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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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Texas Starts Arresting Abortion Providers
  • Hot take, but the GOP has been using the technicality of shitty laws they pass to give cover for your hot take.

    Parsing up the fine details of this completely avoidable, ridiculously stupid action taken by Texas officials is important to having an honest conversation

  • Is Political Violence Ever Acceptable?
  • That's really the issue. Americans have been brainwashed to think civil disobedience is what won their civil rights. The violence, often initiated by the state against the people, is whitewashed as small skirmishes rather than being prevalent in most protests and the resistance to it needs to be prepared.

  • Fears mount over Kash Patel’s use of FBI to persecute leftwing protest groups
  • Agree 100% and it has always been frustrating to see right wing groups get a pass for what boils down to "mild" terrorism. I just think that, given the current US political climate, it's detrimental to lump the parties together. I'm only a defender of the Dem Party when in contrast to the GOP. Otherwise there's a litany of grievances I'd aim at them.

  • Fears mount over Kash Patel’s use of FBI to persecute leftwing protest groups
  • That's a BS "both sides-ism" that can result in people shrugging off the absolute destruction of the operational norms. I wouldn't argue that the two primary parties are heading in the same direction of fascism. However, there's a significant difference between the gleeful sprinting towards it by the right as compared to the Dems dragging their feet and enjoying the scenery.

    While the 100 year result might be the same if there isn't systemic change, one side (primarily by inaction) will provide more time to correct course before hitting the iceberg