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Bernie_Sandals Bernie_Sandals
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Video: Donald Trump Declares “We will not have a female President"
  • Wearing a bed sheet, fucking couch cushions, we need to get this man away from furniture! /s

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • You can't say you don't care about specifics when the specifics specifically refute what you're saying.

    You can ignore the difference between legal ports of entry and the rest of the border, but the entirety of border law is built upon this difference, so ignoring this difference immediately makes you irrelevant among all professional discussion of the border. There's also a massive difference between closing the border and closing the border in areas where it can't be regulated, which is what the Biden administration did, the border is not closed.

    "Border Cops" aren't the ones doing the investigations into Cartel and terrorist group members, that would be DHS. There's a massive difference between DHS getting the name and identity of a terrorist, putting them on a list, their name coming up to Border Control at the border, and then Border Control holding them until DHS can investigate, and "every immigrant is detained indefinitely with no lawyer in terrible conditions" which was your original claim.

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • Points out what you're saying isn't true

    "Okay but it's still indefinite and he wants to close the border"

    As I addressed, both of those are false, but if you would like to ignore the truth and retreat to your comfortable talking points where you can pretend the Dems only want to do good things to fight the Reps then go ahead.

    What you're forgetting is that Indefinite Detainment, (which lasts usually until Trial, on which case they go to a real prison or are deported) only applies to literal terrorists and cartel members, and that the Biden "Closed Border" Policy only applies to illegal between-port-of-entry immigration, legal immigration through legal ports of entry is still completely allowed under this policy, and has several exemptions for humanitarian concerns.

  • Kamala Harris Planted Trees For Israel As A Child, Recalls Fond Memory After Netanyahu Meeting
  • The majority, or at least a plurality, are definitely opposed to the genocide or are at least wanting a ceasefire. But the majority also support Israel's right to exist. They basically just disagree with the severity of Israel's actions.

    THANK YOU, for pointing this out, it's ignored completely usually, way too many people look at the polling for who wants to stop selling weapons to Israel and come away thinking "Oh a majority of people must want this state to be destroyed/abolished".

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • Firstly, He wasn't my candidate, I always supported Bernie.

    Second, yes the party got him to step down, but after that happened, why do you think no one added their names to the list for consideration at the convention, and before that why did no big name Dems compete in the primary against Biden?

    The answer is very simple, no Democrat wants it right now, every single big name like Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, or AOC would rather wait until 2028 or after to run, and that's why literally every single one immediately threw their support behind Harris.

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • I think arguing that the Dems are fighting against the literal fascist party is a sign of them fighting not taking part in xenophobia. But sure, if you'd only like to talk about the Dems policy and ignore the fascists I can do that too.

    First Biden ended the xenophobic Trump travel ban, and other programs that inhumanely seperated families and kept migrants detained for months. This changing is the main reason the system is different, Trump didnt pass any laws on the border, so all of his executive orders could be immediately rescinded or changed.

    Second he strengthened programs such as DACA to protect over 700,000 people from deportations

    Third, he sent Kamala Harris to address migration at its root causes, primarily poverty in Latin America, by investing in unions, public welfare plans, and businesses in those countries, while also working with NGO's to strengthen democracy in those countries.

    Fourth Biden increased Trump's limit for how many refugees/asylum seekers the US could take per year, from 15,000 people per year, to its level now of 125,000 per year.

    Fifth, Biden signed executive orders reforming ICE, limiting the amount and type of deportations they can carry out, and requiring border facilities to have the same standards as Federal Prisons. While also drastically shortening the average amount of time migrants and asylum seekers stayed detained.

    Sixth, Biden put back in place protections originally granted under the Obama administration but gotten rid of by Trump, that grants asylum for gang or domestic violence, allowing them to stay in the U.S (not in detainment) while their case is reviewed.

    Seventh, Biden created a new path to citizenship for hundreds of thousands of people when he signed an executive order granting the undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens green cards.

    The policy of the Biden administration has been entirely built around taking in more people through legal avenues, while trying to decrease the amount of illegal migration, while also trying to aid the countries battered by poverty and decades of U.S. military intervention that are the sources of the migration in the first place.

    You can say "Biden tried to close the border" or "People held indefinitely" but both of them are untrue, border crossing would only become closed to those who tried to come across illegally, the legal avenues wouldn't close, and the Biden administration has brought the amount of time the average asylum seeker is detained massively from several months under Trump, to an average of 10 - 30 days under Biden.

    That's the Democratic policy, and I strain to see how any of it comes from xenophobic intentions, but if you would like to say that they're the same, or even that the democrats are "an evil" on the issue and don't want to fix it, then go ahead.

  • Young voters are moving toward Harris and feeling less ‘meh’ about voting
  • Did anyone else credible run in this primary or submit their names to the convention for nomination? Why do you think no one submitted their names?

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • Do you think there's a difference between the Dems having migrants detained for on average a month (farrrrr less than the limit for pretrial detention for even citizens), just to process paperwork and decide whether they can come in or not, and the Republicans who intentionally used it to punish and seperate families, and plans to use the military to round up millions of immigrants?

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • The dems are keeping undocumented migrants in concentration camps?

    I'd say being detained for at most a month to a couple months, to a year if deemed an immediate security risk. Is a very far cry from a concentration camp. Especially compared to the fact Trump literally wants to use the military to round up millions of migrants and place them in actual camps.

    I agree we need to immediately address the humanitarian crisis at the border, but literally the only ones who are refusing to do so are the Republicans Trump Cultists, and they control half of congress right now.

    Maybe help more Democrats get elected so we can get a real solution, and more legal pathways to citizenship, instead of just claiming "the Dems are the real fascists".

  • July 2024 Swing State Polls: Harris Trails Trump in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Tied in Wisconsin - Emerson Polling
  • You'd have to be incredibly privileged to think the Democrats in any way take part in/don't fight against perpetuating xenophobia in America.

  • Harris is starting to vet potential running mates. Her initial list includes nearly a dozen names
  • He also has a twin brother who is also an astronaut, that means double the campaigning and no one will know! /s

    For real though, Kelly would probably be a great choice, if nothing more than because his politics are at least okay, and his career hopefully makes it really really hard for Republicans to criticize him.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • That's not a federal law, murder within a state is charged and tried by the state the murder was committed in. The only exceptions to this would be murders on federal property, or possibly murders on federal officials AFAIK.

  • Biden calls for justice after footage released of police killing Black woman
  • What federal law did these cops break that the DOJ could prosecute?

    He's doing about the entirety of what he can do right now by urging congress to pass this bill, he's already signed several executive orders on police reform.

  • Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns
  • True, I'm pretty sure that's just because it still has a large user base though, doesn't negate the fact that it has the same info as other places, but is filled with Nazis and misinformation.

  • Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns
  • Honest question, why not just use something like ground news then? It's got all the same sites, gets past pay walls, and you don't have to see random nazis and bot accounts, seems like a much better user experience.

  • Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns
  • I often find that people who say this are extremely bad at actually determining what a reputable journalist is.

  • Nadler urges Republicans to investigate X's restrictions on Kamala Harris' campaign account, citing censorship concerns
  • Is it really? In my experience you're much more likely to find misinformation about breaking news than real breaking news itself on Twitter.

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