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Federal Judge in Trump case says, No, bring your ass to Court on Friday like I said
  • When I post the same link, it suggests the same title as the article has; "DC judge rejects Trump team’s delay attempt and schedules protective order hearing". You had to type that title on your own, adding your take on the rejection, evidenced by Trump not having to bring "his ass" to court, as the judge specifically waived his appearance for this proceeding. So it's wrong.

    That's literally "editorialized".

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  • Make sure they are federated magazines as well. It doesn't ust auto-populate all of, the magazine has to be "requested" to show.

  • A critique of the 'Divided America' Trope
  • Yeah, that's sort of the downfall of the whole "they'll come around eventually" mindset. The identity some people possess and want to be known by is "nothing is worse than being a Democrat". Death is preferable to losing to Democrats, so the lengths they'll go to are pretty damn far.

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