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CEbbinghaus CEbbinghaus
Posts 2
Comments 79
Cursed wretched marketing
  • This is a screenshot of it zoomed in...

    You tell me if the white looks warm

  • Who is a character you feel is overhated and despised too much ?
  • My personal theory is that jar jar is not a sith but rather a domestic terrorist that is really good at making it look like an accident

  • True story.
  • XKCD single-handedly saving an entire population

  • 🇷🇴🤝🇺🇦
  • Too credible.

  • Or your dog.
  • Only if the laptop doesn't work with a closed lid (which would be configurable) presumably it does and is basically just a heating bed for the little fellow

  • Rule
  • Like the picture?

  • Shoutout to ice cream sandwich, he's got some funny ads
  • I am pretty sure that it's just man in hole. When I watched it I immediately felt that it was different and disliked it. It felt so unlike his usual content so when it turns out that it was plagiarised I instantly felt justified for hating it. I haven't heard anything else about him plagiarising and since he is how in the spotlight I suspect that it really only was that one video.

  • The EU are voting on Chat Control this Wednesday 19th June
  • This has actually been my dream for some time now. Not AP/Fediverse since that is built for social networks, but some platform that federates decentrally and functions closer to GitHub/Forgejo. Ideally with the ability to fork repositories across servers and the ability to hook up hosted runners github style. It would be an absolute dream to have a platform that lets anyone explore projects from any of the other nodes and build upon them.

  • Time to fix sleep schedule
  • Thank you kind stranger. Really glad it's not porn but rather a new show I can check out

  • Rule
  • Because he supports trans rights???

  • Rule
  • I thought he was what all serial killers averaged out as

  • $843 million lawsuit against Valve already has its own website: "The Steam Claim" accuses the biggest store in PC gaming of "overcharging" players
  • Do to stuff that is anti competitive (your words)? What the fuck? Pleas point out the "stuff" that they are doing because this article is accusing them of charging too high a cut on game revenue. Which is NOT the case. Anyone that has half a braincell can do a Google search and see that their cut is perfectly inline with Xbox, PlayStation and Nintendo. They are NOT abusing they market dominance since this same hcut has been in place for basically forever. Someone looked at the 30% and just now said "hey that sounds kinda high" when it has been the norm for decades.

    Also please for the love of God do some research. This has already been battled in court and the case got dropped because of fucking course steam isn't being anti competitive. A godamm legal company thought they could make some money if they got a ton of people to sign up to a class action and somehow manage to convince the judge with numbers. But it's utterly bullshit and beating a gift horse around the head. Steam let's you sell their steamkeys on your website which they make 0 cut on. And all they ask is that you sell it at the same price as on steam? I don't think anyone realized how good of a deal that is please for the love of God look at any other game platform and if you can so much as find a clause that lets you sell their keys on any other platform I will be VERY impressed.

    TLDR: Stuff is not exact enough of a reason to hate on steam

  • Nostr continues to raise the bar on private, uncensorable online discourse
  • I just went to check it out. Absolutely dead. I haven't seen anything as dead in my life

    Edit: never before have I looked at something and thought "damn this could use ai generated content". But I feel like this may be it

  • Nostr continues to raise the bar on private, uncensorable online discourse
  • I can set up a activity pub instance. My friend can join. I can post something that he can see. And there is nothing in the world that can stop it. That is what ucensorable means. Any other ap instance can block mine and block any user(s) from my instance to "moderate" but they are not able to stop users on my instance from communicating with one another.

    This is what it means.

  • Steam owner Valve accused of ripping off 14m UK gamers
  • This. Please more upvotes on this comment. The fact that steam let's you sell steam keys on third part sites with no profit incentive is crazy to me. Honestly valve feels like the only good company around being blamed for all the shit they don't do

  • Steam owner Valve accused of ripping off 14m UK gamers
  • Absolutely this. The 30% split is not only standard (xbox, PlayStation, Nintendo) but it has also hasn't changed in a VERY long time. Any and all increases in price of games are entirely independent of the cut. Also the cut offers competition (such as the absolutely horrendous epic store) who can offer a smaller split (which they do) to remain an attractive option for game publishers. But do they drop the price on epic??? NO. It's the game publishers greed not the store they publish on driving up prices. And blaming steam is not just looking a gift horse into the mouth but beating it with a baseball bat.

  • Dad jokes
  • This is absolutely the best dad joke I have seen so far

  • Steam owner Valve accused of ripping off 14m UK gamers
  • This is exactly it. Fuck all of those news articles because they all try to make out steam as the bad guy. Steam is the best of guys based on the fact that it let's you sell steam keys, which let me remind you THEY MAKE NO PRFIT ON on other platforms and all they ask is that you don't sell them dirt cheap?

    VALVE PAYS FOR THE BANDWIDTH THAT DOWNLOADING THE GAME USES. Honestly the fact that they are willing to absorb all the costs while making none of the profit is absolutely mind blowing.

  • Dad jokes
  • Glad you got there. And look it took you significant less time than the guy in the meme