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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Comments 235
[Followup] Deputy charged with murdering Black woman allegedly told partner not to give aid
  • That’s pretty obviously, not what I mean. I have tattoos so I understand their meaning can span beyond basic symbolism. That said cops here can’t have certain tattoos or tattoos above their collar. I would imagine that having a pile of skulls tattooed on your forearm may (or at least should) detract from your chances at a job that’s public service based. Shit there are jobs that don’t trust you with a gun that you’d probably not get.

  • The Brits SUCK and they STINK
  • As the other guy mentioned there were/are places on the internet that frequently posted propaganda styled stormfront images of black people (exaggerated features, like lips and etc) using some variation of the phrase “we wuz kangs…” and so on. Like I said the phrase (or it usage in the op) isn’t racist, just that people should know it’s a phrase with some history.

  • [Followup] Deputy charged with murdering Black woman allegedly told partner not to give aid
  • “I swear to God. I will shoot you right in your f------ face.”

    What is it with these sort of cops talking like this. It’s one thing if it was an actual perp who might have a weapon and moving for one, wild shit may come out your mouth but at someone’s house while they have a kettle? The actual fuck. Like isn’t it a literal line out of super troopers??

    Also, the hell are cops with skull tattoos on their forearm doing wearing a uniform. Get some admission standards or just any standards for your police force already god damn.

  • After Trump assassination attempt, guns will still be allowed near RNC, but tennis balls will not
  • It wasn't an insult.

    A sardonic, “you can’t be that silly” passes muster, and is semantics either way.

    I caught your edit and I gotta ask, are you Serbian? I assumed you were just looking for an argument given the tone of your replies but the edit made me think otherwise. You surely can’t have interpreted my initial comments as blaming Serbia (or even Black Hand necessarily) for starting the war right? Because that is not what I was doing.

  • The Brits SUCK and they STINK
  • Oh no not at all, just mentioning it so you’re aware is all. Edit: I figured it worth mentioning because it was alt-right tier stuff. If it were me, I’d want to know if I were unintentionally using something like that. Hence fyi.

  • Request to join subreddit
  • How bizarre. Are these bots getting turned around and lost on their way to reddit? These same styled, two word usernames have been bouncing off this community for nearly a year. With varying levels of complexing in their posts?

  • After Trump assassination attempt, guns will still be allowed near RNC, but tennis balls will not
  • Person who enters an argument with insults presumes to lecture about spending “opponents” goodwill.

    Tell others immediately to go fuck themselves when met with the mildest rebuttal before going on yet another near irrelevant tangent.

    Also missed the very clear implication that while the WW1 may well have been on the horizon the Duke’s assassination initiated it and the relevance to killing Trump. Especially given US internal politics and its geopolitics.

    Why do I even bother trying and failing at being witty when the jokes write themselves.

  • After Trump assassination attempt, guns will still be allowed near RNC, but tennis balls will not
  • You are not that naive to think it's his murder that caused WWI, yes?

    Nothing more immediately tempts me to dismiss a comment than one attempting to start with a passive insult. From a 1 day old account, none the less. I’ll ignore my better sense and plow on.

    I guess I’ll also ignore the pages of articles pointing to it as the “immediate cause” of the war.

    Guess I’ll not point out the all geopolitical tension you mentioned being be the “powder keg” that Ferdinand’s assassination ignited, either.

  • Trump Rally Gunman Was ‘Definitely Conservative,’ Classmate Recalls
  • There’s no other nation involved. Except for those that would benefit from US being in civil war.

    How people think killing Trump prevents a civil war instead of acting as the justification a lot of conservatives seems to have been waiting for to initiate one, boggles my mind. Like MAGA and all the alt-right/facist groups behind them just poof vanish or wander off dejected into the sunset. Yeah fucking right.

  • Trump Rally Gunman Was ‘Definitely Conservative,’ Classmate Recalls
  • Acing Trump is the path to guaranteed violence. People advocating against doing so aren’t just doing so from a moral and/or philosophical standpoint. WWI started with a politician being assassinated.

    Edit:ok clowns, downvote the person saying killing a former president is a bad idea. Like several countries aren’t salivating at the idea of the US being embroiled in a civil war. Gee almost like one or more countries even have a vested interest in destabilising the US and have been accused of contributing to it. By all means though don’t let that stop you.

  • First overseas trip with my girlfriend – Any tips to make It our best trip?
  • Honestly, expect shit to go wrong. Sounds like you’ve gotten all the important shit done. You’ve got a plan, you’ve been working towards it for a while and seems like your partner is into it as well.

    We had a similar trip a few years back, first time overseas for some of us. Lots of planning and preparation went into it. Then our trip planner fucked up one of our bookings in Paris. Meaning we almost missed out on doing some tour that ended on the Eiffel Tower. A couple of times trains were missed/delayed.

    The only times the trip strayed away from being the fantastic trip it was is because people let small (and sometime not so small, to be fair) disappointments or missed expectations turn into high stress/anxiety events. You’re going overseas, shit may go wrong; be ready for it and be cool with it (while also making sure you have travel insurance). Also take time away to do shit yourselves that the other may not want to do and always have set meeting times and locations to check in if you do.

  • Humans didn't invent agriculture
  • You know those aren’t the members I’m referring to. I haven’t referred to you by the wrong pronoun or misgendered you. I simply haven’t capitalised non-gendered possessive/adjective pronouns. You think these should be capitalised due to identifying as a goddess. As someone else mentioned it reeks of co-opting trans issues. Anyway, given you’ve reported me, I’m going to leave it here.

  • Humans didn't invent agriculture
  • Yes, and as per the blog the other user linked people have a habit of posting Medium links under the guise of providing supporting information. Given you made a claim “x proves y” you and other people who post Medium links like this probably know “but here’s a link to my blog that is also just my opinion” probably doesn’t hit the same.

  • When any online discussion accidentally mentions Brazil
  • Neither do I. I do like guessing them though, especially users whose participation online is largely toxic and quickly hostile.

    There was also that study I saw posted to lemmy asserting “trolls” and cyber bullying positively correlated with negative personality traits like sadism and narcissism. So I get what you’re saying, some of them are just younger people who’ve lost their way online. Or perhaps they’ve experienced similar behaviour online so now they’re copying it (another article I read said this is a possibility). For this user, based on their post history, I don’t really see that.

    Some people just enjoy engaging in that sort of behaviour or can’t help it due to their upbringing.

  • Steam allowing curators to promote homophobia.
  • Don’t worry guys, I’ll sift through all this gay hentai so you guys don’t have to I’m a hero!

    Thanks lad, can’t wait for you to find all the airport toilets that should be avoided so I don’t accidentally wander my way into a BJ.