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Berin Berin

she/her, 20+,🇩🇪 doing some gamedev with renpy Interests: FFXIV and games in general, art, anime, and books Lots of random retoots!

FFXIV: G'raha Tia enthusiast, Light/Zodiark, resident glamour addict of the Mangolei FC ❤

I stream on twitch sometimes!

Posts 9
Comments 18
Dawntrail Countdown Illistration #4
  • @Kiosade @Drusenija Today was early access, the official release is July 2

  • How will you spend your time during this maintenance?
  • @ganoo_slash_linux I'll probably order pizza at least once 😅

  • Dawntrail Countdown Illustration #5
  • @Drusenija This is one of my favorites so far!

  • How will you spend your time during this maintenance?

    How will you spend your time during this maintenance?

    I'll clean my desk, and get a bunch of energy drinks and snacks, probably.

    \#FFXIV @ffxiv

    Preliminary Patch Notes for 7.0 Launch
  • @Drusenija pls crops are withering and ravens are eating my mustard seeds...just a few more glamour plates 🥺

  • Preliminary Patch Notes for 7.0 Launch
  • @Drusenija the increased armory bonus 👀

  • How to Sell Visual Novels at Conventions

    How to Sell Visual Novels at Conventions

    This is a guide on how to set up and run a booth to sell games and merch at a convention. Super useful if you have never tabled at a con before:

    \#GameDev #IndieDev #VNDev @gamedev

    How are you preparing for Dawntrail?
  • @Drusenija @Berin Your glam is really cute!! I really dread cleaning out my inventory 🫠 I plan to play picto so, i should prepare some gear as well..

  • How are you preparing for Dawntrail?

    How are you preparing for Dawntrail?

    We only have a week left until early access starts, what are you guys doing to prepare for it? I've grinded out the carbuncle earring from the mogtome event and plan to do the wondrous tails for that extra exp. Also, both my inventory and glamour dresser are completely full, so I'll need to make some room beforehand.. But most importantly, I still need a fitting glam :D

    \#FFXIV @ffxiv

    Dawntrail Media Tour Discussion: The Media-Tour Embargo has been lifted
  • @ffxiv Also story-wise, Yoshi-P recommends to take a look at the Alliance raids and the convocation... 👀

  • Dawntrail Media Tour Discussion: The Media-Tour Embargo has been lifted
  • @ffxiv My takeaways so far:
    - Chat bubbles are on the way!
    - 2-Dye channels look pretty good
    - Yoshi-P mentioned multiple times that they want to get more experimental with mechanics again, and I can't wait to see what they'll come up with!
    - I'm still unsure if I'll like PCT or not - the paint mechanic looks kind of annoying to use with the cast-time, still gonna try it though

  • Dawntrail Media Tour Discussion: The Media-Tour Embargo has been lifted

    Dawntrail Media Tour Discussion: The Media-Tour Embargo has been lifted

    Let's discuss the news here!



    This is another test post!
  • @teft @test Thank you for your contribution! ❤

  • This is another test post!
  • Permanently Deleted

  • This is another test post!
  • @TheCrimsonSpark @test @NIGHTEN :0 you're right, that must be it! good to know~

  • This is another test post!
  • @test
    All in all you could somewhat easily "crosspost" in your home instance and lemmy as long as you don't overdo it with the tags as they don't look that pretty in a lemmy post body 😏

    i'm kinda curious why some communities boost your posts and others don't though

  • This is another test post!
  • @test Final observations: Emojis do not federate :(

    comments do now, but so far I only see my convo with Rubi and not Nighten's comment.

    Tags are also clickable in the lemmy version of the post, and they lead to the tags of my home instance.

    Likes show up as upvotes as expected, links work as well.

    The main post also shows up in the regular home platform search under the used tags.

  • This is another test post!
  • @TheCrimsonSpark @test Yeah, you have to manually crosspost on lemmy instead, theres a button for it 🤔 Just wanted to see how much you can do without leaving your home platform

  • This is another test post!
  • @test This one shows up on feddit properly! Conclusion: don't tag more than one community I suppose :blobcat:

  • This is a test post!
  • @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    Current findings:

    The post immediately showed up in the techncs community, image and all, but it didn't get boosted on here. The image description didn't federate though. The feddit community did nothing at all.

    After I added the community, it actually boosted the post as expected and now when i click on the original post on tchncs, it redirects me to the version suddenly 🤔

    Comments did not federate at all, but maybe I just broke it

  • This is a test post!
  • @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    This is a test comment with a bunch of custom emotes :blobcat: :blobaww: :Blobhaj:

  • Test Berin

    This is a test post!

    This is a test post!

    This is the post body

    Here's a link

    Edit: I edited this post and tagged another community

    \#Test #TestTag

    @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

    So what have you been doing while waiting for Dawntrail?
  • @lorty I'm trying to clear Eureka Orthos (which would be my first Deep Dungeon clear) for glam. Apart from that I'd like to finish the raid tier as well, I've only cleared P8S :/