsabilidades y no pueden presentarse a clases presenciales en otras universidades.

    Que hay de los trabajos en grupo? Hay clases en linea o remoto?

    Es fácil solicitar una beca ahí?



    What makes you enjoy "generic" Youtubers?

    I don't want to offend anyone by the term "generic", but by that term I mean the typical Youtubers who generate the same repetitive content over and over and over and over and over again and it's usually content that is made with little effort and often with filler, such as unnecessary jokes. For obvious reasons I won't even mention specific names.

    I for example use Youtube exclusively as a learning platform, I can't say I'm a "fan" of any Youtuber because I'm not really there to watch the weekly/daily video of a content creator, I just jump in and if I want to learn about something I just watch it and that's it, I don't get distracted watching anything else.

    I hope no one feels offended because it's not my intention but it really makes me curious how some Youtubers can earn thousands of dollars in donations in streamings where they just play a video game, and when someone donates they don't even pay attention to it, I don't even think they need the money.
