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ButtigiegMineralMap ButtigiegMineralMap

US-based(as in originating or operating out of; I am not calling the US based.)“Books come from the devil, TV is twice as fast…at information”-Master Shake

Male He/Him, cis-het ❤️🇧🇾🇮🇪❤️

Posts 74
Comments 540
This is another reddit country waiting to be fully exposed
  • I’ve never seen an account worth trolling more in my life😂

  • “Debunking” of 20 mil deaths every 5 years under capitalism
  • The famine point is very important. I read a thing before where they said the Soviets and Chinese noticed the land was being used and tilled too often (for profit, surprise surprise) and they would take advantage of better land that was not tilled as much in conjunction with transporting food when an area has heavier famine than usual.

  • Reminder that a few weeks ago, during the United Nations General Assembly, B.Netanyahu showed a map of « The new Middle-East », but "erroneously" without Palestine and Gaza.
  • I get your point, but I feel like if he wanted to make a distinction between Israel and Palestine he would probably use a bigger map

  • Reminder that a few weeks ago, during the United Nations General Assembly, B.Netanyahu showed a map of « The new Middle-East », but "erroneously" without Palestine and Gaza.
  • Can someone please make this a Meme Template? I have sooooooo many things that I want to write on that piece of paper he’s holding

  • This is genocide of Palestinian people and again western libs are cheering for it..can't believe..
  • Glad to see that 🤬, 👎 and 🤮 make up more votes than the other reactions.

  • Yanks just love to show off but really they hate indigenous people.
  • Not so fun fact: Native Americans make up less than 3% of the US population. And that counts people with Native American heritage (like white people who are 1/8 Cherokee and tout that as them being “POC”). That ain’t a Shared History, that’s oppression and domination followed by decades of humiliation and discrimination.

  • One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)
  • Yea definitely, OG video had it as thumbnail but it looks like a Strasserite af, hopefully the AK and Red Star can put you at ease that they aren’t anti-semites, just anti-occupation

  • Based Spingebill

    One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)
  • Wtf!! Already??? Well I apologize for the butthurt Zionists, I’ll find a different link:

  • One of my favorite Anti-Imperialist songs🚩 (OG video got yeeted by YT, edited URL)

    🇵🇸الحرية لفلسطين Falasteen Hurra🇵🇸

    Solidarity with Palestine
  • 🇮🇪🤝🇵🇸

  • Comment on a hakim post
  • Wow the patsoc basically just said “lets just stay where we are now, you know, now that Israel makes up the majority of the country”

  • New Boxing Exercise

    Listen to this song at 1.25x speed and try shadow boxing in rhythm to the beat. You’ll be feeling like Muhammad Ali halfway through the song

    I'm back again
  • Guess who’s back/ Back again/ Teezy’s back/ Tell a friend!

  • How do you recognise a comrade in the wild?
  • I can take a picture of it later when I’m off work, it’s pretty inconspicuous, but comes in handy when you’re bored and in need of reading material

  • Have you ever thought about moving to a socialist country?
  • That makes things just a bit easier then, if things go right, hopefully I’ll be able to leave this shithole in 10-15 yrs

  • *Permanently Deleted*
  • “Eavesdropped on by a giant statue of Marx”

  • r/serbia brainrot
  • There’s something so cool about writing his name as “Kastro”

  • Ubisoft execs and employees detained over sexual misconduct
  • Fuck Pubisoft, the LAST thing the gaming community needs is more misogyny and abuse. Hopefully they rake these perverts over the coals to show that that shit doesn’t slide

  • Education Hub ButtigiegMineralMap

    Edmodo, an Educational Tech Company, is in hot water for selling the info of underage kids Oh no, you don’t, Edmodo: FTC sues ed tech company for violating school kids’ privacy

    Educational technology hasn’t totally overtaken chalk dust and penmanship, but ed tech certainly has found its way into schools.

    Oh no, you don’t, Edmodo: FTC sues ed tech company for violating school kids’ privacy

    To preface, this company has been around for a little while, over 10 years and this private company has been hired and used by public schools for over a decade now. They tried to make it like Facebook but for kids, and they made us do it. When you’re in 4th grade and your teacher tells you to make an account you don’t think twice about it. Looking back tho, it was weird as FUCK: they would ask you for an email (ok pretty normal) then ask for your phone number if you have one (umm a bit weird) then they’d ask you to say what town you live in (ok dude too far) then they would be like ok last step tell us your full name and put up a picture for your pfp (what the fuck). Keep in mind these are all KIDS. Not only did Edmodo sell all this info, but that’s also like 1 step away from inviting child predators into your site. Idk if anything happened with that particular theory (I hope to God it didn’t) but it seems like a very bad idea to put kids’ private info online. At least now they’re facing repercussions but that’s not nearly enough and it’s way too late. Check this FTC article for more info on their fuckups


    Opinion on Hippies?

    As a kid my Dad really warped my perspective on Hippies. He was born in the 60s and loved the music of the 60s and 70s and he’s very Liberal. At first I used to think Hippies were the best people that humanity could ever bring forth: Peace-loving folks who love everyone and believe in preserving nature. And I still appreciate a lot of that sentiment, especially protesting the Vietnam War, but as I became a Marxist I became sorta disillusioned with the Hippie’s dedication to non-violence and how their “free love” was often used as an excuse to be a sex-pest drug-addled parasite who refuses to work. I don’t like Forrest Gump’s portrayal of Hippies exactly, it was written by a right winger, they aren’t all assholes and they usually don’t beat women for sure. Nowadays I can respect their anti-war sentiments and their pro-nature stances but so much of being a hippy seems to be a misunderstanding of what gets shit done. Also some Hippie music is great but FUCK jam bands, nobody’s trying to hear a song that’s as long as a full album and just repeats over and over again with slight variations. That’s all I have to say about Hippies, what are your thoughts?


    Chief Sosa For President 2024

    Legalize Marijuana, drop all gun charges, subsidized drugs(medical and recreational)


    Favorite Number?

    I don’t mean like years or anything. Obviously we love 1917 and 1949 and 1959 for their historical significance, but what numbers do you just LIKE? For me personally, I like the number 6. Idk why, I just like it. What are yours?


    Most nostalgic video game for you?

    Most of us probably grew up playing video games, some of them we forgot or our gaming system ain’t what it used to be. What games bring you back to the good ol’ days when you didn’t know what politics were and couldn’t be bothered to watch the news bc the new ep of Spongebob is on? For me I have to say the Simpsons Game (PS2), the Billy & Mandy Fighting Game (PS2) DK Country (SNES) and NBA 2k14 (PS3, please whatever Deity is out there bring me back to 2013 so I can cheat in 2k again and make my MyPlayer basically just Michael Jordan 😭) and probably Infamous for PS3, I probably played the first game like 18 times fr. What are your faves?


    Disgusting often-forgottenBob Dylan song “The Neighborhood Bully”

    I really like Bob Dylan’s music and he even sang a few Irish Independence songs that were great, so I thought for the longest time that politically Bob Dylan was a pacifist-leaning Lefty. Lefty in the sense that he wrote Maggie’s Farm, some anti-war songs and stuff like that. But this song is HORRID. Bob Dylan sings about how Israel is lied about and outnumbered and trapped, how they can’t even defend themselves without everyone criticizing them. In case anyone thinks “well that was long ago, people can change”, Bob Dylan did shows in Israel in 2011 after being asked by Palestinian groups and sympathetic groups around the world to boycott them. This song The Neighborhood Bully was released like a year after they invaded Lebanon, murdering thousands. He made some good music, but Fuck Bob Dylan.


    Favorite albums?

    What albums do yall listen to from beginning to end? There are plenty of artists and bands that I like with great songs but sometimes the album has filler in between the main tracks. Which albums do you feel like have little to no filler? I’d put up Chief Keef’s Finally Rich (debut album) Licensed To Ill by the Beastie Boys, maybe Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band by Beatles, Curtis (1970) by Curtis Mayfield and Cuba Libre by Carlos Puebla. What are your favorites?

    Movies ButtigiegMineralMap

    Movies you’ve seen recently?

    I saw Vice (2018) a few nights ago and it was a very entertaining movie. It’s about Dick Cheney’s life story made by Adam McKay, he also made great comedy movies in the past. I just finished watching Misery (1990) today and it was easily one of the best movies I’ve seen in a while. Great suspense and kinda funny at times, that’s to be expected from the director of the film, Rob Reiner. What have yall been watching lately?


    Ok, now I NEED to see this movie

    I always thought the movie was controversial because it was about JFK getting killed and the story of who was involved, I was waaaay off the mark. This movie sounds awesome, lemme get my soda, popcorn and 3-D glasses!

    Movies ButtigiegMineralMap

    What genre of Movies do you enjoy the most?

    Try to be specific if possible. Like horror could mean many things, a fan of classic Dracula films may not like Green Room. An action fan who loves Rocky and Raging Bull may not like The Raid or Inglorious Basterds. That being said, which genres/sub-genres of movies are generally your favorites? I’ve always been a fan of gross-out humor and dumb humor like Jackass and Stepbrothers. I also really love a few movies that are political like Wag The Dog (which Benjamin Norton recommended in a Multipolarista episode) and Мать (1926) I highly recommend that one, it was made in the USSR about the 1905 Revolution


    Nikki Haley tosses an alley-oop to Chen Weihua.

    Don’t pass this man the rock when he’s hot🔥🏀🔥🥵HE WILL COOK! Edit: For context, she was saying “China is killing Americans” through opioids and saying Biden is helping China to kill more.


    Opinions on Marijuana Legalization or on Cannabis in general?

    I can definitely understand peoples’ issues with it being consumed, especially in a political context, but how do yall feel about “weed”? I won’t hide my feelings, I am very much pro-weed, it’s not great that I started in my mid-teens but in my area it’s FAR from uncommon. I don’t smoke daily or anything, I’m not addicted to it (people say it’s non-habit forming but any drug can be addictive with enough frequent usage) but I do smoke and dab w/ friends often. That’s not why I believe in legalization tho, my main thing is you shouldn’t make a naturally occurring plant an illegal substance. I’d point to the DEA’s destructive (legal) burning of thousands of naturally occurring marijuana plants found in nature; This seems eco-fascist to me and to deny the uses of hemp as a production material seems dogmatic to me. The USSR used hemp for industrial purposes during the war and it helped in a major way. I’m sure most of us are familiar with the badge given for Hemp growers. If you have any criticisms, I’m more than open to it, but I feel that marijuana won’t be easy to get rid of in future society and would probably be put to use in different more productive ways.


    Good resources for learning Russian?

    So I’m nearly half Belarusian, I understand that Belarusian is not a language I can apply nearly as much as Russian. Duolingo is pretty bad because they make you guess when it comes to past conjugation. Ex. Words that end in у,а,ого,ю, are all guesswork. Mango languages is a good app, it’s a paid service but free if you have a library card, but the app keeps glitching and won’t work. What is a good website SPECIFICALLY for learning Russian? I’d rather have a website specifically for learning one language than a jack of all trades that barely teaches you how to speak the language. And if any comrades learning Russian would like to practice conversations with me I’d be more than willing to PM


    Based Quora response???

    ! usually Quora is garbage but damn this is pretty good. Wish they went a bit more in-depth but I like this, it’s a change of pace from most garbage answers (and questions) from Quora lol


    What is net neutrality? How does net neutrality work?

    I am unfortunately not very tech-savvy(I’m better at it than my parents lol but that’s not saying much) but I would like to know more(just a bit at a time, not like my friends in middle school who built their own PCs which is apparently kinda common among tech/gaming hobbyists with a bit of money but I was absolutely blown away). When I was in HS, there was the whole Ajit Pai thing and talk about Net Neutrality. It quickly blew over and people didn’t talk about it much. Basically TL;DR What is it? How does it differentiate from not having net neutrality and what are Marxist opinions on it?


    Deleted Reddit today. I am healing internally lol❤️‍🩹

    I got banned from my literal fav subreddit bc I got a high rated comment and the mods checked my profile and called me a “terrorist” (except I have never had any attempts at or approval of terrorism, terrorism is to create terror as Lenin said, it doesn’t stir up anything good among a terrified working class and I’m not a psychopath) so I just deleted Reddit. No more libs in my head. No more Yoocrane funds talked about every 2 seconds. No TieJuan talked about every 3 seconds. Peace ☮️ Finally.


    Best chinese translated resources?

    I was listening to an ep of the Deprogram where they talk about how in China, many people have translated Hakim and Yugopnik’s videos into Chinese to understand Marxist discourse from around the world. I’m a lil jealous because they said it doesn’t happen much the other way around, most Chinese resources are not translated into English. I would like to learn more about Chinese resources on Marxism and modern Chinese takes on anti-Imperialism, I tried looking up Chinese sources and surprise surprise, it’s in Chinese and is not really translated well, barely intelligible in the translation I found. I’ll find the link if I still can. TL;DR Where to find good translations of Chinese resources on Marxism?
