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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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  • To me as a layman it immediately brings up a connection to feminism. I don't think that anybody who will want to get men to think different will get very far using the word "patriarchy", given men being more right leaning.

    There isn't much substance to my argument than "nuh uh I don't like that word" but it is what it is. There must be some better approach "marketing wise", despite patriarchy being technically correct.

  • homelab BenchpressMuyDebil

    Away from home for months; homelab unreachable; now looking for UPS

    I'm currently traveling for months at a time and my homelab has become unreachable to me over VPN due to a unknown complication after a power outage.

    Just as a learning experience for all, my mistake was that I set-up my VPN very far down the stack - as a wg-easy app inside TrueNAS SCALE's apps ecosystem. My very important reason for doing it was that way was that wg-easy allows for setting up client devices with a QR code...

    Anyway, the NAS is not booting back up nor do the TrueNAS apps. I should've set my VPN up right at the front of the network - on my MikroTik router that also supports Wireguard. The funny thing is I was so happy that my NAS has IPMI and whatnot but now I can't even access it.

    For now the NAS is kept powered on from what I know, it just doesn't boot. This should help prevent bitrot until I'm back. All important files are backed up on a 3rd party service.

    It's a shame my Jellyfin and Navidrome inaccessible, but I'll live.


    Now I'm thinking about buying an UPS so that this doesn't happen in the future. I'd like the UPS to be fanless and rackmount, so that limits me to ~700VA territory.

    Devices in my homelab pull about 65W idle and spike to say 150W when everything is booting. ISP modem, router, POE+ switch, AP, NAS. I might add another 20W due to a Lenovo M920q in the future.

    I only really care about NUT and graceful shutdown instead of long runtime on battery.

    I was thinking about this:

    In my country I can get it with new batteries (no front panel) and a network card for NUT for a total of 180 EUR.

    Would that work? Would you be afraid of leaving an UPS (it is kinda like a bomb after all) unattended an leaving your home for 6 months at a time?

    After Ubisoft shut down The Crew's servers, this group of modders began work to bring them back
  • My god maybe that "open source games" lemmy community got one thing right

    It's just a joke how e.g. tf2 players beg a megacorp to fix their game every year now. I like tf2 but the power dynamic between the publisher and the player is crazy

  • The major Organic Maps June update
  • You can also create an account and just leave a note on the map (a message that other contributors to OSM see) mentioning your observations. It's a good option if editing the map is too overwhelming with all the different tags and how routing algorihms interpret them.

  • They're Usually Shredded Alive Rule :(
  • During my vegan phase I was counting calories with Cronometer - if you eat unprocessed foods you can count calories using data from food-related institutions. Because of that, the protein data is detailed and is split into the individual amino-acids rather than just saying "you ate 100g of protein today". At the end of the day, my panel was all green (meaning 100% RDA) apart from lysine which was lower. I don't see where my diet was lacking anything crucial protein-wise that necessitates eggs. I can get the micronutrient argument with B12 and dietary cholesterol, but protein?

    The thread poster ridicules "da beans" but is infact "muh eggs" themselves. And I have drawn myself as Chad and them as Wojak to prove it

  • Problemy z federowaniem na szmerze?

    Kiedy wchodzę na to widzę tylko posty ze szmeru. Zazwyczaj widziałem tutaj posty z fedi które mają pareset głosów. Teraz widzę tylko posty ze szmeru, pdoobnie jakbym był na

    Czy coś się dzieje z federowaniem przez ostatnie parę dni?

    Na takim[email protected] aktywne posty są sprzed 8 dni

    Multi account containers
  • FWIW I recently stopped using the extension due to large resource usage - especially painful if you have many tabs open and FF opens many processes for each container tab, eating up more RAM. I just use FF Nightly for personal stuff and regular FF for work.

  • Here’s what we’re working on in Firefox
  • For context, the part where they talk about AI:

    We are approaching the use of AI in Firefox -- which many, many of you have been asking about -- in the same way. We’re focused on giving you AI features that solve tangible problems, respect your privacy, and give you real choice.

    We’re looking at how we can use local, on-device AI models -- i.e., more private -- to enhance your browsing experience further. One feature we’re starting with next quarter is AI-generated alt-text for images inserted into PDFs, which makes it more accessible to visually impaired users and people with learning disabilities.

    I mean, this is not "slapping an LLM on top of the software and calling it AI", it's integrating it into the browser in usable ways.

    One usage of a local model is the local translation feature which was ... kinda nice? Not having to go online to translate? Pretty cool right?

    This is similar here with the alt text, seems like a force for good?

    Feels like they're fulfilling what they said in the first paragraph of the quote.

  • Books BenchpressMuyDebil

    Information retention after reading non-fiction

    After reading a non-fiction book, do you beat yourself up over not remembering all that much? This is especially painful if the book took years to complete (e.g. Anne Applebaum's "Gulag").

    It's a bit ridiculous to expect to become an Encyclopedia after reading something in passing too, though.

    I feel as if working with a computer and using the internet daily destroyed my attention span, which is why I'm self concious about this.


    Instagram locked my account and forced me to appeal and send a picture of my face, so I sent a picture of Shrek. They deleted my account

    I've been a social media hermit for the past 3 years but recently I've given up and created a few accounts across different apps again. It's unreal how strict the requirements are now.

    1. Give e-mail (ok)
    2. Give phone number (.... eeh, ok)
    3. Use the new account for a while
    4. Account suspended, please upload selfie to continue (no thanks xi). There are also some verification promps where you have to record a video and rotate your face left to right

    If this isn't a message to move to indie web I don't know what is


    Wrote some simple code to prevent saving .json if it doesn't parse

    I was working with NPM package.json files a lot lately and I often found myself saving them in an unparseable state. json-ts-mode highlights syntax errors in yellow but it wasn't enough.

    I didn't want to use flymake-eslint becuase it requires having the jsonlint binary in the PATH and I just wanted a simple Lisp solution.

    The code tries to parse the current buffer on save using Emacs' built-in json-parse-string and moves the cursor to the location of the parsing error if it fails.

    The below code naively assumes that the saved buffer is always the current buffer, which may very well not be the case (e.g. (save-some-buffers)).

    It also probably won't save JSON5 files which have // comments inside because json-parse-string won't handle that. ``` (defun rtz/json-parse-pre () (interactive) (if (eq major-mode 'json-ts-mode) (condition-case err (progn (json-parse-string (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))) nil) (json-parse-error (goto-char (nth 3 err)) (error err)))))

    (setq write-file-functions '(rtz/json-parse-pre)) ```


    w tym wątku op spłakuje się nad brakiem wsparcia API FinTS w polskich bankach

    Są sobie takie desktopowe programy do rachunkowości (np. GnuCash). Nie trzeba być jakimś wielkim rekinem biznesu, można nimi po prostu liczyć comiesięczny budżet i dotychczasowy majątek, po prostu wpisujesz:

    • mam tyle pieniędzy w gotówce
    • mam tyle pieniędzy na "głównym" koncie bankowym
    • mam tyle pieniędzy na lokacie na takim i takim procencie

    Można też w nich oczywiście śledzić wydatki. Przy płaceniu kartą wszystkie transakcje widać w przecież na stronie banku po zalogowaniu.

    No tylko że, w ciągu miesiąca tych transakcji to jest z paredziesiąt. Więc po jednej stronie okna masz otwartą stronę banku a po prawej program do księgowości. I tak przepisujesz wartość transakcji i jej datę z jednego programu do drugiego. Wrzucasz też transakcje do odpowiednich kategorii: rachunki, żywność, odzież. Tak wiem że mBank już przydziela płatnosci do różnych kategorii sam z siebie, ale program do rachunkowości ma dużo innych funkcji z którymi webapp mBanku nie ma szans.

    Na szczęscie w GnuCash jest wsparcie dla AqBanking, a AqBanking wspiera banki które korzystają z protokołu FinTS.

    • (po niemiecku, przepuśccie przez translator)

    Korzystając z AqBanking i FinTS można z poziomu tej desktopowej apki wykonywać takie akcje jak:

    • pobierz saldo konta (tj. zsynchronizuj to co jest w banku z tym co jest w GnuCash)
    • pobierz historię transakcji (tj. to co sprawia że nie musisz jak głupi co tydzień przepisywać wykonanych transakcji)
    • :o wyślij przelew bankowy (whaat) - trzeba podać PIN FinTS przy każdej transakcji

    Wszystko fajnie, ale niestety okazuje się że FinTS jest tylko niemeckim standardem.

    > HBCI [prekursor FinTS przyp. OP.] was originally designed by Germany's three banking "pillar" networks, namely the Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe, German Cooperative Financial Group, and Association of German Banks.

    Idąc dalej, do wspomnianego Association of German banks należy Commerzbank, który jest większościowym właścicielem mBanku, więc teoretycznie mają know-how i ludzi którzy mogliby to zrobić. Ja wiem, że w bankowości wszystko porusza się powoli (ile czasu zajęło zanim pierwszy bank w Polsce zaczął obsługiwać klucze U2F - ING), ale no kurde Polska jest przecież fintechowym poligonem doświadczalnym.

    Tutaj nawet ktoś na forum ING o to dopytywał (ostatni post 2022): No i jest też taki o projekt na GitHubie na wsparcie AqBanking do mBanku:

    Nawet na chwilę zastanawiałems się czy mógłbym otworzyć prawdziwe niemieckie konto bankowe, ale zakładam że nie byłoby to nijak opłacalne przez transakcje w PLN.


    What alternative is there to price-gouged goods?

    Yes, I know the answer is "don't buy them".

    Anyway: I've been seeing posts in places that follow the format: "Look how item X in (rich country) costs the same or is more expensive than in Poland"

    Admittedly, those posts aren't about basic necessities. They are about football tickets and the stadium beers or about Subway sandwiches. Although from personal experience, I know that this is happening with groceries as well. Inflation and the war across the border was a great excuse to hike the price of some goods. This doesn't seem just to me, given the wage disparity between say Ireland and Poland. But hey, you gotta get that YoY 20% growth somehow. Poland being the poster child of "look what capitalism does".

    So when we take the example of buying groceries to stay alive, what alternative do you have to the large stores that are obviously fucking you over? I can afford to pay those inflated prices, I just don't want to affirm the effectiveness of the "let's hike the prices of everything because we have the excuse to" master plan.

    Here are some loose (privileged), perhaps not particularly good ideas that I've had:

    1. Buy food from the inflation basket The Polish (and others probably too) statistical institution keeps a "secret" basket of items based on which the inflation is calculated. It's clear that at least some of those items are known to the stores, because they always cost less, to artificially keep the inflation down. This could work, as long as the stores don't drop the ball on the quality.

    2. Buy local? The thing is that while a supermarket chain has a team of people trying to get people to buy more stuff, the humble farmer selling stuff on the local vegetable market does not.

    The same goes for clothes, as I could get bring my own materials and get some made by a local tailor, rather than buying off-the-rack chinesium from Zara. And look a little more old school wearing it. Though a tailor is a different level of service.

    My local fancy soap shop is several times more expensive than just buying generic tallow bar soap. Sure it's made by local workers within my city, but that's part of the value, hence the price hike.
