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BertramDitore BertramDitore
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Which of the four Avatar nations would you rather live in?
  • Ha! I never thought about the underground mansion hideaway. Good stuff. You’re right, they’d be pretty much unstoppable and unbeatable.

  • Supreme Court Corrects EPA Opinion After Gorsuch Confuses Laughing Gas With Air Pollutant
  • It’s a little known fact that Justice Gorsuch’s mother was the EPA Administrator under Reagan, and she resigned after an abysmal record of mismanagement.

    He’s clearly got some mommy issues.

  • Which of the four Avatar nations would you rather live in?
  • If I could bend, I think I’d choose the earth nation. Imagine how much cool shit you could build. Need an extension on your house? Here’s a brand new stone wall in 30 seconds.

    I would take it upon myself to solve homelessness, if it existed. You need a house? Done. You need a house? How many rooms? Done.

    I would build so. much. stuff. It would get weird.

  • The last time you were scared, why?
  • Omg this happened to me last year in my old shitty apartment, but it was real. Somehow a massive roach ended up on top of my comforter. I had serious trouble sleeping for a while after that, and I was seeing tricky shadows for weeks…

    The whole neighborhood had a roach problem, it wasn’t any particular grossness on my part. The general consensus amongst my neighbors at the time was that the nearby restaurants were to blame, but you can be sure I did a deep cleaning after that episode…so glad I don’t live there anymore.

  • Progressives on AIPAC’s Defeat of Bowman: “Now We Know How Much It Costs to Buy an Election”
  • I’ll enthusiastically second ProPublica. They’ve been absolutely killing it lately. They’re the gold standard of investigative journalism.

  • is this the right way to establish boundaries with my nosy coworkers at the hospital?
  • My whole team and I work remotely, so it’s not the exact same situation as you, but I made a concerted effort from day one to set social boundaries with my colleagues. First week on the job my manager found out I’m single and offered to set me up with people. I acted very weird about it, purposefully exaggerating how uncomfortable the offer made me, and she got the hint. We have a very friendly and cordial working relationship, but she no longer pries into my personal life unless I volunteer information. Been happily working under her for four years now.

    That work/life separation quickly filtered down to the rest of my colleagues, to the point where now they act a little weird when a company call starts to get personal. Mission accomplished.

    I think the key thing is that you’ll never get through to people if they can’t read social cues. Sounds like your workplace cliques are filled with those types of oblivious folks, so you might just need to be completely explicit about keeping things fully professional. I’m lucky that my manager is emotionally intelligent, but that’s pretty rare these days.

    Good luck!!

    Edit: queues to cues

  • Progressives on AIPAC’s Defeat of Bowman: “Now We Know How Much It Costs to Buy an Election”
  • I totally agree about Greenwald, but he was pushed out/resigned in 2020, he has nothing to do with them anymore. When he co-founded it, he was still a well-respected journalist. He isn’t anymore, but The Intercept still does exceptional journalism. I recommend taking another look.

  • Ed Davey defends support for legalising cannabis and smoking ban - BBC News
  • Ah got it, thanks for the clarification. Very odd way of referring to strong cannabis.

  • Progressives on AIPAC’s Defeat of Bowman: “Now We Know How Much It Costs to Buy an Election”
  • Yeah I appreciate this take, and I think it’s still mostly accurate, but Glenn Greenwald was pushed out from The Intercept in 2020, when his weird political transformation became apparent. I was very sad to see his weird red-pilling, I really respected the way he handled the Snowden leak. Can’t really take him seriously anymore though. I don’t think they have anyone with his bizarre beliefs on staff anymore.

  • Ed Davey defends support for legalising cannabis and smoking ban - BBC News
  • What? This article, and others on the BBC talk about “skunk” like it’s a totally different thing than “normal” cannabis, and is discussed (according to them) as being incredibly dangerous. Is UK terminology unique or something? I’ve been smoking cannabis for decades, and skunk to me has only ever meant weed that smells skunky.

  • Progressives on AIPAC’s Defeat of Bowman: “Now We Know How Much It Costs to Buy an Election”
  • When people talk about the New York Times’ neoliberal bias, this is what we’re talking about. Lots of people won’t notice because it’s relatively subtle, but it is absolutely biased against progressives/actual liberals.

    The New York Times published the headline “Bowman Falls in House Primary, Overtaken by Flood of Pro-Israel Money” — before swapping it out for “Bowman Falls to Latimer in a Loss for Progressive Democrats.”

    This is why we need more independent outlets like The Intercept. This shit needs to be called out.

  • Supreme Court halts enforcement of the EPA's plan to limit downwind pollution from power plants
  • I used to live downwind of an oil refinery, and at least once a year (sometimes 5 or 10 times in a year) there was an illegal emission that blanketed the entire town with particulate matter. The air quality would go from perfectly safe to barely breathable in minutes. As someone with asthma, I felt it immediately, and would have to lock myself indoors with an air purifier.

    We’re going to be dealing with significantly more wildfires and increasingly poor air quality thanks to climate change, so the least we could do is ensure that businesses don’t fuck up the air more than it already is.

    Fuck the supreme court for doing everything it can to make our lives worse.

  • Most Americans plan to watch the Biden-Trump debate, and many see high stakes, an AP-NORC poll finds
  • I’m a very engaged voter, and I’m pretty sure I won’t be watching this debate. I know more than I need to about both candidates, so the only reason I’d watch is for entertainment value and to see who fucks up the most. That’s not a valuable use of my time, nor is it a good reason for having a debate.

    I don’t have much sympathy for undecided voters at this point. If you plan to vote for Trump, for any reason, then I don’t respect you. This debate won’t change that.

  • Jeffrey Epstein’s Ex Says He Boasted About Being a Mossad Agent
  • Yeah, seriously. It actually sounds like she might have had it even worse than his “normal” victims. What an absolutely disgusting piece of shit. As time goes on and we learn more, he only looks more and more fundamentally evil.

    Brad Edwards, an attorney for Doe, told The Daily Beast, “In addition to Epstein’s rotation of victims, there was typically one person who he made believe was his girlfriend, usually completely in the dark about his criminal abuse.”

    “Jane Doe 200 was that girlfriend during this period of time, which means she learned more information than most other victims,” Edwards added. “In the end, Epstein violently raped her in a manner far worse than his usual modus operandi. This victim has lived in a particular fear for a long time and she deserves justice.”

  • Kenya Protests: Obama’s Sister Praised For Bravery After She, Daughter Get Teargassed On Live TV
  • Okay, instead let’s care because she’s an activist and founder and director of a foundation that advocates for disabled children. Seems like she matters to a lot of people, despite who her half-brother is.

  • U.S. surgeon general declares gun violence a public health crisis
  • It feels right to me. People are being injured, maimed, permanently disabled, and killed. All by a particular piece of readily available technology. When we can point to the single thing that causes all those individual health emergencies, and it’s consistently happening across the country on a daily basis to many many people, in public spaces that are otherwise quite safe, that’s most definitely a public health crisis.

  • Supreme Court Will Rule On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors
  • Very good points, thanks for the correction. My blind rage got in the way…

  • Supreme Court Will Rule On Gender-Affirming Care For Minors
  • Frankly I don’t even trust the ‘liberal’ justices to get this right. There is absolutely no reason for nine lawyers with no medical background to make a ruling that will impact the availability of life-saving medical treatments for one of our most vulnerable populations.

    I’ve got an idea, let women do whatever the fuck they want with their bodies, and stop being so creepy about the genders of our children. This shit is nobody’s business.

  • Options for non-smart TV in UK 2024?
  • I know you said to avoid the “just don’t connect it” advice, but I frankly think that’s your best bet without shelling out absurd amounts of money. I hate the concept of smart TVs, so like you I tried to find a reasonably priced dumb TV. Had zero luck. Instead, I bought a 55” Hisense TV (U8K) about 6 months ago, and have never once connected it to the internet. I think it’s technically a Google TV, but I wouldn’t know, since I just connect my devices to it, no internet necessary. It’s a gorgeous display with amazing picture quality. All the features are enabled, nothing was stuck behind an internet-wall. I don’t regret it.