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Blursty Blursty
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If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • get your left vs right straightened out

    Are you going to try to tell me that the Dems are on the left or something? Does the concept have no meaning at all to you?

  • Evidence suggests errant Ukrainian missile – not a Russian one – caused market deaths, NYT reports | News24
  • So you're only promising "allusions" now. Kind of a shit deal man. Take your L.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • Citations for common knowledge now.

    How many sources did you ever manage to provide for Russiagate? Zero, because it was another right wing nutcase conspiracy theory.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • It's telling that you alt right losers never have anything to counter the truth. Just continue to live in your weirdo bubble of lying to yourself and pretending you believe what you're told.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • The FBI have admitted to it. Zuckerburg has admitted it and implicated twitter in it, and finally the twitter files showed it.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • There are no facts in that “article” just the same conspiratorial ravings

    Hunter wasn't appointed to the board of Bursima after the Nazi coup? And Kerry's stepson? Or they would have gotten those jobs if Yanukovych hadn't been illegally overthrown by the US?

    Is this your contention?

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • This is something that just happened in your mind.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • Was it wrong for America to support the overthrow of the Russian puppet government in Ukraine?

    This is a far right conspiracy theory. You can tell because you have nothing to back it up and it only enables and excuses the Unazi States.

    So, I’m struggling to see why I should care about Hunter Biden in particular.

    They covered up this story to rig your elections. When you thought it was the Russians doing that (tell the truth, you believed that didn't you?) I bet you were pissed off.

  • If the Facts Come Out, it Could Spell the End for Joe Biden
  • What specifically did you take issue with?

  • US Sees Highest Ever Increase in Poverty

    Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis
  • why it’s incorrect to equate membership in a Waffen-SS foreign legion with membership in the SS. Both organizations are guilty of war crimes and atrocities.

    I'm still not clear on what the significant difference is.

    With the Waffen-SS it’s less certain if each and every member is guilty and to which degree.

    Couldn't you say this about literally any group of mass murderers? Why does this not apply to the SS?

  • Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis
  • accusations of impropriety have been leveled

    Nazi apologism.

  • Zelenskyy joins Canadian Parliament's ovation to 98-year-old veteran who fought with Nazis
  • choose between two imperialist powers

    Jesus Christ. Learn what imperialism is FFS. I can't keep cringeing on this ignorant shit.

  • Exclusive: Biden aides in talks with Vietnam for arms deal that could irk China
  • These were the same ETIM training camps that the US set up?

  • Evidence suggests errant Ukrainian missile – not a Russian one – caused market deaths, NYT reports | News24
  • Actually yes - if there is an actual military to fight against. If there is a Guerilla type of conflict, it’s harder for a regular military to win.

    Got an example of this?

    Some of the tactics don’t work if things like Air Superiority are not held.

    So, shit.

    I already talked about the Guerilla tactics… and to throw some whataboutism in

    So, shit.

    Yeah, russian „liberation“ often means killing everyone in sight

    Well now you're just being hysterical.

    when those Russian fascists have lost the war.

    Russia is not fascist. Ukraine is fascist.

  • Evidence suggests errant Ukrainian missile – not a Russian one – caused market deaths, NYT reports | News24
  • Russia has never threatened nukes. Only the west and Ukraine has.

  • "If communism isn't inherently authoritarian then why are all the existing communist countries so authoritarian?"
  • Comment OP isn’t countering the accusations against communism, they are saying well what about America bad.

    I'm literally countering the accusations by saying they're nonsense and that there's no such thing as "Authoritarian".

  • Outrage after police officer said dead Indian student had "limited value"



    Kasandras Beware - China's Economy Will Not Hit A Wall


    Kasandras Beware - China's Economy Will Not Hit A Wall


    Kasandras Beware - China's Economy Will Not Hit A Wall


    Did you know that Zelensky is a BILLIONAIRE? This was revealed years ago by the Pandora Papers. Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Volodymyr Zelenskiy has railed against politicians hiding wealth offshore but failed to disclose links to BVI firm

    Revealed: ‘anti-oligarch’ Ukrainian president’s offshore connections

    Zelensky was a low-income actor who overnight began buying property in London, Tel Aviv and Switzerland, and running offshore accounts. How is this possible?

    Africa Blursty

    France has the 4th largest gold reserves in the world, thanks to Mali's gold mines.


    Michael, a Jewish man from Australia who has illegally settled in a colonial Israeli settlement in the occupied West Bank, claims God gave him the land, therefore, Palestinians have no right there.

    Lemmy Support Blursty

    "Show Context" not working for anyone else?

    When I click show context on a reply, I’d like to see the comment that they replied to, so I can remember what the fuck I was saying, but nothing happens, the page just refreshes. Is this a new bug? Maybe related to OP’s?


    $360B on nuclear subs, locking into US military strategy, opening up our country to US troops and military hardware, we ask them to free an Australian citizen and the US says piss off!

    --Former Australian senator, Doug Cameron


    Standard level of reporting of the Ukraine war


    Thought this belonged here.


    UN Human Rights Expert Calls for Immediate Close of Xinjiang Muslim Detention and Torture Facility


    Texas border agents allegedly laid the wire traps that ensnared a pregnant 19-year-old woman, as part of Greg Abbott's plan to keep migrants out. Texas Border Agents Allegedly Laid Traps That Ensnared Miscarrying Pregnant Teen

    The wire traps, from which a 19-year-old pregnant woman had to be cut free, are part of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's (R) ghoulish border plan to keep migrants out.

    Texas Border Agents Allegedly Laid Traps That Ensnared Miscarrying Pregnant Teen

    She had to be cut out of the wire and miscarried soon after.


    Texas troopers told to push children into Rio Grande, deny water to migrants, records say

    WASHINGTON — Officers working for Gov. Greg Abbott’s border security initiative have been ordered to push small children and nursing babies back into the Rio Grande, and have been told not to give water to asylum seekers even in extreme heat, according to an email from a Department of Public Safety trooper who described the actions as “inhumane.”


    Any recommendations on what to use to post video?

    I often come across videos I want to post here. I'd gotten used to reddit's video upload feature, which I think is relatively new to reddit. In the absence of this function on lemmy, does anyone have any good video upload sites they can recommend? Like an imgur for video?


    Standard blue and yellow stuff



    Fair and balanced debate


    Comrade Titanic


    Adrian Zenz saves the world!
